Hi Ami, unfortunately my Sado conjuncts my fathers North Node. I feel soo badd. and i have my Mars and Psyche in Gemini conjunct his North Node. This is not your fault, Love. Higley appreciated. Bringing Lilith is a wonderful oppurtunity to a mans world especially if the man this guy has slept with lots of girls can get any girl he is super attractive he's a musician. Love, What about asteroids groom and osiris conjunct a womans NN? even if it was only an asteroid (psyche). I think you can go to both extremes, like focusing way too much on your SN or NN. So what would it mean if my NN is conjuct someone elses NN to the exact degree in scorpio? She has Cancer Moon square Pluto in Libra meaning that she lacks empathy and consideration for others in her emotions and she is explosive, critical, angry, and abrasive. Thanks for saying you like my honest approach. Hehe, But I can also tell he hates me like im some sort of invisable person to him because I rejected him even though I never did!------------------Sun Capricorn, Moon Aries, Libra Rising. In Sumerian and Jewish mythology, she is associated with female demons. It's in Pisces. South Node conjunct (North Node opposite) Aspects in Synastry You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. I feel like it goes one of two ways - either I am very close to them and like them a lot - or - I feel disappointed because they are not living up to my expectations. does these aspects show a positive relationship? Also, square to the nodes, such as moon and venus squares? I found this really cool!!! There are no Dejanira links or issues. If you are interested, please contact me by e mail morelove@mychristianpsychic.com. with the guy im interested in my venus/DSC conjuncts his NN/Pluto/DSC.its love, his NN also trines my ASC and my sun/moon midpoint conjuncts his NN as well, with me being the planet person i feel extremely compelled to love him and take care of him and have his back on anything, but i do get a sense that his not very experienced in his NN department so things like getting to know him deeply is taking a slow pace, very slow pace lol but he expresses his love for me nonthless, with my ex we had NN squared synastry and after a couple years i outgrew him and our relationship got too comfortable where i wanted to explore new horizons again, the love is still there, but i was never IN love, he"ll always be very special to me but his just not what my NN needs, SN synastry too comfortable for me, not exciting enough. Did you have a past life with him? As usual, tighter the orb, the more intense. When I write articles like this I get hate mail. 4) if trine or sextile is exact, will it be felt as strong as conjunct? Done. I think people would kill each other first. If Nessus conjuncts Vesat, Nessus would be used for good, though, such as helping victims of abuse. All of his Lilith's except asteroid Lilith 1181 I think.is conjunct my venus and trine my moon. Neptune/Chiron aspects: Couples with this synastry aspect feel "unconditional love" for one another when it's harmonious. No, but I have seen enough other asteroids play out to speculate. This synastry aspect indicates that in the past life, there . I am an astrology newbie, never used it before for any reason, but have always found it to be fascinating. Please come and join the Forum. In the case of Nessus, he may abuse you and you may not see it as abuse. However, if you want me to help you to find Jesus, that is why I am here. Maniac is more crazy and mood disorder than obsessed. If it is a romantic relationship, sex has an addictive quality. As I said, I watch Nessus and Sado like a hawk. Your email address will not be published. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a. If it is a partnership, competitiveness is the driving force. "-HST, [IMG]http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k89/lcarpen/caaf2b42-90c5-4a42-8a8e-8bb73964 5ab2.jpg[/IMG], ------------------~Ltownboogie~Sun: PiscesAsc: LeoMoon: TaurusVenus: AquariusMars: Taurus, Posts: 2From: toronto, ON, Canada.Registered: Aug 2013, Lilith conj SunLilith conj ChironLilith conj South Node (less than one degree)Venus sextile lilithChiron trine lilith, Copyright 2000-2015 The problem with Lilith you never know which one each person is talking about.. BML black moon Lilith.Fishy BML is conjunct my sun, moon, mercury.It's exact on my moon/mercury.I wish I has an answer, idk how exactly it has taken into effect.but for sure, I've been obsessed. The NN is as much of a look into the future, as anything. What about asteroid Sado conjunct Neptune on North Node in synastry (12 house)? I might be wrong and totally off in left field with my interpretation of Lilith's energy. You might want to consider these possibilities for your Lilith conjunct South Node in Capricorn in the 6th: Workaholism, escaping dealing with relationship issues through overworking, the belief that the female is to do all the daily household chores (and resentment of men, thereof, if female), too much emphasis on career/ambition interfering . It may not show up if it is not a committed long term relationship. Weve been together for almost 3 years, and hes the first man Ive lived with. Thanks, Your email address will not be published. North Node conjunction Sun ( both our northnode conjuncts each others sun) They truly point to our soul's evolution. They must learn to let go in the end if the relationship is over and wish happiness and love to them (yea I know its hard trust me but you will feel better and freed in the future). my pluto (5th house ruler) conjuncts his north node and his venus 2 degress! xx. Lilith in Synastry. Most guys I ever had feelings for were Cancers or had a personal planet in Cancer. Thank you. :)) just wanna ask, what if our northnode is squaring with each other? from what you wrote it seems that north node connection don't develop as easily as the others aside from your best friend whom you have moon conjunct north node with. hey. Hello lovely Ami. I will link it at the end. I have an old boyfriend whos South node conjunct my moon. My peace was when Id run away. If I see a chart with a hard planet or asteroid conjunct someones NN, I tell them to be very careful of marrying the person. People say, it is not for this lifetime. I was in a many years long abusive relationship with a psychopath, who recurrently terrorized me, and (purposely) nearly killed me. I saw the conjunction and started reading up about it. Thank you very much. his SN conjunct my moon (my cancer ascendant ruler) in 10th house Nessus would be the abuser . i so understand your pain, Jennifer. Just adore him and he devastated me. If so, it may just be that. <3. the moon person can feel bulldozed. I respectfully disagree with this. my venus and mars sextiles his mars and venus What would North node conjunct South node do? YOU are the most important person to me. Or maybe I'm just biased. I don't know, more exciting I guess. This would take me a long time to figure out. The Sun person, just who they are, it's almost as . So Sun will offer benefits related to puratatva (below ground matters) when placed in the eighth house Ruling Zodiac Sign: Scorpio The Sun in the . North Node conjunction Venus (2.23) We met years ago and we are thinking of getting back together. I see alot about conjunctions but nothing about oppositions. You dont live with her, though. My intro was like 2% of the entire song. Is there mutual obsession? Very nice! Raw sexuality will be a theme of the relationship. She called me a gollira thinking that Im all that and said that my hair is horrible and nappy, I dont have shit in life, and that no man would want me. Eros/lilith conjunct south node synastry? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman I have literally never heard discourse on natal to composite aspects. But no matter what, even if you are the Sun or the Node ,both people will find it extemely hard to let go of the other person,and they will keep coming back or always feel that they should have tried harder. Im seeing someone whose Vertex, Juno, and Saturn conjunct my N Node in 1st at my ascendant in Scorpio. Will this affect the relationship??? I want him so badly, I have to think every single day of himfor two years now, and Im going insane, its so obsessive Who will be abuser and is this relationship fated to happen? I have been the subject of family abuse since my birth from my mother. A couple with a nodal opposition in those signs can easily join their lives and manifest their destinies because they're both parents. My Moon squares my Nodes and if my Moon isn't aspected in synastry, forget it (but then again, it is the Moon, an essential part of the chart). You guys are like each other's "guilty pleasure" if im right, but Lilith relationships, as magical and unexplainable as they are, are not always healthy. It has another name I think. Like an intro. What about a square instead of a conjunction NN/moon?? I met this man years ago, and I could feel there was so much tension between the two of us. They have a strong will, behave in an assertive and direct way, and they might even be belligerent. If so, squares dont show up unless you live with people, usually, so friends would not have the intensity that these hard things would manifest that much. Alternatively, it can also happen that you display the traits of Mars more strongly. Hellocould you tell me about NN opposing ascendant at 0 degree, NN opposing Mid Heaven at 1 degree? His NN opposing your ASC may be such that his purposes and goals in life may go against your basic walk through life.There may be a pull between this.Let me make it practical. Thank you ! The only way I see this playing out is that he does seem very concerned with my well-being; hell say things like, careful, dont slip! if were walking somewhere wet, or drive safely! things like that, but I never feel overwhelmed or criticized, just cared about. What is it about Asteroid Valentine? It may be difficult for each person to resist the pull of the relationship. My moon is the meat, in the opposition sandwich. I am so glad you are here and thank you so much for sharing. His NN conj my Mars in Pisces 2 degrees. YES, they would matter, Viv.Be careful of betrayal by men particuarly cuz you are very sexy and attractive to men and they could think of you as just a sexual object. Not alone, S. You would have to have some really bad things in synastry for that conclusion to be made like Atropos, Aphophis, Sado, Nessus etc. But you'r right there doesn't seem to be a pattern .. Orchus conj the NNThe Orchus person would make the relationship about a journey of overcoming. youre way too black and white. However, Vesta is very much the same, so it would be an amazing encounter, if we consider these things as a separate entity. That means a great deal to me! Stalker potential? The North Node helps astrologers understand the connection between the Moon, Sun, and Earth at the moment of someone's birth. The Mars conjunct north node transit can be a period when you meet a person who strongly embodies the traits of Mars. I find it hard to manage my own website sometimes lol xoxo, Omg. But honestly, I still haven't figured out how they work for me in synastry lol. We have moon trine mercury, merc. The nodal axis represents our life's path: the South Node represents "where we've been," while the North Node represents "where we're going." Squares to this axis in synastry indicate an instant feeling of familiarity and attraction to one another. The NN in synastry is amazing. I cant tell you to run away. The Mars person, usually, feels compelled to attack the Moon person. Some call you when they need something of you and you wont hear them again. I appreciate you getting back to me. 3 degree orb in Leo, I have my Gemini moon conjunct Gemini mars with a man and it wasnt all that bad but definitely got to be oppressive with his constant texting and telling me what I need to do with my life. Watch and wait it out. The Moon is the heart. Yes, the squares, if close(up to 3 degrees) show thwarts and are important, Ana. I've had people aspect my north node. north node synastry aspects and how they're felt respectively - Lindaland I am not sure about your SUn on his anti vertex but the Sun/Moon midpoint seems to be important although I dont use it myself. Nessus I feel was the abuse of my mother and my father was my rock. This is my observation. My mean, critical, obnoxious aunt has Mars conjunct my Moon in Scorpio. My NN and their planet: I don't have much experience with this one but usually there's a natural affinity and we are at ease with each other. TIA. Idk what to do about the situation. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Saturn brings someone who wants to parent the NN person. That wont change. NN opposing the MC would be his goals being at cross purposes with your career. Moon-North Node: creates an emotional tie between two people. try that and get back to me. I have been addicted to this for years now.. Also, my Mars squares his North Node, too. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop www.infopop.com 2000