Using Lavendars work as a foundation, I was able to identify starseed markings in the birth chart for additional star systems! Looks like a pyramid. They often find it harder to adapt to Earth because of the lower vibrational energy. Born on May 3rd, 1997 in New York City, NY. Even on my legs. These online generators are mostly free but, some charge a minimal cost. These birthmarks are not a requirement to be an Orian but do offer some insight into the particular consciousness evolution journey. Much love, Julia, Yes John!!! All three sides of the triangle are exactly the same size. Starseed markings can also be alternatively sub-grouped into two main groups; The personality traits of each Starseed type differ. Zhonghe lies just south-west of Taipei City and shares borders with Banqiao, Xindian, Tucheng and Yonghe Districts of New Taipei City, as well as Taipei City. Lol. I Have an Eye Shae on EACH of My Palms right Below My Index Fingers. Ultimately, whether you remember a lot or . Am I a starseed? Starseeds Compass Guide to Identifying Your Souls Origins. It is primarily a mixed residential and commercial area. This guide is for you! I have a big mole on the left side if my head right above my ear, Ive always called it my witches mark before I even knew there was such a thing.. Otherwise, your observations may be taken as personal criticism by many. If you are an Orion Starseed, you need to be gentle and understanding of others around you. (Could also be two of them, right index.). Orion people are usually highly sensitive to their environment and can pick up on energies around them. 16) You have strong root and sacral chakras. You may have found yourself wondering, what is an Orion Starseed? and how do I know if I am one?. I do too, but just recently noticed on my heart line 3 dots in the middle that resemble orions belt. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. Aquarius moon I have a big mole on the left side if my head right above my ear, Ive always called it my witches mark before I even knew there was such a thing.. My mom called me a little witch my whole life.. Some of the brightest stars in the Milky Way are in this belt such as Rigel, Saiph, Bellatrix, and Betelgeuse. Lavendar identified the following planetary aspects as indicators for Pleiadian lineage: Have your birth chart created and look for the above aspects to see if you have Pleiadian lineage. I have orions constellation the belt along with the other stars around it on my left fore arm and my left leg below knee Exactly the same pattern.. can anyone explain Thanks in advance. It is not unusual for Orions to explore other cultures or be fascinated by different languages: they love learning new things and meeting people from diverse backgrounds. I am working on a dance never seen before for that reason! It can be especially challenging for Orion starseeds to find grounding and a sense of purpose since they tend to experience strong existential angst. . I believe it could be if every child reborn again get what they all deserve and that is a fair and loved one the minute a baby opens his/her eyes. I am a very sensitive empath and have been drawn to the witchy side of life and nature my entire life to the point that I have now become an herbal/water/kitchen witch. The figure of this hunter is one of the most recognizable in the sky and its easy to spot. Any alignments with them will indicate a recent incarnation. That might be something you could look into! Best to you! Starseed Eyes, Face & Body Wouldn't you know people are amazed by accounts of unusal bodily differences with Starseeds, or star people, those who incarnate onto earth in a human body but whose souls have originated elsewhere in the universe. Im about the same area you described. Im living on one currently and I was also drawn to an ancient stone circle (like Stonehenge) near my home in the Smoky Mountains just by feeling the energy. You deserve answers! The only one I dont have is the one on the middle pad of my index finger. However, if theres someone who has enough personality traits that resonate well together such as empathy, theyll find them easy to connect with even have masculine energy. Some Starseeds find unusual markings on their bodies which are often from past lives. The positions of the celestial bodies with each other at the point of your birth make up the star systems. Definitely a starseed. This can come about largely through scientific knowledge. 2 birds on left hand and a butterfly on back of left hand and on back of right an angel holding a spear thats cresent shaped. All of the women on my mothers side, including myself, have a rectangular dark patch on our pelvis, just at the level of our public bone on the right hand side and a mole on our left ribcage that is just inside the bottom edge of our bra line under our arm. They have a high sense of balance and note things others dont. If you have healing abilities, you probably have the healers mark on one or both of your palms. People are often drawn to their birthmarks and wonder what are the meaning behind them. These birthmarks may be dark spots, star-like beauty spots, or moles placed like individual stars or together like a constellation. Absolutely! Heres some of my suggestions on how to do that! However, they often experience troubled relationships because they cant figure out the feeling aspect of being close to another human being. All is by design. This guide is for you! Orions often have an interest in exploring the unknown, even if it means going into space to find out more about our universe. Though Orion starseeds are often deeply sensitive and compassionate, they also possess a great strength and passion for the things they believe in. Maybe i can embrace it and put it to good use. Hi, sounds like you could use a good guide. I have all of the palm markings listed above but the one that I know nothing about and would like to more is a single star shaped freckle that showed up about 2 years ago just above my head line not on it just above it.. any insight would be helpful. If youre unsure or notice a mole that looks different than it did before, please see a doctor. Other birthmarks or moles might be symbols you carry with you as sacred dedication to a specific god or goddess OR to witchcraft in general (like a triple moon, rune, etc.) Im hoping we can help the planet weve found ourselves on in this lifetime. And it is easy or natural or normal or effortless or automatic or habitual or second nature to them .. It is easy or natural or normal or effortless or automatic or routine for them to tune in + communicate and channel with their higher self, spirit guides + guardian angels. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: Take care. With this ebook you will be able to identify starseed alignments in your birth chart for Andromeda, Sirius, Orion, Arcturus, Lyra, Draco, the Hyades, the Pleiades and more! This was honestly one of the most interesting articles I have ever read. My mom called me a little witch my whole life.. Yes the Sun, Moon and Ascendant are considered. The Starseed's Compass: A Guide to Identifying Your Starseed Origin is an ebook that lists the starseed markings or alignments for twelve star systems! The Orion star system is located about 1 350 light years away from our planet. I also have a few signs on my palm. Orion starseed karma integration: The first step is to find the root of the issue. Look to see how many of your chart's alignments are within the 25 to 27 degree range. You could see it when I was in suit. But, along the line, they begin to long for the stars. Ive come to realize I am a Starseed. Copyright 2015-2021 The Starseed's Compass and Aspen Rain. Most of us have moles and freckles all over our bodies in various place. But, unfortunately, an Orion Starseed cant understand why some people lag while others do so well. I have learnt i am a starseed (not sure which type) and i have found and connected with my Twin Flame in this lifetime. In their desire to escape the trauma and constraints imposed on them, a good number choose Earth as their place of incarnation. Um I litters The ultimate goal of Starseeds is to collectively advance their societies to the peak potential morally and spiritually. The birthmarks reinforce what you already know that you are a Starseed with the unique mission and purpose to redeem humanity by showing it the way. This alien soul group has a special energy and focus on intuition unlike any other, as well as an ability to connect to powerful spiritual planes beyond what is normally accessed. It brings awareness, healing, and peace as it helps us understand our purpose and access deep inner wisdom. Orion Starseeds are often accused of being emotionless. I vascillate between knowing everything will work out, and moments of sheer panic , where I fear Ill never know what Im supposed to do and Im wasting my life. I have a red wine port birthmark on my left palm. Modern witches believe birthmarks, moles, and the like are actually indicators of their magical abilities or signs of their past witch lives. Any thoughts about her strange hobby? You are probably a seed for many systems or a mix. The biggest hurdle for them usually lies in connecting with their higher selves so that they can draw upon its power and gain clarity on how best to serve others. In their bid to excel in their endeavors, Orion Starseeds expend a lot of energy. After doing the charting am Leo Ascending. Starseeds from the Pleiades, for example, are deeply emotional, highly sensitive individuals. I can feel other peoples pain rather I know them or not, and they dont even have to be in the same room with me. Venus @ 2Gemini Orion Starseed people are often drawn to important healing work such as medicine, psychology or holistic healing. I dont know the order in the sky, but this is bizzare! Although Orion is not the closest constellation of stars to us, we can easily recognize it because of the brilliance of its belt, the Orions Belt. They have their own mind, they know who they are and where their true power comes from. Pleiadian Starseeds are beautiful souls that originate from the Pleiades star cluster. Am more creative, thus I do music and I do overthink,, and a times I read mind and think what someone might be thinking and even my sir name Ochieng means when the sun is out shining Their birthmarks sometimes form significant patterns. In Greek mythology, the name Orion means the . They are wise beyond their age; people often refer to them as old souls. (And no Im not a saint, we all have our faults) I have a guardian angel (as Ive called it) that gives me a warning when Im in trouble/danger and its never wrong. The concept of a witches mark historically dates to the Medieval and Early Modern period and has a much darker history than the witches mark of today. Although it is not the closest star system to our planet, it is one of the most easily recognizable due to the bright stars that make up Orions Belt. Learn more, Are you interested in Pleiadian Starseeds? I didnt start exploring my witchiness Until the last four or five years and I notice more things constantly-I wish I had paid attention when I was younger. I also have healer ect all on palm. It would be nice to talk to you at some point in time. They are the pioneers, the first wave of starseeds to . I have all of the markings on my palm and I have 2 perfect Orion constellation freckle arrangements on my mid back. Not all Starseeds become fully developed in their time on Earth. An Orion Starseed is forever foraging for details, data, and information on solving the challenges in life. ~ Stina, I think I am a rainbow starseed but I did not know if from Andromedan or Atlantean starseed. You'll find obstacles to be thrilling, and you'll be bored when there isn't a difficult task at hand. Also, most of us have 4 or 5 witches marks as described above and I have the healers marks and the mystical cross on both of my palms as well as a vivid blue mark on my right buttock. My real government name is Andromeda Ayala. If that is your name then you could be from Kepler 22b. These starseeds are characterised by being in their mind most if not all of the time, for they are extremely mentally polarised. As an Orion Starseed, your purpose is twofold. These people may have special abilities, such as psychic visions and healing powers. Through decades of work, Lavendar has identified celestial body aspects in birth charts that indicate a Pleiadian lineage. (15 Ways to Know for Sure)Continue, Are you interested in Signs the Universe Wants You to Be with Someone? They live or have lived or will live or do live or exist or inhabited or incarnated or embodied or manifested here for a divine mission which is to share love with the world. We admit not every mole or freckle has a supernatural meaning. Much love, Julia. Have a beautiful day! These are highly evolved and old souls who carry a plethora of wisdom deep within the core of their being . They are also here to embody the original orion blueprint or seed so that orions can be born again. The Orion starseeds have a certain energy about them. The first role is to yourself, while the other is to humanity. Yonghe District (Chinese: ; pinyin: Yngh Q; Peh-e-j: ng-h-khu) is an urban area in the southern part of New Taipei, Taiwan.Yonghe District is the smallest district in New Taipei City. Have you found some of the palm signs above on your palms? We have a few things in common~ They love to impress others with what they know and win conversations with logic. Also I have the 3 orion stars but I hadnt noticed it until I was listening to mang zhong everything is casual or as the other translation.. grain in ear.. says I carved in your palm to know me in the afterlife.. the interesting thing about the palm is it appeared after I covered my original Orion on my left tricept with a tatoo . Growing plants, interacting with people and animals are easy tasks for you. The first one is the r oot chakra at the base of your spine. There are some misconceptions about starseeds when it comes to markings and birthmarks. I found my triangle on my left upper arm during my awakening as well. Orion Starseed are usually creative and can come up with new ideas in seconds. I am born under the Moon rising sign of Aries, and am a 4th generation witch, and empath. Why would you be jealous when someone else is doing better than you? Luckily it just means I can travel through portals and the very rare chosen one. According to Michael Daltons Country Justice (1618), their said familiar hath some bigg, or little teat, upon their body, and in some secret place, where he sucketh them. Witch hunters took any malformation of the skin or body as a mark of the devil. Teach people the importance of pushing what they start to its logical conclusion. Star systems have personality traits that are important in understanding yourself. Check out my new YouTube Video on how to interpret your birth chart for starseed origins and incarnations. While some Pagans consider themselves animists, others blend the practices of major world, Read More 21 Facts About Paganism and WiccaContinue, Are you interested in Lunar Deities? They trust their inner guidance and are not influenced by peer pressure. It is visible from all over the world. But he saying moles or makes in genital region would say I would have been burned at the steak back in the day . from those respective star constellations and/or planets. I have recorded a detailed video on the exact steps I took to find out my starseed origins here: I've always been fascinated by symbols. Because of their over-reliance on logical thinking, Orion Starseeds are unable to comprehend situations that require the use of emotional intelligence. Would you like to know if you have starseed markings in your birth chart from the Pleiades, Sirius, Arcturus, Draco, Orion, Andromeda etc.? You owe yourself to learn to listen and appreciate other peoples feelings. guides? Birth Date (17/May/1997) + Birth Place (Houston) + Birth Time (12:00am) = Placidus Houses. Everyone has a mission and its tied into an individuals passion and when we tap that. Same, I have all plus a phoenix birthmark and freckles in the shape of orions belt mirrored on my left arm and the 7 sisters on my right. These birthmarks may be dark spots, star-like beauty spots, or moles placed like individual stars or together like a constellation. The Starseed Markings are also known as star freckles, birthmarks or Hindu marks and they are considered to be a particular kind of "spiritual brand" that is chosen at conception for each embryo.