Some might even say were passionate about helping kids and adults (thats you!) Paul tells slaves not to give undue concern to gaining their freedom, but if they are able to do so, they should (1 Cor. Doing "all things through Christ" did not include going to certain places Paul wanted to go and minister. 27 I have labored and toiled and have often gone without sleep; I have known hunger and thirst and have often gone without food; I have been cold and naked. Ask for a volunteer to make a sandwich. Yet we can grumble and complain about many things. They misapply it by making it refer to material things and earthly prosperity. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. God provides Christians with many opportunities to make a real difference in this world. (Philippians 4:11-13). (Philippians 4:13). situation. Why can Paul be content in whatever circumstance he is in? Printer Friendly Bible Lesson: [print_link] this lesson plan Hands-On Bible CurriculumPreschool, Ages 3 & 4127 Bible Point. Please use our childrens ministry curriculum and Sunday School material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. Let's do the whole sign together. Join thousands of other childrens ministry leaders, getting fresh, helpful ideas delivered weekly to your inbox. In Victory 4-Week Children'sMinistry Curriculum, kids will look at a different sport each week to learn a new lesson about living for Christ. So drop by (often) and check out all of the helpful tips, tools, and resources we have for you right here (go ahead, bookmark this page right nowwell wait!). Or take a look at our chronological list of Bible Stories for Kids. Then it was my turn. Perhaps these "I can" statements will give you some food for thought: It is easy misunderstand the affirmation, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!". But sometimes God withheld support, and so Paul had to learn to get along with humble means. 3:16-17) if youre an emotional wreck. (Satisfied with what we have, not wanting more or anything else) Paul is saying that because of his living relationship of union with the living, all-sufficient Christ, he can do whatever the Lord calls him to do for His kingdom. Doing "all things through Christ" did not include his being able to bring all of his countrymen to Christ. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. A fun way to teach preschoolers about the powerful Bible message of strength found in Philippians 4:13. View lesson 2, Discover how we can serve others with joy and humility through Christ's example. I Can Do All Things - Philippians 4:13 You are viewing lesson 1 in the series " I Can! Paul may have been unique (or nearly so) in the enthusiasm he showed for this belief. Christ will give us strength through the power of the Holy Spirit to do all things well. Let him or her try for a minute or so, and then say. But even those who win large settlements in a lawsuit or a lottery jackpot are not much happier in the long run. When believers spend time daily in Gods Word and prayer and putting into practice what they learn their hearts will be guarded from sin. 149.). In love? he asked. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.. The next time I face an impossible by Roger Steer [Harold Shaw Publishers], pp. FREE Easter Lessons The second day we went with my friend's son, and one of his friends, to climb a manmade rock-climbing wall. See less. I started up. I can do everything through him who gives me strengthPhilippians 4:13. The Word of God is the most powerful thing a Christian has. Verse 13-I can do all things through Him (Christ) who strengthens me. Bible Verse "I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13). John did baptize in the wilderness, and preach the baptism of repentance for the Group Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. In spite of all the weakness Paul suffered in the flesh, he was able through Christ to magnify and glorify God in his body dedicated to servingGod. Now I look down and wish I was in a rowboat, fishing., Contentment can be an elusive pursuit. We care about you and the kids you serve! Shaking and trembling, she made it to the top; and then carefully repelled down the wall. Next switch your hands around. Read the verse, and then have kids repeat it with you. Your quiet time should affect your heart. That's the sign for "PEACE". Paul mentions that the Philippians had revived their concern for him. In Philippians 4:8 Using blue underline twice the things we are to dwell on (think about). With 100+ Bible-based curriculum packages to keep your kids engaged, you'll find the perfect children's ministry resources for your Sunday School and kids ministry classes. Everywhere and in all things I have learned to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I want my prayer to be, I can do everything through him who gives me strength. And a little earlier he speaks of "the peace ofGod which surpasses all understanding" (Philippians 4:7). He trusted in and submitted to the sovereignty of God to provide for his needs. This lesson series will help equip students to serve those around them, helping to meet the spiritual needs of others, while remaining grounded in their own faith by cultivating strong friendships with other believers. Learning Goal: Students will learn that when believers make having a quiet time with God a priority they are guarding their hearts from sin. Target Age Group: Ages 9-11 (3rd-5th Grade U.S.A.) Teen Ministry Resources - Sunday School Lessons What we fill our hearts with will come out in our words and actions. He and his wife had taken literally Jesus command to give away all their possessions (Luke 14:33), so they had no personal resources. If God has called you to get up in public and speak, He will give you the power to do it. All Rights Reserved, Episode 296: What Volunteering Taught Me About Ministry, Episode 250: The Value of Events in Discipleship. When I was a kid I used to sit in a rowboat down there, fishing. Here he was in prison, unable to pursue his tent-making trade, and he was in a tight spot (affliction in 4:14 literally means pressure). He became a servant and was even willing to die on a cross. We can do all things through God - Jesus - and by His Holy Spirit. It may be a small crisis or a major, life-threatening crisis. Object Lesson on Purity - Sunglasses - Children's Ministry Deals Deals On Fun Sunday School Lessons & Games For Children's Ministry. Write down on paper everything you think is bad in your life. Required fields are marked *. By doing this you are guarding your heart. Even though she was weak-kneed, she was Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. Arrange to lead children on a parade route through your church. The truth is, you will know contentment when you give generously to the Lords work, whether to world missions, to the local church, or to meeting the needs of the poor through Christian ministries. Click here to respond. *Learning is interactive and hand . How many of you have gone to a party where a piata was hung for the guests to hit with a stick? Philippians 4:13 NLT. Philippians 4:8 Teaching Resources | TPT that's why I stopped. Proverbs 4:23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. The Bible says in Philippians 4:13 that Gods people have the power to overcome any difficult challenges through the power of Jesus Christ who empowers them and gives them strength. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. He lived in 19th century Bristol, England, where he founded an orphanage. But there were times when Mullers faith was tried, when the Lord took them down to the wire before supplying the need. The goat is filthy. The rabbi said, Go home and let the goat out, and come back in a week. A week later the man returned, radiant, exclaiming, Life is beautiful. Supply List:Bibles, printed copies of Philippians 4 for students to mark key words, colored pencils/pens Bible Language English. Paul says that he had learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need (4:12). Childrens Ministry Deals offers fun & creative ideas for children's church lessons. PDF Beulah Baptist Church Rev. Jerry D. Black, Pastor Sunday School Lesson Lets listen to some parade music and practice waving our streamers now. But the point is, if you live for yourself and your own pleasure, you will not know Gods contentment. yet at the same time wished I had overcome my fear. Bible Study Worksheets For Philippians 4:13 - Misfit Ministries They talked for some time, and finally the merchant left. 1: . (Never) What does he tell us to do when we are anxious? If you are a believer, each day you make Bible reading and prayer a priority you are guarding your heart. Paul had learned to be content in every situation (Phil. View lesson 8. (Always) Copyright Ministry-to-Children. Yes, said Timothy, Paul is in love with Jesus Christ. The merchant looked even more bewildered. Every time a plane would fly overhead, Id look up and wish I was flying it. Preschool Sunday School Lesson: A Miraculous Catch of Fish Finally, when we guard our hearts we will be content. is of enormous encouragement to us. On the contrary, we want to give the promise solidity, for some people have tended to trivialise it. What do we know about Pauls life as a believer? Required fields are marked *. And, 4:13 clearly shows that Paul did not mean the word in the pagan sense of self-sufficiency, since he affirms that his sufficiency is in Christ. Change Language . The son's friend, who was terribly afraid of heights, went next. PDF Sunday School Lesson February 26, 2023 Spiritu l Disciplines for New Then you won't be disappointed in the least. He acknowledges that he really does not need other Christians to take care of him. Jeremiah 17:9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked; who can know it?, Luke 6:45 A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. We're partnering with you to make Jesus irresistible to kids. 'I Can!' Sunday School Lesson (Exodus 4:10-31) MinistryArk Preach or teach the verse expositionally and in context. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Where your treasure is, your heart will be (Matt. Each lesson contains questions, study notes, cross-references and applications. Paul knew God cheered him on, and provided for every When students take verses like Phil. (I had made it a bit further than eight feet, but I had to admit she was right, which made me think, how might I do this in other areas of my life?) You can sign up for them below and theyll be sent directly to your inbox. 4:11). to the site helps us distribute our The Philippian church had sent a financial gift to Paul the prisoner. If you are walking with God and you find yourself in a desperate situation, you can know that you are not there by chance. difference! Sometimes we need to remember that people in other countries squeeze ten family members into a one-room, dirt-floored shanty. I read a story about a Jewish man in Hungary who went to his rabbi and complained, Life is unbearable. No one is excluded from this wonderful thing, except by their own rejection or neglect of it. When Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" But whatever the reason, Paul knew that God was in control, God knew his need, and God would supply or not supply as He saw fit. Key to this process is understanding that everything, major and minor, is under Gods sovereignty. But as children of God, we need to speak his power into our lives. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to go to thatlesson with a link back to thispage. When we allow our sinful nature to be our boss we fill our hearts and minds with things that take our focus off pleasing God. Neither does contentment mean complacency. Notice that there is a need to learn not only how to get along in times of need, but also how to live with abundance. If your treasure is in this world, your heart will be in this world, which isnt the most secure environment! The word was used of flowers blossoming again or of trees leafing out in the springtime. We do not know what had prohibited their sending a gift sooner, whether it was a lack of funds, not having a reliable messenger to take the gift, not knowing about Pauls circumstances, or some other reason. We are suing one another at an astonishing rate, trying to get more money so we can have more things so that life will be more comfortable. ), but not for your emotional needs. Lesson Objective and Observation: Students will experience various spots of the passage, responding to each with words, pictures, or actions. Your email address will not be published. How do you talk about yourself when no one is around? Children will: play fishing games; hear about the disciples' miraculous catch of fish . That secret is stated in verse 13, I can do all things in Him who continually infuses me with strength (literal rendering). I will develop this more next week, but I believe that Paul had a policy of not making his financial needs known to anyone except the Lord. So lets sing our memory verse along with the music. | Bible Topics When believers spend time daily in God's Word and prayer and putting into practice what they learn their hearts will be guarded from sin. In the book of Philippians, it says "I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength . He gave a gift that met their need for the next two days (George Muller: Delighted in God! He knows that God will supply everything needed for the work of the ministry (vs. 11-13). "I rejoice greatly in the Lord that at last you have renewed your concern for me. Author: Ron Graham I Can Do All Things But the church today is selling out the joy of trusting in the all-sufficient Christ for a mess of worldly pottage that does not satisfy. As we continue in the Christian race that we are in until we see Jesus face to face we must guard our hearts. Colossians 4:2 (NLT) Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a The children never knew about any financial difficulties, nor did they ever lack good food, clothes, or warmth. Paul says, "In nothing shall I be ashamed so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body" (Philippians 1:20). We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. But about twelve feet up I froze. However, Gods greater blessings and riches are such as the following We can obtain these blessings and accomplish great things with them through Christ. Thanking God for our daily bread, even when weve got enough in the bank for many days bread, keeps us humbly trusting in Him in times of abundance. As in the case of Paul, so it is with us. View lesson 3, A lesson on how to build strong relationships and look out for one another as genuine brothers and sisters in Christ. This Bible study tool on Philippians 2 is all about discovering who Jesus is. We would immediately stop what we are doing. is your #1 source for practical, authentic ministry ideas to help you become even better at what you do bestlead kids to Jesus. What has Paul learned in verse 11? The indwelling, renewing, outpouring, annointing, leading, seal, and intercession of the Holy Spirit. The lack of contentment that marks our nation is reflected in many ways. So what does contentment mean? had taught Paul to trust him. Colossians 4:2-4 Continue in Prayer 13. Encourage students to study the Bible in view of the audience, author, and context when they read. We believe that God is the loving Father of all kids. To be content in whatever circumstance he is in. Your email address will not be published. As Christians we can work to better our circumstances as we have opportunity. Sunday School Lesson for March 5th Jesus' Baptism - YouTube A Vision of Hope (vv. Philippians 4:13 Adult Devotional I can do everything through him who gives me strength (Philippians 4:13). But look at the list of the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. couldn't budge another step up. By all things, Paul means that he can do everything that God has called him to do in his service for His kingdom. . Paul was subject to the Sovereign God in this most practical area of his financial support. * Mirroring one another - a creative activity. I thought. We go after what we think will make us happy only to find that it didnt work; in fact, we were happier before we started the quest. 15:10), But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me did not prove vain; but I labored even more than all of them, yet not I, but the grace of God with me. In Philippians 4:13, the verb is present tense, meaning, Gods continual, day-by-day infusing me with strength as I serve Him. When Paul spoke to the elders of the church ofChrist at Ephesus, with whom he had worked three years, he said that "wolves" or false teachers would come into the congregation and even rise up from within it. 5:6-7). He is quick to add that they always had been concerned, but they lacked opportunity. This sign really reminds me of what God tells us about peace in Philippians 4:6-7. ", "My grace is sufficient for you, for my strength is made perfect in weakness", "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me", "I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am. View lesson 7, God knows what we need, but gives us so much more. We allow the Holy Spirit to control our thoughts and actions when we make reading Gods Word and praying a daily priority. That means no permission is needed as long as you credit this in the final work. Paul says that he had "learned the secret of being filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need" (4:12). (Pray) When we pray about everything what will God fill our hearts with and guard our minds with? If your treasure is in the kingdom of God, your heart will be there, and it is a secure, certain realm. (Philippians 4:13). But we called out from below, But if you follow Paul in living to serve the Savior, you will be content, whether you have little or much. By reading and obeying Gods Word you are filling it with thoughts about God and His way. It will help the children in your Sunday . Philippians 4: Bible Study With Questions - What Christians Want To Know Your email address will not be published. First put one hand on top of the other hand, clasped together, like this! It means having our focus on the kingdom of God and serving Him, not on the love of money and things. Paul wanted to go to Thessalonica, but Satan hindered him (1Thessalonians 2:18). Check out these posts! God * Christ emptied Himself - a creative activity. wouldn't go to the top. Philippians 4 is a continuation of lessons helping older elementary students to establish and make a daily quiet time with God a priority. He is the Sovereign One to whom I must submit; He is the Savior whom I must serve; He is the Sufficient One whom I must trust. People rarely stay at the same address for more than five years. Whilst Paul could not avoid many trials and tribulations, he could endure "all things through Christ" and even rejoice "in the Lord always" (Philippians 4:4). Student Ministry Resources - Sunday School Curriculum Paul is in love. The merchant looked puzzled. Sunday School Lesson February 26, 2023 Spiritual Disciplines for New Life Colossians 4:2-6 . Paul had a great sorrow because many of his Jewish brothers were unsaved, and apparently were determined to remain so. What attitude does Paul tell believers to have?