Clearly Microsoft doesn't see it. Apple does that in a single quarter, so even this desperation strategy would likely have failed. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY! exaggerated statements or claims not meant to be taken literally. Next segment is a combination of consumer and professional. It would significantly provide an assistance to avail the opportunities of the external business environment. Satya Nadella will never read WC thread but, a "global survey of PO'd users" might get picked up by the Press? So all the while Joe B was tap-dancing away for dear life to keep it afloat, Satya was making a throat-slashing sign in the background. Microsoft are fools if they think that they have a future while withdrawing from the consumer market. There are many companies in the world that sell software for more than 20 billion dollars (including Microsoft). The only app I use, besides MS apps, is WhatsApp, if that went I would have to leave as I have family and friends all round the world and they all use WhatsApp. You can create superb augmented reality but if people are using it on the device people have in their pocket you are lost. There has been a presumption that XP users would make the switch. He's a first grade FOOL. :))) Are you smoking something? - Credit Binge post 2008 Recession Easy access to credit can be over any time, so Nadella Satya should focus on reducing its dependence on debt to expand. Well, I started getting angry with Mr. Softy when they screwed over we Surface RT owners. I don't really have any other smartphone experience to compare it to, but I do know how a phone looks is part of what catches my eye and I have, to this day, have not seen one phone that is as eye-catching as Window Phone's transparent tiles and what you can do with them to create an awesome home screen. I will keep my Lumia 950 XL until it goes belly up. Expansion into international market can help Nadella Satya to tap into international talent market. They dominate in the iPhone That is it. I have a simple straight question for Jason Ward in order to better understand and "position" his analysis and Warditorials. So who knows how well they will run. There should be no tears shed for a company that does not need the consumers! What they haven't done is clearly shonw "what comes next" in mobile. Analysis of Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset case study. For me, I love my HP Elite X3. After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two. SInce Nadella seems to be incapable of grasping the strategic environment he finds himself in given the context of the tech industry, let me put this in retail termsit's 2005 and Google is Walmart, Apple is Target, and Microsoft is Sears. Nadella had to get that message or they will relegated to be the next IBM as others have said. Intellectual Stimulation. At that time, the corporation's market capitalization was around $311 billion. Like my Apple Watch, as a wearable, an iPad for a tablet experience (yes, I own a Surface Pro 4, but that's not a tablet-like experience for me) or switching to Apple Music because Groove wouldn't have albums available, when released (all to see them cancel the service out right). Ok maybe im a fan boy but if they do release a new lte device what's the problem. Time is running out, 8 things you can do with Linux that you can't do with MacOS or Windows, The most exciting phones at MWC 2023 (that you likely can't buy), The top satellite phones and gadgets for reliable off-grid communication, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. Verizon sold Icons. @Sean D. I completely agree. Google and Apple worked out a long time ago that Mobile is VERY important. It was more important to shake the long building reputation that MS is a company of startup technology which never gets finished to a point where end users, developers, and OEM partners can achieve a reasonable ROI for their time, and money investments, than to shake the stigma of a slow progressing ecosystem. WP never had significant market share. I think part of the reason we stick around following window phone news as a hobby/passion is because we are constantly yearning for iterative improvements. For example, more will start use google docs and storage (due to integration with phone etc.) Its up to Nadella to ensure that the Surface project can finally be taken off financial life support and walk under its own steam. In fact, I would say Nadella and the Board are collectively insane. It was dead evident. This let users make either Apple or Google that strong hold in their needed mobile lives which in turn dug a whole way too deep for MS to get out of. Enough People would buy them for Microsoft take the time to make amd market them. Google has failed at various markets. I think MS should learn from google and apple. Market share just did not justify the expenditure for developers. 1. Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's Plan To Unlock 'Trillions Of Dollars' In In a recent report on shifting workplace attitudes, the Microsoft CEO commented that some bosses are skeptical of work-from-home culture, reports Windows Central. Albeit without the use ahem salty language lol. Consumers need free or less pricy option. To them, if one aspect of infrastructure is failing, you cut it out and either replace it with a better part or you cut it out and re-route, as that's the cheapest option with a lower lead time. Thats Nadellas new problem. Six challenges for Microsoft as the Satya Nadella era begins His CEO speech: Reading between the software lines Those are gentle, highly sanitized code words, of course. Instead of that they rushed W10 mobile out of door without propper testing and made the whole world to laugh at them Google's main business model is the consumer. Even if it doesn't grow by very much and even if we have to build the apps ourselves, it's a non negotiable. My view is Microsoft have missed the next wave because the platform they have is peripheral to the next wave. I wouldn't call it useless. My windows phones were always stable and reliable (except when I got on preview builds). - Lack of critical talent I believe that Nadella Satya is suffering from lack of critical talent especially in the field of technology & digital transformation. Other than that, this company is doomed. Microsoft reminds me of IBM. That made the other carriers apprehensive to carry and push Windows phones, yes? I have 2 Windows Mobiles and I am still eyeing for an HP Elite X3. Now, I am backing out of ALL their services and I am going to speak with my waller and go neck deep into the Apple Ecosystem. The last guy with both vision and passion was Gates, and unless he pulls a Jobs and steps in the company will become the next IBM. Something we can print from, and something that doesn't suffer from poor performance. Literally any effing body can do that in his position. Kinda worrying the CEO doesn't get that. The company had "revenue of $30.6 billion, net income of $8.8 billion, and earnings per share of $1.14 (compared to revenue of $26.8 billion, net income of $7.4 billion, and earnings per share . It is a crying shame that MS keeps coming out with innovative products but fails to follow up on developing the products. I can honestly say, I would go back to my windows phone in a heartbeat if it had the same apps and a future. BS! Why couldn't he have done that? They dominate in search and Android, maybe IoT, but that is questionable. We shouldn't actually be in this space to begin with, if you were leading from the front or at the very least reaching out to your consumers and closely hearing what is being said. I'm sure this was not the only factor to Windows phone being in the state it's currently in, but I think this has a lot to do with it! The carriers - at least in America - never supported the OS as they did Apple or Samsung after 7.0 failed to fly. How hard this could be? They could have moved the new Insider fork to just the X3 and kept a core group of loyalists happy while testbeding the tech. We'll done for addressing this point. I get the abandonment of Windows 10 Mobile, but MS seemed to have had pushed really hard the Continium feature. Both Google and Apple have AR that people can use right now in their pockets! Microsoft would prefer more secure customers running shiny new Windows 7 or 8 boxes. The more I see his management style the more I realize that he has no idea what he's doing in terms of long term goals. Office 365 revenues fail to match declining traditional Office revenues. Corrections? Windows OS for Enterprise That is a material risk for Nadella. And if I had an Xbox that would be on Craigslist tonight. I understand your frustration but I do not agree to your comment people will not return. In my experience because too many didn't even realise it existed due to a total lack of marketing. At this point, you could say Microsoft is autistic from time to time. So here's my planI'm going to get Panos to build the best goddam phone he can, and I'm going to make sure we upgrade it every year. Why does Microsoft need to be in the phone/mobile OS market? Poor marketing, poor execution, and just not paying attention to what users really needed until it was way too late. For all his success, Satya is extremely humble with unusually high levels of self-awareness and empathy, shaped by his life experiences and his crucibles. If the PC market sees continued weakness akin to what happened in 2013, PC unit volume could decline until key partner OEMs bow out. I will use my X3 until it's dead. Thats not an enviable job. Apple is not churning the same 100 million users every 6 months. This is sucky. What Could Go Wrong For Satya Nadella? TechCrunch I still use my Xbox for games primarily and entertainment at home (Netflix, YouTube, Hulu, etc. I've been in education since 1984. It was over when Google gave Android away for free and Microsoft kept charging for Windows Mobile. Yeah, lets abandon our user base, promise the moon and deliver dirt and then hope they come running back to us. That was the finding of a survey on corporate attitudes by Microsoft Corp ., the workplace software giant and owner of LinkedIn. I understand why people weren't happy with Ballmer. If they had demonstrated that resolve, maybe developers would have been more willing to feed an emerging market of users. HoloLens? They should have just purchasedParallels and created a Parallels for windows phone that runs ios and android apps and we would not even be having this conversation. The digital imperative for every organization By Satya Nadella Jul 19, 2022. One thing for sure Microsoft killed off it's chance to reenter the smart phone arena again, Consumers , it's oem partners. He didn't want to have purchased Nokia and it was his intention to crater the whole enterprise. From high hopes to seeing what a low life he really is. - Threats of New Entrants because of Reducing Costs and Increasing Efficiencies As Nadella Satya can leverage low cost of reaching customers using social media and e-commerce, so can the competitors both local and international competitors. just about ALL Windows 10 Microsoft Store Apps anf the Centennial Win32 desktop PC programs that are in the Windows 10 "Microsoft store" such a device would be like a smallhand held Surface Pro Tablet and run the same apps and PC proghrams the Surface pro 2 in 1 uses. It's around 500 million now. Satya Nadella - Satya Narayana Nadella (; born 19 August 1967) is an engineer and Indian American business executive. Satya Nadella, in full Satya Narayana Nadella, (born August 19, 1967, Hyderabad, India), Indian-born business executive who was CEO of the computer software company Microsoft (2014- ). With the former, you'd have a stronger infrastructure but higher lead time. EXCELLENT POINT, I completely agree!!! All I know is that I now sit here with an Lumia 950 XL phone that will loose apps support faster than water runs down the strain. They get Fat, Dumb, and Happy and the executives spend all their time in-fighting for their personal goals and spend much more time and money trying to LOCK their consumers into their product than expanding the products flexibility and usefulness. What will this all mean to Continuum? It will go a long, long way. It works perfectly, we get updates each month that don't cause problems on the phone. Not every one of your products and services will be a cash cow. Enterprise customers experience real pain every day thanks to Microsofts unbelievably complex licensing rules, which are practically sadistic. Phones are similarly an essential component in having a consumer-focused business it should have been pursued doggedly, even at the losses it was accruing. I'm a Verizon customer for 15 years, and I heard they were so mad at Microsoft, hence their later attitude towards carrying and supporting Windows phone. I don't see anyone calling Macs a rejected platform. Then I hope Microsoft phone are on their feet again. Nadella needs to be replaced. that Microsoft would fill in the mobile device space. On a MacBook, I like the simplicity of garageband. Overall, though, I cannot see but that it leads to decline for Microsoft as mobile IS the gateway to computing and the next generations will have grown up using Goog Docs, Sheets, Slides and GMail - not Microsoft's offerings. Threats can emerge from various factors such as - technological innovations, economic growth, increase in consumer disposable income, political developments & policy changes, and changes in consumer preferences . And devs don't care for users that buy 100$ phones. EU was a good market for Windows phones, so they should have used this opportunity to build and improve this OS. The Microsoft CEO ranks at No. No vision equals no company. MShave been announcing 1 unified OS (now called OneCore) scalable since many years now. However, I also now have other devices I thought I'd look to MS to full fill. If Microsoft doesn't have a consumer precense then employees would need to keep track of two ecosystems instead of one meaning more work and complexity. Here are 5 insights Nadella shared throughout their discussion that illustrate leadership qualities within the changing workplace. I'm on the Insiders program. Azure could slip against Amazons AWS with Nadellas leadership tied up elsewhere. Instead of building bridges to the future, MIcrosoft has burned many. The reason we are all consumers of this company's MODERN products is from what Steve pushed. We're going to move to Android and IOS, and anything MS announces "in the future" won't matter to those who have moved on. With MSFT once spearheading this path it has let many of us to a cul-de-sac. I feel angry and betrayed for ever having stuck up for Windows Phone against the people around me with iPhones and Android phones. Maybe this is a way to come back with a mobile device! There are things I found on my 928 8.1 phone that my 950 W10M still cannot do? The providers didn't offer them, andwhen they finally didget some in stock, he employees knew nothing about them and actively discouraged anyone from buying them. MS has screwed every single fan over and didn't even try lube. - First Mover Advantage Nadella Satya has first mover advantage in number of segments. Sorry, but that is just a lie. Now I sit here here in disbelief. Top 60 Satya Nadella Quotes (2023 Update) - Quotefancy Microsoft would have never appointed a tunnel vision IT person Stay as the President. The WMR headsets i mean. Building strategies based on consumer oriented product development and marketing approach. - Increasing Standardization Nadella Satya can leverage this trend to reduce the number of offerings in the market and focus the marketing efforts on only the most successful products. The only thing he could have done at that point was to discount hardware, but after the billion dollar Surface RT write-off he would have been crucified if Microsoft had to undertake what basically would have been another write off to discount hardware (i.e. More than when Windows Mobile was changed to Window Phone 7, then 8, 8.1, then 10. They aren't accountable for their mistakes or give clear messages as to which direction they are going in. So seen in that light I think Microsoft is doing damn well by supporting us until 2019. Frustrating as hell! Windows Phone was the middle ground between the jungle of inconsistency and trouble that was - and still is - Android, and the pretentious, fake shiny, limited walled garden of Apple. Image: Reuters/Danish Siddiqui By Sushma U N Published November 7, 2017 If that's not true, and they are actually trying to save Windows, then I agree, they are making a mistake. Rest 80% of the strategic targets are not achieved because of incomprehensive planning, limited resource allocation, and poor execution. Speaking at the Nov. 18 MIT AI and Work of the Future Congress, the Microsoft CEO envisioned a near future where jobs are "enriched by productivity.". Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella talks the economy, hybrid work, diversity Amazon does it. Easy: Nadella must be replaced ASAP before Microsoft becomes the new IBM Xerox, Atari, Nintendo, etc No company is to big to disappear what he means is that MSFT will eventually only cater to enterprise and hide behind the iron curtain. But to do that they better get busy. I can honestly say that it is not stress free and definitely not stable. The PC market could face materially worse returns than expected.