", "I uh, don't remember? This left them with only two opponents to face off against. Astolfo gave out her identity to anyone who asked (or even if they didn't ask) and seemed to not really care about anything. Saber parried a thrust, going in for one of her own. "My plan? Gilgamesh calmly walked over to Illyasviel and picked her up, before jumping off into the night. "Rider, you're acting more focused than normal." Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By your will, I answer your call, but by my will shall I form a contract with you, should I find the benefits that you offer pleasing enough. "I could set up a connection between myself and him to feed him mana but we don't have the time. Saber backflipped away from a swing of the lance, landing on the building's side. He was running on fumes by this point and was going to need to conserve what little mana he had just to exist. Faker, you will not be allowed to draw breath in my garden any longer. The pink-haired girl standing before Shirou asked. "Or a version of him. she summons herself into the body of a homunculus, who was apparently pretty empty of personality. Gender was irrelevant as far as Shirou was concerned. It was basically a really long time ago for me, and-". He managed to grab hold of his Master, taking him from Caster's grasp. Rin is then killed. Shirou barely managed to block a slash from Kirei's Black Keys, his weapon shattering on impact. He couldn't. "Are you gonna let us go? Shirou's eyes widened for a moment, as he ran towards his Servant. Shirou was, once again, silent. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Or at least, not one the Grail can grant. But, your affinity as a result of having been in the Greater Grail once before has meant that its essence has entered you. Astolfo called out, running to attack Kuzuki. Shirou and Rin decided to form an alliance for the time being, since working together would get them better results against Berserker (and possibly against this war's Saber) than working separately. And how could he use it while protecting Rin. "I'll do it. Between his feelings towards Astolfo that he just wasn't sure how to interpret, that display against Kuzuki, and the stress of the Holy Grail War itself, he had too much to think about and not enough time to do so. Gilgamesh complimented. "I should be the one apologizing for being forced to use such dishonorable methods." ", "He does pose a problem. She had done some research on myth before the Holy Grail War, and Gilgamesh's legend was one of the oldest surviving works of literature. Fighting an Emiya was how he was to end another Holy Grail War. Or thought anything else through, considering his game plan of the Holy Grail War involves sparing every single Master no matter how impractical a decision that would be. Karna radiated intense heat for a moment as he aimed the spear up at the Holy Grail. And the lance clearly had something special about it that made Lancer wary of being struck by it. I ask of you, the stranger spoke, every syllable as expectant and imposing as the ghost of a smirk on his lips and his piercing crimson gaze, are you worthy to be my Master?. "Hey guys!" "Are you really going to go up against a Servant with that?" Let's see. So he'll simply imagine a scenario where he does he win. Fear burned through his nerves like acid. Karna stated. Kirei asked. Astolfo grumbled. Astolfo said, readying his lance. Rin barely caught him, standing just outside the dining room. Saber managed to keep up with his pace, which only served to put her on edge even more. "Thank you, Shirou. Alaya's Apocrypha by JV Magecraft. He was too slow on the draw. Enkidu: go on . Let's just see what you can do!" The Servant dematerialized his weapon, deciding that he should focus in calming his Master. "You really are an impressive hero. Also it has plenty of Tamamo so there's that. A dark hole appeared in the sky, pouring down dark mud that burned all it touched like lava. "What do you want the Holy Grail for? Kirei was almost annoyed. "But I guess it's entertaining. He MIGHT wait long enough to learn the details on Shirou before turning the filthy mongrel is into a pincushion. Astolfo gulped, raising her lance in preparation to block. But I won't let it happen for as long as I am present.". Saber punctuated her sentence by lunging. He didnt have his tracing when he summoned Saber. This meant that Shirou would have to face off against Kirei on his own. Even with his armor reducing damage by ninety percent, those weapons were not something he would want to actually be hit with. Kirei drew his Black Keys, deciding it was time to get serious. Shirou's vision blurred, the strain of using Projection this way beginning to get to him. j1l7 . He kept moving, rushing for Gilgamesh. Berserker ignored the projectiles, trying to keep track of Karna as he practically flew across the pavement to strike at Berserker's side. Kirei Kotomine, at the temptations of Gilgamesh, gave in to his dark desires and caused a flood of death and tragedy. ", "Oh. In life Shirou served as the gods' answer to Gilgamesh therefore he may gain a different noble phantasm based on his deeds and the god he calls upon. . ", "I suppose that neither of you would just lie down and despair from my words." All he needed was to get to his Master. His face was still in an arrogant smirk, but his words were sincere. Shirou, you understand who is truly Master and Servant, here. Kirei was forced onto the defensive for once, Shirou's movements speeding up as his determination to win grew. +. . It depends a bit if they can keep him from throwing himself to death since Avalon wouldn't be working. ", "Just run, Master. He is later visited by the scantily-clad goddess and called out on his attraction to her, which leads to Shirou falling headfirst into her seductive embrace. We're just going to have to rely on Lancer's strength and hope that's enough.". Rin realized. Karna was sent flying past them, crashing into the floor. While cooking breakfast, Fujimura Taiga arrived, greeting everyone. "Here we come, King of Heroes! Do you think these two would get along or would Gill chop his head off? THIS IS A COPY AND PASTE FROM THE REAL FANFICTION ON FANFI. "Brahmastra Kundala!" Medea just wants an husbando, and he's the main protagonist. Kojirou pretty much just wants to get into swordfights, so if for some really twisted and Nasulike reason Shirou managed to summon him I don't see why they couldn't work together. Even with his class, most Servants wouldn't be that intent on keeping him at well above arm's length. Inside (or rather in the courtyard of the temple grounds), Caster prepared to begin stripping Shirou of his Command Seals. Maybe, now that he knew what would happen to him, he could avert that fate. Archer is summoned, along with 2 Sabers. Gilgamesh reached out in an attempt to strangle Karna, only to be incinerated by the Lancer's flames. "I can say the same to you, Lancer. Gilgamesh was apparently also satisfied by Shirous attitude, as he awaited with crossed arms for Shirou to precede him out the door as a king would wait for a guard. Archer raised his blade, preparing to strike. Karna flipped his spear around so he could throw it like a javelin. Shirou desperately wanted to do something to help, but he couldn't. This was it. Shirou picked a sword up from the ground, using to block a mirror of itself, before having to dodge to the side as weapons rained down upon him. I kinda want a human body so I can keep being a hero, but it's not really that big a wish. Lancer's lower legs returned to spirit form, causing him to fall to the ground. They had gone from a bad situation to outright teetering on the brink of destruction. She said, before stepping out of the shed to battle Lancer. Gilgamesh let them go, planing on ending the Rider's life. So, they were doing slightly better. In an instant, what little space there was between them was filled with sparks as their lances clashed. I am stripping your hand of all its nerves to take the seals." Archer had willingly given himself up to Caster, choosing to serve her instead. She had just drove off Lancer, using a white and gold lance to do so. He was too busy processing whatever nonsense he had just said. Please consider turning it on! As Astolfo said, it was a new moon tonight. Sometimes, Shirou summons Gilgamesh. In the holy grail war the seven servants were summoned. She said, taking flight on her beloved mount and circling around the sky. Assassin closed the distance between them, attacking from higher ground. "I'll do my best.". Karna leapt straight up into the air to evade the assault, glancing down at where his Masters were. I'm one of the Twelve Heroes of Charlemagne, Astolfo, summoned in the Rider class! I'd take him to the Ryuudou Temple leyline for the purpose of summoning the Grail. Even with Rin's frankly obscene mana capacity, he still couldn't use his Noble Phantasms recklessly. He lunged at Kirei, who dodged the first slash before shattering Kanshou with a single blow. It was a simple, yet effective threat. "Last time I saw it used, my Master he had to sacrifice himself to prevent something really bad from happening. Shirou reinforced his arms to block another heavy blow from Kirei. When he landed, he would be next to Gilgamesh. ", "Well, you're a Shirou. Astolfo, to her credit, dodged every strike thrown at her. Unlimited Blade Works crumbled away, its owner too exhausted to maintain it further. The war then end with Illya being the last master standing. Kirei ordered. There was simply too much on his mind. "Yep! Judging by how Gilgamesh fought, Karna guessed that he would only need one good blow to put him down. Rin attempted to throw a jewel charged with magic at him. If he stopped for even a moment, Gilgamesh would end him. The man jumped down from his perch, landing in the yard. Karna intercepted, blocking an overhead strike from his opponent and pushing back hard enough to send Berserker skidding across the road. Shirou, Rin, and him were on a 'date', about a day after the battle with Kuzuki. . He only managed to give them one piece of information before he ran. Saber smiled. ", "How long was I out? Together.". Emiya Shirou. Gilgamesh said. A teacher was a Master, who killed Saber. Shirou sputtered, the strain of battle getting to him. It wasn't going to make up for the intrinsic difference in strength and speed, but it meant that Archer wasn't going to win this easily. While Karna and Gilgamesh were busy battling, Kirei was continuing to relish in Shirou's suffering. Karna dodged his opponent's wild swings, countering with a thrust to the chest that sent Berserker flying. Rider swooped in to save Shinji, leaving Shirou to fall. While he could survive Kirei's assault, he couldn't do anything beyond that. Do you have a wish, Master? Kuzuki moved faster than any human should ever move, grabbing the lance and throwing Astolfo into a wall. Karna stood between Berserker and Shirou, clearly exhausted but still going anyway. Archer parried the first two blows, preparing a counterattack. Of course, given that it was Shirou Emiya, he couldn't help but ask the obvious question, even if it will probably speed his impending demise. Shirou was silent. "I suggest you run and never show your face around my Master if you value your life.". "Master, take Shirou and his Servant and get out of here. Only seven walk away from their mission unscaved. Saber arrived at the Emiya household, annoyed. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). "You're correct, but you're not right. He needed to win. left kudos on this work! Shirou, what did you do with the sword I gave you? Despite his weapon clearly being designed for use on a mount, Astolfo wielded it with surprising skill. I'll help you on your little quest.". Karna narrowly dodged the weapon Gilgamesh fired at him, the blade grazing him and opening up a cut along his cheek. "What about you?". For a moment, a terrible rage ran through it. Astolfo said. It wasn't so much that she was weak so much as her Master was outright worthless for supporting her. Either hand over Astolfo, or Taiga Fujimura dies. They regrouped with Rin, who relayed her side of what happened, and then headed back to the Emiya household to plan their next move. "Emiya?" Saber managed to get out of Lancer's direct range, receiving an order from her Master. There was a Bounded Field at school, but it wasn't going to activate for a while. Kama in FSN as Rin's servant. "Child, I am not going to let you attack him." The Saga of Shirou's Summons By: Pallan Minerva. An image flashed in his mind. Karna stated. Yes, it was not any ordinary man who acquired the Holy Grail. With no immediate threats, Shirou and Astolfo got to know each other. And defend it did, barely managing to hold up against the assault while Shirou summoned a weapon his other hand. With my approval, our contract is sealed.. i think it would be amusing if avalon still functioned while this was happening, that way shirou couldn't die and gil would continue to try to kill him. For the first and last time.". An improved rewrite of the author's previous attempt at this fanfic, Fate/Identity Crisis. Karna took a step to return to his Master, only for a golden portal to open above him and shoot a weapon at him. ", "Correct. Karna questioned. Shirou felt like he was barely following this conversation. Read Remnants of a Carnival. The problem, of course, was actually getting there amidst the onslaught of treasures. This is what happens when you watch Emiya Gohan while fighting writer's block and crying over how sad the actual canon is. "Why do you want to kill me?" I doubt you would accomplish much, even if you had a Master." Rin recognized the name quickly, and did not like hearing it. Archer chuckled. I'm not trying to get myself killed. And then he rose back up. He only hopes he could survive sex with a Servant without having his pelvis crushed. "Archer, stand down!" It was only by pure instinct that Shirou managed to survive the blow he took, crashing into the gas station they had been hiding out in while waiting for Kuzuki to arrive. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. FGO-BabyloniaPondering his recent discoveries in this adventure as Chaldea's Last Master, Shirou Emiya thinks about Rin and how much the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar resembles her, to an extent. "What else am I supposed to do? Rin said. Female Emiya Shirou; Summary. Saber stated. There was nothing Shirou could do to stop Caster from using her Noble Phantasm to take Astolfo as her own Servant. Trifling swords, as you'd probably call them." Pondering his recent discoveries in this adventure as Chaldea's Last Master, Shirou Emiya thinks about Rin and how much the Sumerian Goddess Ishtar resembles her, to an extent. The next opponent they would face off against was Caster. "Unleash the world's greatest calamity!". She barely deflected it, stepping around him as she did so and swinging her blade for his side. One strike. I want to fight Shirou Emiya. Going through all the trouble of saving even me. More accurately, golden light suddenly intercepted the lancers spear and rained down on the killer like meteors, hot and heavy, rending the ground it touched mere smoke and nearly filling the air with enough yellow light to call the phenomenon daytime.. "My Master has ordered me by Command Seal to fight you with everything I have.". Only the front gate can be entered by a Servant, and I am stationed here to guard it from other Servants." It didn't do any damage, but it drew his attention. Seriously, Gilgamesh and Shirou would probably get along fine. Gates of Babylon continued to open new portals, firing weapon after weapon upon Karna. is the parallel version of the Shirou from Miyu's world. Privacy Policy. Thankfully, Einzbern seemed to have no intentions of attacking him right now, and Tohsaka seemed to be focused more on Einzbern that his Master. As a veritable newborn, young Shirou had wandered without direction as the fire had filled him with ash and grief instead of a character or a soul; indeed, he would learn that nothing was ever his to keep just as everything was his to take, like a bucket with a hole. And then one more explosion resounded, signalling the end of the battle. She walked right into the living room after all of his guests had left, trying to give him a fair chance. No, failure implied that they were somewhere close to where they started. Words would only serve to downplay its excellence. Berserker materialized behind her. I am Gilgamesh, the King of Heroes, sovereign over Uruk, Knight and Heroic Spirit of the Bow. "My Master is a coward by nature, and ordered me to attack your Master for little reason. Work Search: And on a stroll one day, he meets one stranger still. But I had one hope. Archer bows to her, the action almost mocking. Chapter 1: Kirei was gone after a long struggle. I was simply curious as to who could be such a threat that it needed your intervention." Astolfo said. Shirou got beat up a lot that day. Lancer answered. Shinji ran away, pissing his pants in fear. ", "I can see that." He turned away, preparing to leave. Archer was silent, taking in what Astolfo just said. Shirou didn't respond. "They're just clothes. Shirou called out, summoning the shield of the Trojan hero, Aias. Kirei's movements were still far beyond Shirou's in both speed and power. The scene was one of destruction, the acrid scent of burnt earth carried on the wind. ", Shirou nodded in understanding. He does what he wants, and gets what he wants. I will kill Rin otherwise.". Gilgamesh was so desperate to get his saber that it ended up with him losing like a dummy. I will be executing the Faker first. Astolfo barely managed to to survive the first strike, jumping back and whistling. He focused on that image, forcing his Magic Circuits to start firing. He asked. Gilgamesh remarked. Death was seeking him for a third time. Karna released a burst of flames from his body, using it to force Saber away and take back some momentum in the fight. Lancer released a burst of flames, forcing Saber back. And then flames started to spread into the room. His tone seemed warmer than usual. ", Astolfo smirked, grabbing the reins of Hippogriff. You would serve me just one? Rin had decided that was probably the best quality the two shared. "Shirou Emiya. The armoured man before him crossed his arms with a more open smirk, apparently pleased somewhat by Shirous words. Gil: so i went up to him . Hahaha!!! Your speed and power have only grown since our last battle." Shirou projected weapon after weapon to block, parry, and deflect every single one shot at him, becoming a whirlwind of slashes that barely managed to tear through the offensive. "Meet me in the Einzbern mansion. The King of Heroes attempted to use the moment of reprieve to summon his greatest treasure. "Get up! By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. She had been slammed into the wall and then had her neck twisted around at least three times. Gilgamesh remained standing, half-dead but still alive. What would happen when Ritsuka summons Emiya Shirou in Chaldea? So I've noticed that there aren't very good or well non existent works reacting to the Fate Series so I have decided to do this since no one else will. Shirou deflected them with Kanshou and Bakuya, sending them flying into the air and then landing behind him. ", "He is a naive boy who hasn't quite learned about the workings of the world." Epoxy Flooring UAE; Floor Coating UAE; Self Leveling Floor Coating; Wood Finishes and Coating; Functional Coatings. He could end this right now. Makes sense, Shirou accepted, and stood up from the floor at the same time Gilgamesh arose from his crate. While Shirou probably just goes: "Do you want food, a bath, or something?". that shirou summoned in chaldea fic bashes gilgamesh so much..that author probably just saw fate route anime and decided he was going to make op shirou emiya. Then I will deal with the enemy. . "Your father won. "I suppose it really shouldn't surprise me that Kirei is involved in this war beyond being the Overseer. "To-Tohsaka?" Dagoron said: Shirou dies night one. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. "I suggest you do not move during this process, unless you want the excruciating pain to only worsen. "You're a pretty weak Servant, but you've got more grit than warriors twice your strength." The sound of shattering stone. Gilgamesh said. But he couldn't. While Karna and Archer were talking, Caster had taken the opportunity to kidnap Shirou in an attempt to get Karna under her control. His weapon met a familiar golden lance. ", "My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works.". He closed the distance instantly, attempting to use the moment she was off balance to end the battle. And she just had a bad feeling about him, for some strange reason. Shirou and Astolfo would defeat Gilgamesh, and then Rin would destroy the Holy Grail with the sword Astolfo gave her immediately afterward. Saber managed to land on her feet, landing in a nearby park, only to have to block a diving thrust from Karna. "A fellow collector of Noble Phantasms. ", "I don't care any more." The Lancer stepped back from Berserker for a moment, glancing off to the side to confirm his Master's safety. Berserker growled, throwing a punch with his free hand that Karna blocked with his lance. He also fits in really nice with that early RWBY feel, that makes the fic so good. Surprisingly, it didn't do the same damage to him this time. Shirou Emiya and Gilgamesh were fighting and Gilgamesh almost won..until a Heroic Spirit named Tiresias casted a curse on Gilgamesh turning him into a female, and Transporting Both Shirou and Gilgamesh to another world. Needless to say, Karna immediately began pursuit the moment he realized what was happening. The Holy Grail was complete. Shinji had ordered her to attack the team of Shirou and Rin at school, hoping to catch them when their Servants were off-guard. "This battle is gonna go nowhere at this rate. I made a contract with the World to become a Counter Guardian. Work Search: "I don't really have a wish either! Determined not to meet the same fate after having his life saved, the boy unknowingly summons a warrior of his own. Souichirou Kuzuki was most likely Caster's Master based on everything they heard. Rin Tohsaka had decided that Astolfo was definitely a Servant made for Shirou Emiya. He is above the petty mongrel feeling of desire. Shirou answered. Howsoever the lancer had managed to survive the onslaught, the spearman was gone and the light was not, and Shirou lifted his gaze up to an armoured figure silhouetted by the rings of light behind him almost as golden as he. In the next, he was gone. "Shirou, why is Tohsaka here and who is this strange man?!" At least Lancer was now working with them for the time being. "Lancer? Don't let Kirei win!". Rin said. There was little point in leaving his Master unprotected when he still had little clue as to what was going on. The gears in the sky solidified. Needless to say, a boy like Shirou Emiya was very much vexed by these feelings. When? The battle sped up from there as Archer began to start taking this seriously. Shirou looked down at his hand. He projected a new blade, preparing to meet Kirei's next attack. Just sit tight while your knight in dingy armor takes care of things!" "I presume you are here to guard this temple?" The Lancer once again dodged them, forced to relinquish distance to avoid being ensnared by the chains. "Hello, Big Brother." Inferior collector, you should leave. Karna was sent flying into a building, crashing through it and landing on the other side. An anthology of stories where Shirou summons different Servants, and the wacky hijinks they get up to around our friendly neighborhood Ally of Justice. Karna stated. Shirou's response was to summon Astolfo there with a Command Seal, who blocked Saber's slash with his lance. Yet. He wore a black bodysuit that exposed his chest and a red cape with golden sun decorations.