No surprise here. Just natural. These synastry aspects can be good for friendships, family members, and/or romantic relationships, unless I specify otherwise! They also might want to work with kids. Majestic creatures. Sometimes when people are shitty to us, it pushes us on the right path. You havent encountered these qualities in your partner before, regardless of whether or not you met in the past. There is a rapport between them that is undeniable, and the Sun person will shine extra brightly in the presence of the North Node person. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Try to dive into spirituality and the unknown. They also likely have a lot of secret sex k*nks they wanna try out, but itll take a while to get that out of them LMAO. (Having their 7th house lord on your 1st or vice verse too, but these are talking about aspects not placements). They also may take longer than other Venus degrees to get into a relationship, as this is the degree of delay. 2021 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. They just tend to think about shit over and over again. My imagination is also very preoccupied with helping other people, Im literally always daydreaming about how Im going to help people at my future job (6). They also enjoy surprises during sex, and unlike other degrees listed here, they dont like to plan sex out beforehand. If done right, it can create an unbreakable bond and the two can grow together. Gemini deals with duality, and this degree truly shows that. Cancer moons I just cant vibe with, and Im a Cancer sun. Most people born around the same time as you who you do synastry with, youre gonna have those aspects with them. I also become very motivated when it comes to being a leader or being in charge of something; as soon as Im in charge I strive to be the best. Id also say that this individual likes to get manicures a lot; if not that they usually keep their hands and nails well groomed. Cancer degrees in love are very traditional. They want stability and things under their control, anything that they have no control over, they want no part of. My sun is square their moon, which is what seems to be sticking out to me but curious what else I should maybe look for? Focus on other stuff. Contact me for a reading or read more here. They wouldnt even want to wait until after the ceremony, theyd definitely want to sneak to the bathroom with their partner and have sex right then and there LMAO. They have a good sense of who they are, and they have good intuition. Saturn Conjunct Ascendant: I really like this for any kind of relationship. Also, I tend to spend a lot of money on home decor and decorating my room in general, so this is where I overindulge. Individuals with this degree in their Mars likely want to go into a field that helps to care for others, more specifically the medical field. They are motivated by the idea of a better world. Elon Musk has his Moon and Venus both in Libra degrees, and Mark Zuckerberg has his Mars in a Libra degree). By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Sometimes you'll also see it called the true node. They are open about their love for each other. Remember, not all soulmates are romantic either. biquintiles, semi-sextile, etc. Also Scorpio degrees in Venus are very magnetic and have a charm to them like Libra, but theirs is a much darker charm. Empathy is VERY strong, and often the two can get lost in the . If this is a toxic connection, which would show up in other places in the chart. Thinking about the time my co-worker liked my other co-worker and she tried to flirt with him by asking for a bite of his icecream and he told her to get her own. This can be parent and child, friends, or siblings. Their public image makes or breaks them. Overall, they are cautious and ambitious lovers. Im really glad you guys all found it really helpful, as promised, heres how were going to analyze degrees in your planets and houses. They could also be motivated for attention by their preferred gender (i.e. This degree also deals with cars, so they might motivate themselves to get a good job so they can buy a nice car. Asteroid Dejanira Conjunct Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and or NN: This is the victim asteroid. Ive had this before and a friend of mine has as well, and Ivefound it to be true. Hey guyss, so Im drunk off red wine rn instead of studying for finals which pretty much sums up my Cancer Sun-Aries moon nature. On the other hand, the north node person helps the Sun person be who they really are. The Mars person can get obsessed with the Neptune person. Usually, there is a strong pull when they meet. I think its the Mercury energy. Theyre also all about sensations, so theyre definitely into being blind folded or having their mouth covered (i.e. They also like to feel nurtured during sex and its a very emotional thing for them. They remain with you, in some form, for a long time into the future. Scorpio moons have the bedroom eyes. These people like to help those who are in need. Nothing else to say here. They also want someone whos intelligent and will be able to have deep, philosophical conversations with them. They stick to routines and stability. Theres also a slight sense of mystery to these individuals, even with a placement like Sagittarius rising, theres always something there, like youre not getting the full story with them. I could also see them pursuing a career dealing with electricity, i.e. Individuals with Virgo degrees in Mars may also be motivated to be healthy and to take care of themselves. They also might use sex to help them manifest things (honestly you should do this if you have this degree, sex magick is v powerful). They also might wear a lot of jewelry, particularly earrings. Im also very interested in true crime and the criminal justice system, which fits these degrees as well (and my Mercury in the 8th of course). Love yall tho. Your conscious self and the mission of your soul blend together. Also, my father was apart of these transformations because he divorced my mom and this created a big transformation for me. Im sorry, but every couple Ive seen with this aspect are always fighting, to the point where it becomes toxic. Hence, these people have big egos. I could also see individuals with this degree accomplishing their goals slowly; they like to take their time when doing things. When Sag Venuses are loyal thoughthey love so fucking hard, like they will love you till the end of time. Bad aspects can be neutralized by good ones depending on what they are, i.e. I had this with my ex, and when we broke up I wrote so many poems about the break up and how it affected me. On the more negative traits of Capricorn degrees, they may have a fear of love and this can make it hard for them to either get into a relationship or be vulnerable in a relationship. Very confusing. Moon conjunct . having friends in high places. Thank you. I could also see them really being into the whole teacher/professor role-play, and wanting to learn everything there is to know about sex so they do a good job LMAO. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. The Sun is, you know, what's your sign? Mars conjunct south node/north node/vertex/juno (other aspects like trine/sextile also but I dont think they will show up as powerful as the conjunct in this specific case). Al Pacino has this and youve seen his stares in Scarface. Whenever Im sad, I just eat a lot. Ambitions: Individuals with Libra degrees in their Mars are definitely about fairness and are very charming. The North Node represents what the soul is working towards, while the South Node shows the past self, or who one were in a past life. So this carries on from Jupiter lmao, like I said Im worried too much about my health and if Im doing enough routine-wise. Also, like Taurus degrees, they exude a sense of wealth. Adversely, they might give off a detached vibe. The north node, on the other hand, is associated with your life purpose: in the birth chart, it shows where you have lessons to learn in this lifetime. Its a deeply spiritual and emotional experience for them. These individuals are also sincere and honest. Thats about it. The downsides of Pisces degrees like I said, they can be secretive with certain parts of themselves and can be too intense with their love, perhaps to the point where it drives them crazy or their partners crazy. Theres a lot of excitement here. I feel like Scorpios tend to use the Cancers to heal themselves and they tend to form trauma bonds with Cancers. Ambitions:Individuals with Scorpio degrees in their Mars are definitely secretive and fascinated by all the dark aspects of life. Aquarius degrees- 11, 23: With Aquarius degrees on the ascendant, Im getting mad scientist vibes LMAO jk jk. They like to make each other laugh and be best friends. NN conjunct NN. You had a strong, deep relationship that may have been romantic, but could also have been a sibling or parent-child bond. The plants create their food with the Sun's help. After I hang out with them for a long period of time, my jaw hurts from talking too much and Im mentally exhausted from pondering the ins and outs of life. Being around the Sun person teaches the . I feel like I can embody a 7th house stellium personality and an 8th house stellium personality. Well guys, thats my post! They also like to talk in bedif you know what I mean. <3, Definitely gonna make this a series! The Moon person may also become overly dependent on the Saturn person for emotional support. I could also see their success maybe being delayed in some cases. Scorpio placements in general are just the fire signs of the water signs, if that makes sense. However, Sun-North Node people are straight jackets. The problem is that each person embodied the most uncomfortable, or worst, qualities of these signs. Sun Semi-square Moon: Individuals with this aspect tend to have an ongoing conflict between what they should do and what they feel is right. These people are very open with each other, and feel comfortable talking about anything and everything with each other, more specifically the dark side. Moon Sextile Saturn: This softens the karmic relationship aspect of Moon Conjunct Saturn. Jupiter conjunct south/north node/vertex/juno, Uranus/Neptune/Pluto conjunct vertex/juno, Juno conjunct vertex/south node/north node. Each synastry connection has its own level of potentiality for longevity, and this is a good one for long-term goodness. Since Apollo conjunct ascendant deals with power and people looking up to someone, I have people trying to take my power away and fight me for it if you will. These are the things that we need to take into moderation and focus on the North Node. We have a very natural bond, and most people have to work to form relationships, but friendship was always so easily for us, and weve always felt comfortable around each other. TLDR; look at all the aspects and dont hone in on the negative ones unless theyre really bad like Nessus contacts, Mars square Mars, etc. Ive noticed ALOT of Capricorn suns have issues with their father. However, challenges are an important part of the journey and they help you grow. Ill be talking to them, and they just keep going, and going and going and goingand Im just like. It doesn't just have to be a romantic relationship, either. Quincunxes (inconjunctions) should be considered a major aspect imo. Your ego and inner self supports your life purpose and vice versa. They have different facets to their personality and one tends to dominate for certain periods of time which can be a struggle. Theyre a kaleidoscope. They also might enjoy dirty talking and theyre very much into setting the mood. Aquarius is a fixed sign, theyre stubborn as fuck, and so are Aquarius Mars. I have it aspecting my moms Mercury, and a lot of people say I sound like her on the phone. With this being in the 8th house at 10 I could likely use this ability through dealing with the deeper/darker aspects of life furthermore in a potential career. Mercury Conjunct Venus: Will There Be An Imbalance In The Relationship? I either become absorbed by my routines or I just struggle with developing one at all. All in all, Aquarius degrees are unique and exciting lovers. Every Libra sun I know wakes up everyday and chooses violence. Id say the downside of Leo degrees is that they always want to call the shots and dont want to compromise. If this transit is taken advantage of wrongly, things may come back negatively. Libra Mars placements are SO moody, but boy do they know how to flirt and charm. For some people, this is not an easy process (or perhaps its better to say than its harder than for others): the south node represents things familiar and easy, and we can be quite reluctant to move towards the north node. Hi guys, thank you all so much for the support on the last degree post! These individuals also have a subtle s*x appeal and they tend to deal with jealousy from others regarding their appearance. Theyre a softer version of Scorpio imo. Sun: One's personality has been carried over from past lives. Venus positively aspecting/conjunction Uranus: Literally love at first sight in romantic relationships. These synastry aspects can be good for friendships, family members, and/or romantic relationships, unless I specify otherwise! These individuals also can use their charm to help them accomplish their goals, etc. In your chart the position of the sign represents your life purpose and style in which your make your mark in the world. The Sun person can't help but be who they are. Obviously, not everyone with this placement is gonna be brooding or have an intensity to them. They can also be greatly motivated by their reputation and public image- this can influence what they decide to do for a career and what hobbies they pursue. They also struggle with being very sensitive. Because the Nodes are incredibly important in someones chart, another persons Sun aspecting their partners nodes can have a very strong aspect. Everyone thinks air Mars are just chill and avoid conflict. I tend to see that with other people I know as well, I see them embodying both Placidus placements and whole signs placements. Mercury Conjunct Mars: This is good for romantic relationships. Despite being aloof, they are still air signs. They might dissociate or feel disconnected from their body. PR. This is a really nice and sweet overlay to have. Ambitions: Individuals with Aries degrees in their Mars are AMBITIOUS. This is also what I do with every crush I have, the amount of poems Ive written for girls Ive had a crush on, oh my god. Also quite literally, I think about love a lot and always find myself dreaming about being in a relationship. 8th house synastry is so fucking intense, but I always find myself looking for itrip. Scorpios I think would work well with earth signs, Pisces? I could keep going but I think yall get the picture. We always say similar things and think the same way. They also like to control, so they might like to boss their partner around or they might like being controlled. Taurus degrees must learn that everyone has their ideas of love and it may or may not align with their idea of it. Minor degrees included. Your endeavors are always successful. In more extreme cases they felt unloved or unloved by one or both parents. The Sun people, like the bright star, can also give other people energy. What the people first see in us is the Sun. Sun in the 5th overlay: This is just a super fun aspect to have for any relationship. If not creative, theyre at the very least very fun to date. Idk, Ive always gotten along super well with Libra Mercuries. However, with this placement mastered, a Gemini degree in Venus is both a communicative and intellectual lover. Now there can be a little bit of a shadow side to this. Aries degrees also tend to fall in love quickly, and want the relationship to move quickly. Theyre fascinated by the things we cant see. Also if youre dating someone with a Pisces degree in their Venus? They also appear to be very laidback, and kind of detached from things. They might pursue the same career that a family member does, or they might pursue a career in the psychology field since it deals with emotions. Uranus: Your degree here shows how youre unique compared to others. The planet conjunct the north node will color the relationship with its traits. Scorpio degrees- 8, 20: With Scorpio degrees on the ascendant, Id say that this slightly darkens any rising sign that this individual has. Ive noticed Cancer placements if sleepy and not near a bed theyll try to make their own makeshift bed, like when I was at school between classes I would line up a bunch of chairs next to each other and lay down and use my backpack as a pillow. In relationships, they can also be cold and have a hard time opening up, similarly to Scorpio degrees. This transit is the time where people are more selfish than usual. Theyrefull of life. They have to be very mindful of this and not get attached too quickly, and let the attachment grow over time. Aries suns and Capricorn suns have more in common than you think. Moon Mars Aspects. Cancers, not so much. These Nodal Axis' role in astrology is to represent points of imbalance with regards to karma. I also daydream about becoming well-known for whatever field I decide to go into.