Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 0. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Source: Tables shows retail prices (in dollars) for 1910 along with wholesale prices for 1900 and 1910 in both Yokohama and Tokyo. Source: U.S. Bureau of Education. Source: University of Minnesota, Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin #162. Items for the home, including: Chart shows fare charged per mile in 85 different British cities, expressed in pence. Source: Oregon's minimum wage laws for women and girls went into effect in 1913 and 1914. Illinois: Chicago, Peoria and Springfield Rates of pay (per day) for engineers, foremen, cabinet makers, cabinetmakers' helpers, carvers, finishers, machine hands, unskilled laborers, and boys at the Grand Rapids Chair Company. Average house prices declined 23 per cent between 1845 and 1911, a slow 0.4 per cent-a-year grind down, whereas wages went up 90 per cent, which sounds a lot but was only 1.1 per cent annually. higher than in June, 15 1914. | Report other issues | © UK Parliament. Collection of studies reveals average annual expenditures for food, rent, clothing, and medical care. Consular reports show wages and salaries by job title for countries including Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, France, Japan, Belgium, Spain and more. Back in my day | See how costs have changed | Hillarys Wage Rates in the United Kingdom in 1938 - JSTOR See. The cost of livingincreased at least 63% andpossiblyas much as78% between 1914 and1921. USDA Bulletin no. A summary of such per-capita earnings for the years 1929 and 1932. is . A volume in the series of studies in the national income and expenditure of the United Kingdom, being undertaken at the National Institute of Economic and Social Research in London and the Department of Applied Economics at Cambridge. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 1912, Ohio - Average annual wages and salaries by occupation, 1916-1932, Teenagers' occupations and wages by race in Philadelphia, 1912, Philadelphia pay rates by occupation, 1915, Farm labor in Vermont - Wages, 1780s-1937, California - Women's wages, hours and working conditions in 1911, Changes in women's median wages in California, 1914-1925, District of Columbia - Women's wages in 1913, District of Columbia - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1919-1922, Indiana - Women's wages in mercantile and garment factories, early 1910s, Kansas - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1916-1924, Maryland - Women's wages, hours and working conditions in 1911, New York - Union wages and hours for all occupations by sex - 1912, Telegraph operators and clothing factory workers, Oregon - Minimum wage for women and girls in the 1910s, Oregon - Changes in women's median wages by industry, 1917-1918, Pennsylvania - Candy makers in Philadelphia, 1919, Washington state - Women's median wages by industry, 1913-1914, 1920, History of state minimum wage laws for women and children. 170, published May 1915. Wages expressed in both foreign currency and dollars. Also discusses the the cost to rent in various countries. Note the page number and enter it in the "jump to" box in HathiTrust. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. 170, published May 1915. Infant's and young children's: The Average Accounts Payable salary in West Malling is 33,000. Hourly wages rose in real terms (ie above inflation) every year from 1924 to 1930, with a rise of 10 per cent in 1928 alone. Shows the what it might cost to acquire a 320 acre wheat farm and run it for a year, listing the cost of each essential agricultural implement, seed, eight horses, a buggy and two wagons, as well as typical amounts expended on farm help (wages and board), equipment repairs and maintenance, taxes, etc. List of countries by average wage - Wikipedia Entertainment: It's no secret that inflation causes prices and wages to rise. Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Government Documents Department, Ellis Library 0. Average : 5,036 Range : 595 - 42,608. Prices are shown in Italian lire. Source: Investigation relative to wages and prices of commodities, Shows the average weekly wages of various occupations in 8 different industries in Budapest. 0. This truly amazing source has an extensive list of occupations, including those seldom seen in other documents: theatrical costumers, musicians for silent movie shows, orchestral musicians, house movers, hearse drivers, piano movers, writers working at newspapers (journalists), sail makers, photo-engravers, bartenders in saloons, elevator men in hotels, and thousands more. Some are broken down by sex. He discusses wage levels in agriculture and silk production in the Yangzi Delta, and estimates the average wage in rice cultivation at 0.06 taels per day, adding 'the official standard was 0.04 taels a day which is a bit low compared to the wages in some farms in Huzhou, Zhejiang province'. Provides retail food prices in Austria in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. You did not specified the year range. all rights reserved, History U: Courses for High School Students, Statistics: The American Economy during the 1920s, Located on the lower level of the New-York Historical Society. Conversely, $1 earned in 1913 had the same buying power as about $30 in the year 2022. 170, published May 1915. (Click image for detail), Marie Concannon, Government Information Librarian tools, agricultural implements, more implements, farm wagons, harness, saddles, buggy and wagon parts. Shows earnings for a variety of industries throughout the state. Or was it real? Missouri: Kansas City and St. Louis Source: Missouri State Dept of Agriculture. Average amounts earned during a week and average hours worked per week are also reported for both types of mills: Shows average weekly wages for a number of occupations such as bakers, breweries, electricians, machinists, stevedores, teamsters, and more. Wage growth slows in late 2019 From May 2020 to November. Arkansas: Little Rock. This four-page table compares wholesale and retail prices of articles at Moscow in 1900 and 1910, including beef, veal, pork, ham, mutton, fat, fish, eggs, butter, sugar, potatoes, poultry, bread, woolen goods, clothing, and coal. The average salary in England was 39,452 for those working full-time, and 13,845 for part-time jobs. The U. S. Census Bureau collected and reported telephone service rates. Source: U.S. Federal Trade Commission report. Georgia: Atlanta Hourly earnings in manufacturing industries averaged 69.1c for the first 11 months of 1937, as compared with 60.6c in 1920, 59.0c in 1929, and 61.7c in 1936. . Utah: Salt Lake City Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin No. Source: Shows hours and wages for 12 occupations including brick layers, painters, street sweepers etc. High 33,000. Oregon: Portland 5d. Groceries, chocolates and candies, ovens and stoves, kettles and pans, other kitchenware, cutlary, tableware, tableclothes and napkins, China glass, cut glass Compares wage rates and hours of work for the WWI and WWII eras, focusing specifically on the manufacturing, mining, railroad, printing and maritime industries, as well as farm labor wages. Source: BLS. Links to government documents and primary sources listing retail prices for products and services, as well as wages for common occupations. 852. New Jersey: Newark Although this source does not show prices patients paid for health care, it does indicate overhead for health providers. Boy's clothes, boy's fine clothing, boy's pajamas, girl's clothing, children's hats, baby clothes, baby carriages, children's toys, dolls. Issued by the War Industries Board in 1919, these bulletins include. Provides retail food prices in Russia in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. The Average Salary in 1920. Shows the budgets of 90 families of American (including immigrant) mill workers in contemporary US dollars. Children's and baby items: New jobs added in the last day. sheets, pillowcases, tablecloths, blankets, quilts and calicos), Prices of American agricultural implements. Source: Shows the average weekly and hourly wages of different occupations in the Missouri shoe industry between 1913-1922. Shows hourly wages and typical hours per week. One school (Potter) had white students and the other (Durham) had "colored." report, 1919. Items for home industry or earning income, such as: 8,551. The chapter "Medical Finance" on pages 111-137 in this guide to a successful medical practice detail medical fees for various services, including a, Prices from the 1910 Sears Catalog. Mostly shows ladies' underthings but also has some girls' and babies' garments. Source: Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. This book collects very detailed statistics of hourly and weekly wages by industry and locality in the state of Massachusetts. Pages 13-24 show the wages of the family of workers in coal, iron, and steel industries in the US, the UK, Germany, and Belgium. Scroll forward in the source to see the full list of cities. The tables on following pages shows the breakdown of prices for items within this weekly expenditure. Wages are shown in Spanish pesetas. Salary: Benchmarking (March, 2023) | Glassdoor Most data is broken out by women and men teachers. Source: William Whitely Ltd. produced a 642-page mail order catalog in 1913, with a service area covering the full UK. For the home: 87, Belgium - Food prices as affected by the war, Bulgaria - Food prices as affected by the war, Typical weekly expenditures of a Canadian family, 1910-1920, Nova Scotia (Yarmouth) Prices, ca. Special study of the occupations and wages of students aged 13-19 years old from two schools. Fish prices on. Source: India Dept of Statistics. This report lists the salaries per annum of government employees in Mexico City for 1910. This 1910 report on the cost of living at Odessa, Russia discusses the wages of laborers, the salaries of schoolteachers, and the salaries of those in "ordinary mercantile pursuits. Lists tuition prices for both residents and non residents as well as room and board costs and fees for institutions across the United States. 1911. Here you can find the percent of increase in average food prices from 1914-1921. The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Includes data for the countries of Australia, Belgium, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, India, Italy, Japan, Norway, New Zealand, Netherlands, Noway, South Africa, Sweden, and Switzerland, and the United Kingdom. Kitchen ranges, stoves, furnaces, furniture, farm tools and wagons, harness and more. 0. A brief report of prices (wholesale and retail) at Mazatlan in 1910 including beef, clothing, hogs, Shows the average price of foodstuffs and other common goods in the federal district of Mexico. Tip: enter an occupation in the "Search in this text" box. This two-page table shows wholesale and retail prices of commodities (mostly food) at St. Petersburg in 1900 and 1910. Source: Shows weekly wages of adult workers in each of the six state capitals. See, Includes state universities and those which received some state funding, such as Cornell. 160, published 1914. rate, set in April 1999, was 3.60 an hour for adults aged over 22, covering as many as 1.2 million adults, who had an average pay rise of . James S. Olson. Prices of shoes - Table shows wholesale and retail. Search for occupations such as carpenters, machinists, waiters, electricians, brewers, chauffeurs, stablemen, roofers, painters, plumbers, etc. Full list of years is provided below: Critical analysis of government methods for collecting and reporting wage data in the 1910s. Search Again. Some rows specify wages for women (see women listed frequently on this page for, The advantage of this table is that it shows wage rates for all the years from 1907-1921 together, so one can easily see changes over time. Greenwood, 1988. Very simple table shows average hours and earnings for all production workers in manufacturing for each year from 1919-1960. Stay informed. [13] 16 November - carmaker Vauxhall Motors of Luton is purchased by American giant General Motors for $2.5 million. Baby: l0d. It may be necessary to use the zoom (+) feature to make the figures clearer. See, There is much information in this 522-page report, especially about working conditions. In 1917 groceries cost. College tuition waswas $20/year at the Univ. Shows the retail prices of various food stuffs in 11 North American/European countries. Prices are shown in German marks. This calculator can be used to determine the historical purchasing power of currency in the United Kingdom from 1270 to 2017. Efforts to keep Britain in the Gold Standard, and in particular, the decision in 1925 to return to the prewar level of $4.85. Kissimmee beats the Florida average by 30.7%, and Hollywood furthers that trend with another $9,015 (35.6%) above the $25,340. Prices are shown in Romanian lei. Wholesale and retail prices (in dollars) in Berlin for 1900 and 1910. Data covers industrial towns in England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland. Those in May, l925 (the latest date for which the figures are available) were about 10s. Prices for food, firewood, soap, matches and more in. The figures for the cotton industry for June, 1920, and July, 1925. Source:Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. Alphabetical list of colleges includes tuition, room & board, etc. II.WAGES IN THE COAL MINING, COTTON AND WOOL TEXTILE INDUSTRIES. Table shows average 1912 wage per day, in francs and United States equivalent, for the principal industries and traces in the city of Roubaix. This report contains summaries by states, but no detailed statistics of individual schools. Source: U.S. Congressional Serial Set volume 6460. The Annual RPI and Average Earnings for Britain, 1209 to Present (New Series) Download the Results in a Spreadsheet Format There were errors processing your request: You did not select a series for comparison. Shows clothing, jewelry, home decor, linens and furnishings, musical instruments and more. At the same time, the minimum wage for younger workers under the age of 18 has increased at a slower pace than that of older workers. Compares to national averages. 23 This series is composed of two parts. Source: Newcomb, Endicott and Co. Magazine of Fashion, Undermuslin, 1917. The survey included family size, total costs, percent distribution of the costs of goods and services, and total budget. Average weekly earnings were estimated at 629 for total pay and 586 for regular pay in November 2022. Tells average length of stay and average cost per day based on whether the patient was in a ward or a private room. Data provided for both large cities and small towns (, Discusses the 1918 federal housing plan that provided housing for war industry workers, including. This 1910 report on the cost of living at Odessa, Russia gives house rents and the prices of provisions. This source goes into detail on how employees were paid for piecework, which could include hemming, button sewing, setting the collars, etc. - Prices, 1917, Clothing prices paid by farmers, 1910-1960, Lawrence, MA - Retail prices of clothing, dry goods, shoes, house furnishings, 1912, Prices of sheets and blankets by U.S. city - 1917-1919, Prices paid by farmers for household items, 1910-1960, Medical costs for influenza patients - 1918, Average family expenditure on health in 1918, Cost to have a baby in rural Kansas, 1917, Over-the-counter drug and remedy prices, 1910, Horses and mules - Average prices, 1910-1933, Cost of keeping farm horses and cost of horse labor, 1917, Cost to mail a letter or postcard, 1863-present, Cost to send an international message by cable - 1916, Price of a newspaper subscription, 1869-1920, College tuition, room & board, books and fees by institution, 1912, tuition for various courses of study at each university, Tuition and student remuneration are listed by state, city and individual teaching hospital, Tuition for law, medical and dental schools, 1916-1918, Non-tuition expenses to attend college in California, ca. Also discusses hours and working conditions. This is taken from the book. This article describes the rising cost of food and manufactured products in comparison with wages for the pre-revolutionary period. Wages are shown in both Francs and contemporary US dollars. Miscellaneous: Source: BLS, Shows the average hourly and weekly earnings of men and women manufacturing war materials throughout WW1. Nebraska: Omaha Cities include. Loading. Retail prices shown include beef, meats, provisions, bread, leather shoes and clothing, and coal. South Carolina: Charleston l0d. These workers engaged in spinning, weaving, printing, dyeing and otherwise performing tasks for the manufacture of fabrics. Average UK Salary 2023: Time to Ask for a Pay-Rise? | Esquire Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Phone (573) 882-0748, Arranged by occupation and then city. This report contains detailed tables showing average hourly rates of wages by occupation, sex, and age group at. on women's garments. List shows 1910 prices per kilo of beef, pork, and potatoes in Guadalajara, Jalisco. This source documents their actual average earnings before and after the laws took effect. Source: BLS, Shows the daily wages and hours of workers in 4 different industries in Madrid. weekly wage-rate in each case now, as compared with June, 1920, and June, 1914, respectively? Shows the fee bill setting charges for medical services that was adopted by the Sullivan County Medical Society in 1911; also tells how it changes during and after WWI. Source: BLS, Shows the average daily wages for workers in different occupations in French coal mines. Source: Shows wages in British currency with American equivalents. 170, published May 1915. loaf of bread in the various districts of England, Scotland and Wales for each year from 1914-1916. Overalls and work pants, work shirts, socks, underwear, collars and cuffs, made to order tailored suits, moderately priced suits, gloves, hats, shoes, fur coats, bathing suits. Source: Provides retail food prices in France in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. 45-57. Source: Bulletin of the Women's Bureau No. Source: BLS. Covers Great Britain, France, Belgium, Germany, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. Reply #2 on: Saturday 01 March 14 16:11 GMT (UK) . "75 Years of American Finance: A Graphic Presentation 1861-1935" Average Accounts Payable Salary in West Malling - catalog, 1917, Sporting gear and clothing prices - 1916, Average expenditure for individual articles of clothing, 1918-1919, B. Altman & Co. - Clothing mail order catalog, 1915, Average retail price of fabric in 45 cities - 1917, Ladies' undergarments, nightgowns, etc. The number of women in work was 1.7 million higher in 1925 than it . Wages are shown in contemporary US dollars. Tram Drivers (50 of the principal Districts). Industrial home work - Earnings, early 1920s Use the following hyperlinks to see values for. Was the prosperity of the 1920s an illusion? July, 1925. Kitchen goods: One-piece dresses, junior dresses, suits, junior skirts, sweaters, coats, hats, shoes Discounts were available for those who wished to purchase, Retail prices for clothing, dry goods and shoes are reported from 6 firms; prices for. compared with 6s. There was no minimum wage in 1915, except in a few states experimenting with it, and only for women and children. Shows prices in shillings and pence for various food items; articles of clothing for men, women, boys and girls; fuel for heating and cooking; soap, tobacco and cigarettes. Source: Reports the income, expenditures, and standard of living for 395 families. Household goods: Salaries of head masters and head mistresses in Glasgow public schools. Wages are shown in both Hungarian gold crowns and contemporary U.S. dollars. This two-page table shows retail prices of articles (in dollars) at Manchester in 1900 and 1910. In addition, piece rates of wages were increased in 1919, when the normal weekly working hours were reduced, in such proportion as to prevent any reduction in weekly earnings resulting from the reduction in the working hours. The author was a professor from the University of Pennsylvania. Rhode Island: Providence In 1917 petrol cost. 613. Quickly find page number for any item using the, This report shows wholesale and retail prices of various commodities as well as. US Average Household income current dollars (non-inflation-adjusted). Source: U.S. BLS Bulletin no. Source: Table shows the price of imported and French made agricultural machinery for 1900 and 1910, including mowers, reapers, binders, hay rakes, and tedders. In a list that spans pages 448-531, one can see unionized jobs, wages and hours for women listed separately from men. 7d or 64 per cent. As of May 2012, the median annual wage in the United States was $34,750, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. By paging forward in the report, one can find breakouts for many individual industries. U.S. congressional document shows the price of foods such as potatoes, oatmeal, flour, mutton, butter, cheese, eggs, ham and beef, as well as "a suit of woolen clothing" and boots/shoes; coal, fuel oil, and farming implements such as plows, binders and two-horse mowers. Source: Congressional Serial Set vol. 526. Source: BLS. There are more sudden and temporary jumps in the series for British Source: BLS. Tennessee: Memphis War and Postwar Wages, Prices, and Hours, 1914-23 and 1939-44 - FRASER Because women's wages varied a great deal around the country in the 1910s, most wage data is reported by state. embroidery tools, water pipe repair, bicycles, bicycle repair, car repair, gasoline engines, car parts, wagon repair, sleds, tools, more tools, axes and saws, farming equipment, farm chemicals, animal supplies, horse harnesses and tack, painters materials, roofing and siding, doors and windows, other building materials, Shows average price of bread, meats, fish, eggs, milk, flour, cheese, potatoes, butter, tea, etc. There are no statistics available as to the average wages or income in 1913-14 or at the present time for these industries as a whole. In the 1910s decade, 4% to 6%of peopleaged18-21enrolled incollege. Source: BLS. Shows the daily wages of Chilean miners between 1911 and 1924 in both pesos and the U.S. dollar. Source: International Labour Review, Feb 1921. Tables on pages 43-52 list the retail prices of flour, butter, bacon, beef, mutton, ham, sugar and coffee in selected cities in the U.S., Austria, Canada, Nova Scotia, England, Germany, France, Russia, Bulgaria, Japan, Mexico. Shows the average weekly wages for a variety of occupations and industries in New Zealand. Low 33,000. Source: Tables show wholesale and retail prices (in dollars) of commodities at. This table, published in 1911, shows wages for various occupations in Nova Scotia, including at cotton mills and iron works and for printers, plumbers, bakers, tailors and tailoresses, barbers, cigar makers, typewriters and stenographers, blacksmiths, carpenters, and masons and plasterers. Source: Most of the workers in this industry were women and girls. Get the latest book reviews delivered bi-weekly. Compares to wage data from 1873. Shows wages in rupees by location for agricultural laborers, masons, carpenters, blacksmiths, etc. The tables are broken down by occupation and city. UK Economy in the 1920s - Economics Help prices of British made men's shoes in 1900 and 1910. Average dollar value per acre for farm land (along with any buildings on the land), broken out by U.S. region. Jobs in, ranging from 33,000 to 33,000. This report gives the 1910 salaries of post-office employees and school teachers in Guadalajara. Clocks, living room furniture, chairs, tables, lamps, carpets and rugs, curtains, silverware, glassware, china and cutlery, kitchen pots and pans, beds, bed sheets, towels, refrigerators, cabinets, lawn mowers, garden tools. Colorado: Denver. Tables show retail prices of meat, various other food items, and average yearly rentals by number of rooms at Munich for 1900 and 1910. Public sector pay cuts announced in 1931 reduced wages by 10 to 20%. Provides retail food prices in Germany in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Study conducted by the city of Philadelphia. New Evidence on Canadian Wage Rates, 1900-1930 - JSTOR Source: Newcomb, Endicott and Co. Shows salaries for police officers, fire brigade, custom-house officers, Shows the daily wages of German workers in 9 different industries for both men and women. Women's: 170, published May 1915. Labour Value is measured as the multiple of the average wage that a worker would need to use to buy the commodity. Note: Cook county salaries for additional years are available in this. Provides retail food prices in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden in 1914 and in the years leading up to the war outbreak. Table shows comparative prices (wholesale and retail) at Warsaw in 1900 and 1910. 170, published May 1915. Shows wages by occupation grouped by industries, with breakouts for males and females. Instead, the students took courses and worked in hospitals, most being paid a low (student) wage for performing the work. Bread cost an average 5 per pound in 1912. Covers the years 1909, 1910 and 1914-1916. Click "more" for direct links to items in this catalog. Coal Mining: The information available is insufficient to enable the increase in rates of wages to be estimated. Source: Bulletin of the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. Maryland: Baltimore Factory employee average annual wages - 1921, 1923 Shows wage data by manufacturing categories for 1914, 1919, 1921, and 1923. Abercrombie & Fitch mail order catalog for Christmas, 1916. Havre - Salaries of officials and civil servants, 1900 and 1910, Berlin - Salaries and wages of officials and teachers, 1900 and 1910, fire service employees, and teachers at secondary and primary schools, Hamburg - Salaries of public officers, 1900 and 1910, court officials and judges, teachers in schools, Wages by occupation in the U.K., 1893-1913, Wages by occupation and sex in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Wages by industry in Great Britain, 1914-1921, Municipal employee wages by occupation - U.K., 1912, Government employees, letter carriers, teachers etc. Indiana: Indianapolis Average earnings and hours worked for workers in woolen and worsted goods manufacturing in 15 states. Table 1 shows average wages from 1900 to 1930 for three major occupations. Source: Australia Labour & Industrial Branch report #2, pp. Calling all K12 teachers: Join us July 1619 for the second annual Gilder Lehrman Teacher Symposium. Pocket watches, smoking pipes, shaving razors, hair pieces, fountain pens, jewelry, diamonds. The cost of materials for each home is printed in large type at the top of each page. Tuition fees to learn secretary skills, bookkeeping, accountancy, stenography, wire telegraphy and salesmanship. See quartile explanation on p. 334. Discusses the minimum weekly wages for women and girls working in various occupations. Suits, overalls, pants, work shirts, laundered and dress shirts, flannel shirts, sweaters, nightwear, underwear, trusses, socks, overcoats, mackinaw and fur coats, raincoats, shoes, ties and mufflers, cuff links, furs, gloves, hats, pipes, pocket knives, watches, watch tools and chains by STATE A taste of life in Britain in 1925 - The Telegraph All prices listed in dollars. Jobs that pay more than the average (33,000). 72-75. Massachusetts: Boston and Fall River Wages are divided by occupation or sex and include cooks, valets, coachmen, chambermaids, and general servants. PDF Wages During the Depression - National Bureau of Economic Research Or was it real? Seejob duties and qualifications in the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics'Descriptions of Occupations, published 1918. Includes both land and buildings. Table continues from page 1333 to page. Tables show the 1900 and 1910 salaries per year for teachers in public and national schools and for government employees including letter carriers, policemen, and clerks. The state of California covered tuition to take teacher training, but other expenses ran around $500 per year according to this report from the CA Superintendent of Public Instruction report for 1917-1918.