Animated generally people who have planets near the angles have more intensity (internally or externally). The goal is to diminish the ego. Oppositions are supposed to be hard. Nadir is the northern most (lowest) point in the chart and is opposite to the MC. What could you say about Mars (3rd house Leo and makes a grand trine in fire signs with Sun & Pluto if this is of any significance) in tight conjunction with the IC? Do you know the date of that eclipse? }. Since the Moon is dignified in Cancer, Moon-Sirius people feel that their performances of foreignness fill a need. Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Its a spectacular star and anyone who has personal aspects to Sirius has a magical ability to remix and reimagine history. Idk what it means but all Ive been feeling is torment, hello. Because marginalization takes away a persons ability to write their own history, we often live in memory worlds that are not our own. the more planets conjunct an angle, there is more chance for prominence. Imum Coeli conjunct Sirius: A splendid and illustrious life; glorious, mighty and commanding nature; fame, busy with many activities, bountiful resources, well known or feared in cities and regions. Leorpio Knowflake . I think I am done with that and I hope my next job will be in entertainment industry, meaning I am done with delays. [1], There are difficulties in raising children with this energy point. I dont have a question about it, Im just still trying to figure it all out. These persons are usually misdiagnosed as having heart trouble and are put on restrictive diets so as to avoid cholesterol buildup and so forth. Mars conjunct Saturn conjunct Sirius: These are persons who extend their ego into their childrens actions one day, and the next day, withdraw their support for what their children may be doing so that there would be an ego change back and forth. A person who has Mars conjunct descendant needs to make place for this energy and express passion in how they interact with others, otherwise they make attract angry people with negative characteristics of Mars into their life. Thank you! Person is his own counter culture. [1]. I mean humans and spiritual living entities are on a road to self mastery and perfection. Since Mars is in 3rd, maybe there was a conflict with a sibling who was very authoritative or acted superior. Second T-square, in case youre interested, is Sun/Mercury conjunction opposing Pluto and all square Scorpio Saturn in 7th which exactly trines Jupiter in 4th. Its a story about exceptionalism. And you gave a great example of it with your Neptune squaring Moon/MC. Yes, could be. Mars Conjunct Descendant Synastry Mars aspects in synastry indicate strong physical attraction, desire, motivation, and enthusiasm. That is a lot of angular energy which shows you are not hear to take a backseat. The two of them always put their head first and fell too deep in love which makes me worried everytime. David Beckham 018, Drew Barrymore 127, Mary Shelley 143. I've heard that if you have a planet or star conjunct your Ascendant , then you have the traits of that planet or star. I also have stationary Neptune in 12th house Sagittarius, in a 1 degree square to Moon tightly conjunct MC in Virgo. and a trine with my north node in aquarius in 11th house. The mythical Nessus Nessos (ancient Greek Nssos, Attic Nettos and Netos, Latinized Nessus) is a centaur in Greek mythology. Planets conjunct the Imum Coeli (IC) or the Nadir: Imum Coeli is the 4th house cusp and in latin means the bottom of the sky. When you have many planets around an angular houses or conjunct an angle, then there is an emphasis on a angular disposition, which means you have a strong need to express the energy of the planets that are conjunct the angles. However, liberal wound culture will not give them their true memories. Thanks for this too Lisa. Fantastic article! It is true that certain signs stand out more than others when it comes to intuition. It was not part of the subject and i didnt respond but on my way home it felt very weird xD. John Henry. display: none !important; Prosperity from youth and in own city. I do not feel close family ties. Its probable there was a parent who was hard to deal with either from mental illness, eccentricity or mania of some sort. One gets the impression that in spite of changes in political systems, the old planetary characterisations still hold true. I have been studying charts of famous personalities, and I can see, that the ascendent angles are the defining angles for the way the world sees these people. Favorable for hunting, besieging towns, and the revenge of princes, destroys harvests and fruits, and hinders the operation of the physician. M thanks for sharing very helpful and inspriting, Im interested in how you would weight planets that are closely aspecting angles, with aspects other than a conjunction. Mercury-Sirius people often experience marginalization through labor. I have Uranus onjunct my IC as well and well, yes, your not the boss of my is something thats practically written across my forehead; people kind of feel that energy from me. Just wanted to clarify that Sir does not come from Sirius as stated in this article but from Sire ultimately derived from the latin for Senior. (curious because I have that aspect in addition to Sun conjunct Sirius). The planets here are expressed in an internalized and subjective manner as opposed to the MC where it is externalized. But I like to spend a lot of time at home and work at home in a home office. So in your case, success in business after much hard work and possible delays in getting there. [7], Ascendant conjunct Mars conjunct Sirius: On the Ascendant and with Mars combined, Sirius can be quite dangerous, pushing ahead with too much ambition is then seen, resulting in dangers by injuries or attempts on the natives life. idea is to find balance between them. I have Sirius conjunct my MC, which is exactly trine to Jupiter in Pisces. She is known as, In Roman mythology, Juno was married to Jupiter. It is as if they are born with a special understanding of this energy. I would also like to say thanks for this article. Hi David. My worldview is adaptable and fluid, and unlike many of my peers who seem set in their ways at this stage of life (30s), I am much more willing to retrace my steps, absorb new information, and admit that my prior way of thinking was off-course and change to a new direction. For this he is killed by Heracles. And I am very outspoken, not one to hide my opinions, which are usually strong. Each of these planets connects our consciousness to the higher dimensions in their own unique way. At this time, we could metaphorically do this, by not being able to hold our tongue and temper. The Witness of the Stars, E. W. Bullinger. Interesting article- I have Pluto conjunct the Ascendant and have always been drawn to extreme depth and intensity in music, art and psychology. Sun on Sirius will overpower that effect to an extent, depending on how tight the orb of aspect is. [7]. Although Sun is exalted in Aries in its home in the 1st house but to be honest, Im nothing like those lively, energetic, outgoing, confident fiery people who love to be the center of attention. I also have a 12th house Neptune in Sag tightly square this Moon / M.C conjunction. please keep going with your articles as it reveals so many triggers and knowing within when one stumbles over truth being revealed. Be warned though that when Neptune Prosperity around middle age or through marriage or women. So planets in the Nadir play a big role in developing the internal emotional strength of the person. AC aries. Iron is an excellent conductor of electromagnetic energy. Thanks for the your feedback. [3], Sirius (our English Sir is derived from this word) was, by the ancients, always associated with great heat. There would be a coldness towards the children with little or no emotional attachment. Uranus (10th house) and Neptune (9th house) conjunct my MC, opposite Moon (3rd house) conjunct IC. A caring and loyal family. When you look at people who created or made things happen, they usually have hard aspects like square or oppositions involving angles. I think that's a tradition that needs examining with future research. I feel a bit confused about what I really want and want for my life I feel like something is going to change but I dont know where it will come from , (I clarify that Venus also has a separative quinquncio (150 ) with Uranus and applicative with Neptune , I appreciate your sharing your point of view . But now that neptune is about to reach my saturn in pisces im kind of exploding like a volcano lots of energy that i am trying to channel in very important projects (saturn) but also many daylight dreams. And indeed, things usually work out in your favor. Moon conjunct Sirius:Success in business, influential friends of opposite sex, favorable for the father, good health, beneficial changes in home or business. ive been searching for answers a long time. It makes sense because I worked for almost 10 years as a teacher for adults on very high business positions and hated it, it is not a profession I chose for myself, it was a series of unfortunate events. And how can I look this up reliably, thanks! My second older sis has Pluto conjunct IC. Tank you for your job, i apreciate. Thanks for that Jo. Saturn Conjunct Descendant Synastry - A Transformative Bond Nice, do you think it is as beneficial as we would expect? What about Sirius with nodes? Planets conjunct Ascendant: Ascendant is the mask or the filter through which one sees the world, and it is also what is projected to the outside. The Moon in here wants to be appreciated for its caring and care-taking abilities. For exampleif someone has Uranus conjunct the ascendant,then they have a special connection to all that this planet indicates. In Egypt it(Sirius) was Sothis, and is depicted with Jupiter in the Dendera Zodiac, as Jupiter was conjunct Sirius during the solar eclipse of 51 BC, the day that Cleopatras father died. The day Cleopatras father died, interests me. She spoke 9 languages, and was very much a part of the intellectual life of Alexandria. It's intense! sirius conjunct ascendant As in youth, I am distrustful of authority and will not take well to it. Also mars in capricorn exactly on nadir. I would say that that the orb decreases the power goes down, but either side of the angles should be counted. How Your Descendant Sign Predicts Zodiac Compatibility - Well+Good Person will have a sense of destiny or purpose that is counter to the times one lives in. Just curious. He said that often people confront him with unusual observations and ideas. One sees a larger family in humanity. Yesterday, I was talking to a long-time client with a 28 degree Cancer descendent. In response, you may have a lot of anger in you, or can get frustrated easily. A lot of folks with this star prominent in their charts are first generation immigrants, are estranged from family, or exist as outliers in some way. Lately someone I saw only 4 times said to me at our goodbye: Ill see you at nieuwsuur. b- ceres conj ic, ac conj ceres. If I really want to make positive changes in my career (in screenwriting for film) which chart will have the STRONGER POSITIVE effect: place the planets in the 10th house but far away from MC, or placing them in the 9th house conjunct the MC? impact, travel to an area where Sun and Venus on MC. Over the years, after working with numerous clients around Sirius, Ive learned about its connections with alienation, cultural memory, and simulacra. Jupiter Uranus conjunction can bring sudden luck especially with regards to family, home, real estate. (I see that you mention the potential for resentment with Sirius.). [5], Jupiter conjunct Sirius: Business success, journeys, help from relatives, ecclesiastical preferment. Interesting article! It gives honor, the goodwill and favor of men and the airy spirits, and the power to pacify nobles and others. He's caught up in this, obviously. The language of intersectionality is very utopian. I recognize the look people have at you. What it means if a planet is in diffrrent house but conjuct an angle? The planet near the ascendant works in a natural instinctive manner without much outside influence or the need for validation. Hello Zazle, thanks for your comment. Rose, Also, please check what kind of aspects these planets make as this would modify the expression. I heard alot about how Moon square Ascendant would give people cold appearance, but the thing is I also have Moon parallel Ascendant with very tight orb, 0.3 degrees. What does this mean? They can often feel as though the marginalized identity that they perform is not authentic to them but that it is a learned behavior. If a malefic be with Scheat, death by fiery cutting weapons or from beasts. I have Saturn at 15 libra, mercury retro at 18, moon at 20, MC at 22, Jupiter at 23, Pluto at 24 libra, all sextile Venus,Neptune, acsendant in sag. I would say overall, I have been lucky. New Moon in the Houses | Cafe Astrology .com I havent had an easy life necessarily, but since reaching adulthood I seem to succeed at my academic/career endeavors in ways that get me noticed. Venus-Mars delineations for all Scorpio Venus and Mars combos. The planets influence varies depending on the angle its conjunct, how close it is located to the angle and whetherit is debilitated or strengthened based onthe zodiac sign. Can you please give me some incite to Sirius Paran ones Jupiter at 23 Degree Cancer , This impulse can make people feel as if they dont deserve to exist because they havent suffered enough or like they must make the ultimate sacrifice to deserve existence in an oppressive world. People with intense relationships to Sirius often feel like theyre the dark sheep in the family. Thank you for the article and all your responses to different situations. And then I have the South Node conjunct Asc/North Node conjunct Desc. Mars Pluto combo has a lot of will power and staying power. I also have Saturn Rx conjunct Mars (D) in H1 Scorpio. Also while I have you here and might as well pick your brain would a transiting moon paran ones natal Jupiter be good for gambling ? MoonsEye Astrology Venus conjunct Ascendant synastry My oldest sister has Sun conjunct Ascendant very tightly. You may feel either an inner wounding from such which you may hide or it may take many years to realize a buried wounding within you.either way chiron being the wounded healer, may have picked you out of your family & assigned you the task of bringing the issue out into consciousness for healing for the family. To alleviate this problem, these persons should chew celery before or after a meal as celery stimulates the digestive process. Shiny stars, passionate, harmful, rescuers. While Venus-Sirius people feel alienated from themselves, Mars-Sirius people feel alienated from other people. Dogs are a colonial animal and Sirius, as the dog star, is about settling, cultural belonging, and citizenship. Neptune conjunct Descendant and Saturn opposing MC both suggest an important milestone in your life. The thing to remember, when dealing with Sirius, is that there really is no such thing as true memories. Can you shed some light please? Intersectionality tries to solve a lot of these Sirius related issues because it tries to create a space for everyone to belong in. I know that all celestial objects all in actual living entities which are developing themselves cycle after cycle. I dont take orders or a sense of limitation well. Uranus conjunct Sirius: Gain and prominence in Uranian matters, help from influential friends, gain through harmonious marriage, especially if male, sudden death. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. And yah, I have my Moon in my 7th house Libra at 27, this may not in conjuction to the Descendant but I used to think if this angle was still influenced by the Moon, cause I somehow often attract a Cancerian type of person. They all square my Sun/Mercury conduction in Sag. The disintegration of that social body, through diaspora, is an anachronism. We dont like it when our parents fought, always pick up the emotions surrounding us and will get very upset if we caught negative emotions in the air. This interpretation of Uranus in aspect to the Descendant embraces a loose brainstorm-style of writing to explore astrological themes. I very much relate with Uranus conj Asc (libra) , Sun conj Desc (aries) Moon conj MC (cancer) and Mars (cap) conj IC. Jupiter just transited my ascendant, and is now about to run over my Pluto. Algol is the beta, or second brightest, star in the constellation of Perseus. Or maybe is the opposition Uranus vs Lilith-Chiron . What could Sirius conjunct Descendant mean? - Lindaland - Linda Goodman Hi Grail, I dont have uranus on the 4th house cusp but i have the moon there square uranus and totally agree with everything you say. Alhena As far as money goes, I play the lottery and win (mostly free plays, $10-20). I actually have two T-squares, linked by trines and sextiles. However, Sirius people must remember that the process of investigating these memories are meant to bring them in alignment to people who might not share their struggle but have histories of pain of their own. I have Mars at 14? Synastry Aspects for Soulmates - Moon conjunct Descendant The USA, for example, sees itself as a positive integrating force in the world because it thinks that it has the ability to pull together a band of misfits. with Pluto, Saturn, Jupiter & Mars Thanks a lot for this! Would you touch on mars conjunct descendant in - MoonsEye Astrology Hello! what does this mean? I also have Uranus tightly conjunct ascendant and this make you look at the world in your own unique manner you are not easily influenced. Jupiter in scorpio crossing all those planets is positiveand it is a good time to explore what your project to the world, and how you can transform this in order to get the effect your want. I always land on my feet, always get help from family (very loving). As one of the most personal points in the natal chart, the ascendant is highly unique to you. With Uranus and Neotune sits on MC, I have a hard time to find career which suits me best. With Moon: Plough, sow, but do not travel. Whats so bad about Venus square Saturn? The explanation you made about how the persons ascendant works is very interesting. In good aspect with Mars and Jupiter and close to the MC, promise is given of gaining extensive wealth, a lucky hand in commercial enterprise or matters of government. This area is also about the ego and so a planet conjunct the MC will try to express its energy in a conscious but egoistic manner. Ascendant conjunct Procyon: Artful, crafty, dissembling, wealth by violence and rapine, lust, dissipation, waste and ruin, military preferment, quarrels, loss in trade or by servants. If the planet conjunct an angle is retrograde, then the person may internalize the energy and although they may not express it outwardly, it may be seen in their values, attitude, etc. I do have Pluto at 1232 in Scorpio actually, dont know if thats strong enough. I keep all my lovers as good friends, tend to end up happily in three way relationships without trying , have had lovers both 13 yrs younger & older, and theyve all been a certain type of independent, progressive, talented personality Uranus is strengthened in my natal by being in 11th house Scorpio, & conjunct my North node. Mercury-Sirius people are always trying to make sense of their histories and want to formulate or strategize a way out of their histories of oppression. No rich family. It causes slight, sharp pains on the right side of the chest. It does not necessarily show your starseed origin with certainty, please read about affinity . I do not tend to be career oriented. This aspect is often seen between two people who become obsessed with one another. You do have a powerful chart and a big need to bring yourself out to the world. Sirius in conjunction with the Sun and well placed in the chart will be found to be the case with numerous important and famous personalities. Sirius people are people who often fit in neither with their biological family nor their chosen family. I know my answer is a few years to late, but I just read, home, home, home all youve done was connected to home. It is good for taking exams, tending to herbivorous animals and all types of industriousness. I am new into Astrology. Sirius people have the choice to perform pain within liberal wound culture. The ascendant conjunct descendant synastry aspect is often found in the charts of couples. Would love to hear your thoughts? If you are a Virgo rising, you see the world as something to be fixed. Ascendant shows the lens in front of us. Shocking companions. I have my IC weirdly enough exactly at 1405 Cancer. It could be that you are projecting your need for independence by choosing partners that reflect this attitude. Although I am not sure I quite grasped how the energy of the planets conjunct IC is like, when you mean they are more internalised? It is important to remember that liberal wound culture fetishizes certain forms of vulnerabilities and that representing your own history of struggle through the rhetoric of liberal wound culture actually conceals your pain. I havent seen any indications that Moon square Ascendant will give a cold appearance . Yes, that is correct. I also have Uranus and Neptune conjunct at 18.16(Uranus) and 18.26(Neptune) and conjunct my Nadir is at 16.49. Jupiter is highly relevant-she was a very skilled politician-an optimist and survivor, with a flair for oratory and drama, generous, and for a long time, very very lucky. Tejat Posterior However with the hard aspect, (square and oppositions), the person needs to make it work, there is a challenge, external or internal that needs to be worked out. Im close to my sister and father, sometimes my broder, but thats it, I feel Ive made other people my family.Saturn conjuncts my IC too. It, also, can reveal things that we do not accept in ourselves and,instead, look to find in a partner. Ive Neptune on Midheaven and wasnt sure of work and career for a long time. A point to remember is that a planet conjunct an angle could be prominent but does not necessarily mean it brings harmony as this depends on the aspects it makes with other planets. Could it be that my venus is in virgo, trine Lilith and Chiron in 7th in Taurus, but my DC is in Aries (have both signs intercepted in 7th). The Descendant in Astrology is located in the cusp of the 7th house in our natal chart and is the opposite point of the Ascendant. In almost every story that I could find regarding Sirius, its a dog. Venus square Saturn can hinder success if it leads to depression. Home; Dante Opera. Great aricle, I have pluto in 4th house and in conjuction with IC but also Saturn in 6th house in conjuction with Desc. If someone has Saturn in 6th conjunct Descendant, the person will still attract people who embody the Saturn characteristics wise, authoritarian, wise, mature, etc.. but Saturns energy will also play out in the 6th house of work, health, which means they may meet Saturn kind of people in their workplace (not just in personal relationships). However my Sun-Ascendant conjunction tightly parallels Saturn in almost exact orb and it also opposes Pluto while I have a heavy Moon square Saturn in Virgo. She was the one who makes money after our dad passed away. People who have hard aspects to Sirius are dealing with generational marginalization. Uranus Conjunct Ascendant: the Path Less Taken - Astrology By tradition, only conjunctions to fixed stars (and sometimes oppositions) should be read. Its also part of a grand trine with Venus, Mercury, & Mars. True what you said about Neptune in MC need to selfless. With the Nodes, you can combine the interpretations of the Sun and the Moon conjunct Sirius. They are generally born into a large family, and all those in the family circle are also interested in the large families themselves. The planet conjunct an angle is strong even if its not in a angular house, as long as It is close to the angle. I have Uranus conjunct Ascendant, not so tight, but I can definitely feel it. Sorry, but the link of the 22nd Chinese Xiu refers to the fixed star Tejat Posterior, not Sirius. Because Sirius people feel that they will never belong anywhere, they often feel like theyre stuck in a competitive environment in which everyone is always trying to prove how they stand out from the crowd. Sirius people arent fated to always feel alienated. The only astrologer using this method is Bernadette Brady and I believe she sold her idea to them. With Jupiter lunging into the nothingness like Leslie Cheungs character in Days of Being Wild and Mercury striding faithfully into the library like Hermione getting away from the hero complexes of her friends, lets take the challenge to learn something with absolutely no motive in mind at all. I also have Sirius on the MC (13 degree). SIRIUS Alphabetical List of Features - Good Luck . Since I heard the word sirius for the first time I felt I need to know more about this. Things got better when I accepted that change is going to part of my career path. Having read Cleopatra-A Life by Stacy Schiff, I know that when he died, Cleopatra immediately became queen-ata a very young age. King Stars | PDF | Horoscope | Divination - Scribd Also, sometimes Saturn pluto is about delay, or a rocky difficult climb to get where you want to go that takes time and resources. Neptune Opposition Ascendant in Transit or Solar Arc I have a lot to learn and this has helped. Now the scientists say that prodding one subatomic particle will affect another linked one over vast distances faster than the speed of light. Its caused havoc with my career in terms of being taken advantage of / public scandal & loss etc. What would Work is conjunct North Node mean? For example if theAscendant is Scorpio, then the planets may have aharder time projecting their energy in an open manner, since Scorpio rising tends to be secretive and deep. First house is what you project to the world and seventh is what is projected on to you (especially if you are not in connection with the specific energy) Someone with Saturn in the first house in a tight orb to the ascendant could end up being a poster child for all that Saturn signifies tradition, believer of rules, respects authority, etc. The more the rejection, the more the energy is projected through people that we attract into our lives. Especially when Sirius hard aspects the Moon, it creates a sense of cultural alienation. 194-211. Rules beryl, savine, mugwort, dragonwort and the tongue of a snake. From early on, they may be original, independent thinkers, believers of personal freedom, etc., even if they were raised in an environment that does not value thesetraits. I have lived in many places. Don't subscribe Maybe some tragedy affecting a whole generation. Same bday as the current Dalai Lama***, Sirius conjunct MC Cancer, Spica conjunct Asc Libra:-). [5], Marie Curie 027 (and Descendant), Robin Williams 234 (and Mars), Neptune conjunct Sirius: Intuition, occult interests, religious, good organizing ability, success in mercantile pursuits, banks or corporations, many influential friends, favorable for gain and domestic matters, natural death. All this is from my own personal inspiration, and I discourage anyone from putting great weight into it. Is it true that duality can o only be exp experienced on earth?? Would you please give an example about how a Leo ascendant person would see the world? People with the Moon in hard aspect to Sirius often experience double foreignness. Anyone want to chime in ? Topic: What could Sirius conjunct Descendant mean? If Saturn be with the Moon, death by wild beasts or soldiers. Hi Rose. Its likely early family moved a lot. Saturn is in detriment in Cancer and Saturn-Sirius issues are difficult since they result from geopolitical problems. It also shows that the mother played a dominant role (positive or negative) in the persons life. Sirius in the first house in cancer, with Pluto trine, a square with lilith, conjunction with mars, opposition with saturn and neptune thank you . He walks and talks large. Venus also makes no major aspects, and is co-ruler I have Taurus intercepted in 1st. This is why the Sun is about the familiar while the Moon is about the foreign. Conjunct the ASC is very much stronger and so they struggle to feel solid. Tylyn John 003 (and Venus), Pablo Picasso 006, Roger Federer 007, Tom Jones 009 (and Venus), Nancy Sinatra 051 (and Venus), Fromental Halevy 054 (and Ascendant and Venus), Robin Williams 130 (and Uranus), Diego Maradona 214, Meghan, Duchess of Sussex 222. With mercury conjunct your Ascendant, you will probably figure it out. Do you have an example? DO YOU THINK THEY PLAY A PROMINENT ROLE IN YOUR LIFE?