Truth Dont be a reluctant evangelist! Would you prefer to share this page with others by linking to it? learn more . And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord. There is still a street with this name in Damascus, running from the east gate to the west through the city Maundrell.And inquire in the house of Judas for one called Saul, of Tarsus:There is something touching in the thoroughness of these directions. pesi = new init_array(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); March 2017 And laying his hands on him he said, "Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus who appeared to you on the road by which you came has sent me so that you may regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit." Act 9:18 And immediately something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight. September 2021 frames.quiz_top.document.close(); allAnsReport[1] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate2(); frames.quiz_top.document.writeln(", "); PrintOpenHTML(frames.quiz_top.document,"",1); Ananias had heard of the harm Saul had done to the church in Jerusalem. Ananias was willing to be the answer to prayer. Ananias was instructed to come to Saul, restore his sight, baptize him, and reveal his commission to him. Saul had done much harm to the church in Jerusalem. ACTS 9:15-18 15 But the Lord said to him, "Go, for he is a chosen vessel of Mine to bear My name before gentiles, kings, and the children of Israel. Why was Ananias reluctant to do as the Lord asked? But God sent His Son in the person of Jesus Christ to live a perfect life, and then be unjustly executed. Paul describes him as a devout man according to the Law, with a good testimony before othersAnd one Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good report of all the Jews which dwelt there, (Acts 22:12). November 2014 Even in antiquity, news traveled quicklyAnanias knew about Saul. What would Saul do next? January 2023 Saul was then told to go the city and wait for further instructions. Another Ananias, together with his wife Sapphira was part of the early church at Jerusalem (Acts 5:1-10). The Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias!" "Yes, Lord," he answered. August 2015 We then read that Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus. Whether at that point Saul was the student or the teacher we do not know. 14 And here he hath authority from the chief priests to bind all that call on thy name. March 2020 doValuate(1,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score2,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta2); When honest individuals hear the Gospel today, they will arise and be baptized. Yet, the Scriptures still teach that Christians should be evangelistic. The Lord spoke to Ananias in a vision. Encouragement As a matter of fact, providence dictated that He would use this man to do incredible things for His kingdom. A certain disciple at Damascus, named Ananias. if (valid[11]==0) { 3. str += ""+voto+"/"+maxvoto; if (GetTypeOfSubstitution(voto)<=2) { textField.value = msg; Background Study: _ _ _ 3. The teaching of the Holy Spirit takes away the scales of ignorance and pride from the understanding; then the sinner becomes a new creature, and endeavours to recommend the anointed Saviour, the Son of God, to his former companions. Because Jesus Christ never sinned, He came back to life after three days. February 2020 PrintResultTopBar(frames.quiz_main.document); If we are reluctant evangelists, we might miss opportunities. His haughtiness at the time of Paul's arrest was characteristic of his whole tenure. } of faithful David. January 2019 December 2015 Ananias came to help Saul become spiritually acceptable before God, and thus also help him become a candidate for the reception of the Holy Spirit. But thats the story as we know it, from our perspective in nice safe hindsight. May 2019 As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. doc.writeln(", "); Faith & Trust Ananias is obedient. Questions on Jn. Remained in Jerusalem. It served as both a commercial and educational center. December 2019 In Ananias thinking, if he went to Saul, he would be bound, taken to Jerusalem, and executed. else { } function PrintTrueOrFalse(documento,flag) { The commission is given in verses 15-16. After this incident with Paul we hear no more var msg,msg2,msgFormat; I am a Christian, a husband to Aileen, and a father to two girls in their teens and one son who is waiting for me in heaven. allAnsReport[15] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate16(); Here we have the Lord sending a servant. May 2015 January 2021 The wharves on the Cydnus were crowded with commerce, while the university ranked with those of Athens and Alexandria as the finest in the Roman Empire.Any attempt to identify this Judas of the house on Straight Street with another Judas of the New Testament is utterly unwarranted. July 2016 His haughtiness at the time of Pauls arrest was characteristic of his whole tenure. His friends snuck him out of Damascus in a basket. He is led to the city by those who are traveling with him and he waits for three days and nights without any food or water. He knew Saul was a Pharisee 5. His relationship to Christ changed. doValuate(17,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.score18,frames.quiz_main.document.domanda.risposta18); Saul had seen a vision of one named Ananias coming and restoring his sight. return end_test; Ananias himself was murdered by assassins for his cooperation with the Romans. March 2021 As a matter of fact, he reminds me of me! But their plot became known to Saul. The commission is given in verses 15-16. Because Saul no longer had FinalActions(); Ananias, however, already knew who Saul was, as well as how many of the brethren had suffered and even . if (soundFile!='') } In Damascus there was a disciple named Ananias. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (message+""); { January 2022 11 And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the street which is called Straight, and enquire in the house. else { window.alert("QUIT PRINT"); The chapter not only tells us that Saul was breathing out murderous threats against the early disciples, but also that he was hunting them down and conveying them to prison. When Persecution brought Dispersion, where did the Apostles go? window.status = ""; Somehow he forgets his place and attempts to give God a bit of a newsflash. allAnsReport[16] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate17(); September 2020 Simply click here to return to John Lowe Sermons. frames.quiz_top.document.clear(); function PrintResults() Wednesday PM Classes: 7:00, Stallings Drive Church of Christ YouTube Channel. Join in and write your own page! } frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (""); And now here God asks Ananias to go and confront the ringleader of the persecutors. Said the Lord - The Lord Jesus is alone mentioned in all this transaction. In lieu of a comments section, I accept and encourage letters to the editor. frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(", "); He traveled, with orders in. Return to: Questions about People in the Bible { Dont you know that your people are persecuted in that nation? completeInitValuate(); Sunday PM Worship: 6:00 This meeting resulted in the scales falling from Sauls eyes and his baptism (presumably by Ananias). Christian Living Saul stood up and went to be baptized, immediately. var msg; if (valid[3]==0) { August 2019 He consented to the death of Stephen (Acts 8:1). March 2015 November 2015 While the Christians in Damascus were naturally skeptical about the change in Saul, it is clear that he was soon accepted into the fellowship of believers. PrintReportStyle(frames.quiz_main.document,compressReport); The story of Ananias in relation to Saul's conversion starts after the Damascus experience. Gratitude (9:13-14) 1. January 2014, "Faith is the certainty of things not seen" (Hebrews 11:1). Most of us know the story of Saul, persecutor of the early church, who was knocked to the ground, blinded by a bright light, and addressed by the risen Christ Himself. January 2018 For this man is My chosen instrument to take My name to Gentiles, kings, and the Israelites. Ananias went to see Saul right away. March 2016 } frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (""); allAnsReport[12] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate13(); Ananias showed weakness here.; God's approval and spirit, his personality traits became more and October 2015 He was told to find Saul, for Saul was praying. Relationships } The Lord simply told Ananias, Go. If Jesus could give us a message, it would be likely thisGo. He did tell his disciples to go into all the world (Mk 16:15). The Lord said to him in a vision, "Ananias." And he said, "Here I am, Lord." 11 And the Lord said to him, "Rise and go to the street called Straight, and at the house of Judas look for a man of Tarsus named Saul, for behold, he is praying, 12 and he has seen in a vision a man named Ananias come in and lay his hands on him so that . 12 In a vision he has seen a man named Ananias come and place his hands on him to restore his . God?. Regenerating grace causes people to pray; it is easier to find a living man without the ability to breath, than it is to find a Christian who doesnt pray. See the notes on Matthew 17:9. to him said the Lordthat is, Jesus. The only distinction given for Ananias is that he was from Damascus. Why was Ananias reluctant to go to Saul? Barnes' Notes on the Bible A certain disciple - A Christian. December 2016 I was thinking this morning about one of my favorite passages of Scripture. While at first he thought he might have to correct God, in the end he submitted himself and his very life to Gods call. After all, this Saul guy was dangerous! He was not a Hellenist, but a Hebrew. September 2022 Saul needed help. } People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them. if (valid[9]==0) { { _ _ _ 2. It is in Acts 9 and involves just two people, the disciple Ananias and Saul. Receive every article in your inbox by subscribing below. PrintStatusBar(); August 2018 window.print(); He tells Ananias Go, for he is a chosen vessel of mine to bear My name before Gentiles, kings and the children of Israel. And he said, Behold, I am here, Lord.It was the Lord Jesus who spoke to Ananias. Paul is the last man to describe a Christian as a devout man according to the Law. 8 And Saul arose from the earth; and when his eyes were opened, he saw no man: but they led him by the hand, and brought him into Damascus. allAnsReport[9] = new frames.quiz_main.initValuate10(); Christ was a profound, terrifying and mystical experience. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (bodyTagFrame2); cts 9 tells the story of the conversion of Saul, one of Christianitys greatest early enemies, to Paul - one of the faiths greatest servants. Sapphira). Who led the aggression against the Christian movement? { Zealous, brutal, and loyal to his religious heritagethis was how the book of Acts introduced the man called Saul of Tarsus who quietly approved of and watched the death of Christianity's first martyr, Stephen. } But the Lord said to him, Go! Acts 9:17. The Christian Faith According to tradition he was eventually martyred, but we can presume that this man of God died in full faith. August 2020 frames.quiz_main.document.writeln(", "); Many give some type of excuse as to why God's plan won't work. When we hear Gods voice, we may hesitate to react, but moving forward can cause us to become a reluctant hero Ananias of Damascus is such a hero. Books Of The Bible The Lord told Ananias to go see Saul of Tarsus. frames.quiz_top.document.writeln (""); Ananias objected that Saul had been persecuting "thy saints", but the Lord told him that Saul was "a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel". In Acts 9:10-19, the Bible reveals how the Lord was working to prepare Saul of Tarsus for his new life as the apostle Paul. function GetTypeOfSubstitution(aMark) { return 0; } Here we see Jesus fulfilling that promise and sending one to Saul to tell him that he must do. We can only imagine how Saul must have felt at this time realizing the evil he had been committing. PrintAnswerOnTopFrame(msgFormat,explan,GetSoundName(n)); function PrintOpenAnswer(n,outMsg) { Its probably almost impossible to imagine how that instruction really felt to Ananias, but we get a glimpse of his reaction in his reply to the Lord: Lord, Ananias answered, I have heard many reports about this man and all the harm he has done to your holy people in Jerusalem.