My and my husband have been diagnosed with infertility. I regret my decision so much and cannot put it into words. I have an 11 month old and a 13 year old from my husbands first marriage. Weve been married about 10 years and I have children from my previous marriage that she loves as well but cant help being jealous of. I regret my decision every day. Labor would begin, usually within 12 hours, and the baby would be expelled. All stories are moderated before being published. I feel that too I was once pregnant while I was doing matric 2016 I was confused and lonely because I did not know what to do by that time but I found myself lost then I decided to do abortion sometimes it hunt me to a point where I cant think straight but I had to forgive myself for that because I did the right choice for myself. But I'll also give you plenty of hugs and kisses But deep down I know I might regret it if I abort it. Oh, Honey. My sister just found out she is pregnant and I congratulated her on the phone. The abortionist, he explains, after draining the uterus of the amniotic fluid that was protecting the child, inserts a claw-like instrument into the womb. The heavy burden and guilt that I felt each day makes me question myself why I did came to that point, if I was careful enough to not make mistake. Im balling my eyes out googling help topics because I miss her so much. Baby. In 1971 a Catholic woman who wrote this letter had an abortion in New York. However I was so sick I could barely make it to class and I was on the verge of going to the hospital for dehydration. I'm your baby. And I was supposedly either unable to conceive or it would be extremely difficult. Weve trien for 8 yeats now and decided that if I turned 30 which is Dec of this year and I am not pregnant, we will give up. She is 23, theyve been together 6 months and shes not ready for such a huge commitment. I had an abortion two years ago and I regret it in some ways, but in others I am massively grateful I did it. Just like you, I too was in university. This apparently isnt convincing enough, and he asks if Ive taken any more havent I considered it could be a false positive? I found out I was pregnant today and through the tears, I scheduled the appointment. I dont want one. She tells me, You dont have to do this. I wish this was easier. Eventually with some deep talks from my family I booked an appointment and decided it was best not to have the baby I had to have a surgical abortion at 16 weeks . I had to. it really makes my decision i made 10 months ago seem like the right one. 13 years later I still cry for my baby. Sending love xx. I miss my baby. All I wanted to do was feel your skin and smell you. Its so hard. I cant quit my job, but I cant afford 2 in daycare either. I hope she can forgive me. Rapid thoughts flooded my brain. This time is different. Me too A M, August the 30th. Shes only known her boyfriend for 3 months and now they are contemplating a forever type of future together to raise this child. He tosses me the plastic bag with my burrito and chips (along with several containers of salsa that I didnt ask for but he knows me well enough to bring them anyway), and asks, with little emotion, Whats wrong? I sit down and ask him to sit too, and he does so, across the room. I was accepted into the Montessori teacher training program two days prior. God is never bored of you. He is the reason why I feel so motivated now, and although its not easy I wouldnt trade him for anything in the world. My daughter knows that Im pregnant and its a very stressful and uncomfortable situation. This is not a fictional story. So heartbroken. Physically or health wise and its not suppose to be this way. It was at this point that I started to get really nervous, terrified actually. You will be in my thoughts and in my heart. The abortion will be via the pill (which I think is an awfully ironic name for it). By Ronald Doe. Chapter Headings: I can hear your voice Mom's Letter to Baby During Pregnancy A Letter to My Unborn Baby: Here's What I Promise You September 25, 2017 by Laura Marie Meyers Dear Baby, There are still a few months until we. The 20-week ban adds another hurdle. Everything about the timing felt wrong, but even then I still wanted my baby. Wow I needed to read this. Been with him for 5 yrs & hes still married to his first wife and they both share an 8yr old she wont let him see her since she turned 4yrs old but cries about her expressing how much he misses his babygirl. Help us continue to provide this imperative service. That, and I literally broke up with him two days prior. Every day I feel like a monster. Maybe you feel deep regret, maybe it was a confusing time, maybe you didn't care at all. What if I still had no money, no stable place to live? Hi there reading this story made me cry so bad I loved this poem so much, it made me cry. Me and my boyfriend have our own issues and this time he wanted me to keep this baby but I told him Im not ready to become a mother. Then I panicked more I hadnt even thought about how I had a choice to make, and how this didnt only involve me, it involved your dad, too. This is a safe place for mothers, fathers, grandparents, and other family members to remember children who were lost to abortion. Your state requires that one of your parents be told of your decision 48 hours before your abortion. So afraid. In my heart i know that baby would have deserved better, but is it ok to feel THat way? I know God and His angels will help. My boyfriend has two children ages 18 and 13. Im struggling with this decision. Dear Mom: Letters from an Aborted Baby Week 1 Dear Mom, I know you don't know I am here yet, but I am really excited to spend the next forty weeks with you and never be apart. I came from foster care and was 19 when I became pregnant. I never knew if I wanted kids or not or if Id make a good mother. I wish I could have kept him/her. I pulled up my pants, didnt flush, and walked back into the classroom where twelve toddlers slept. We dont say any words, but our embraces tell each other that we did the right thing. Out loud, we weigh the facts: I have my schooling, Id lose my position of junior teacher if I dont do the teacher training program, thus losing the ability to become a head teacher one day. Hi Sarah, Ive just had a baby (two weeks ago) at 40, I do feel age is but a number. I just had an abortion a couple days ago and I was 7 weeks. After I check in, I have to take another urine test. This hurts me down to my soul. Im 11 weeks pregnant and Ive been dating a man for six months, I recently found out he is married but trying to get a divorce now, and hes been sleeping with her even when he knew I was pregnant. We agonized over what to do and spent a week making our decision which whilst incredibly painful was ultimately the right one for us. I, well, thankfully few days ago I conceived in your tummy. I like the word dad because Father is in Heaven. Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, never had the abortion she was seeking. I regret having the abortion because of many things and I ask hem to have another baby even if my situation was the same but he said he didnt want to have a baby he was hart broken every time he see kids he would say my baby wouldve been her or his age and that kills me inside I cry for so many nights and days I still do. Now Im thinking an abortion is my only option, I kicked him out last night. Sophie R. Pregnancy Poems Im absolutely terrified of both scenarios and have been crocodile tearing constantly. Am i allowed to feel i did it for the baby? If you can't take My first pregnancy ended the relationship because I betrayed him, although he would never step down from his responsibilities , and thats how he made me feel. Your words help. But i wanted to say thank-you because your post was something i came across before i went in for my abortion and it brought me to tears. I move into the mini-counseling session with your dad, and we are firm on our decision. I cry at every baby shower/kids birthday party I go to, in secret of course. Abandonment threatI couldnt believe it. Ive always wanted to be a mom, and already, I feel like I know you and yet I cant have you.. I know a lot of people do this to help them grieve for their unborn babies. I just knew it was my girl I prayed for. im so lost on how to proceed. Hello Mommy, this is me, your baby- I hope I only delayed meeting my next little one instead of completely losing out on one unique beautiful baby, Thank you for sharing. My heart is so crushed. fTo tell you the truth I can't explain how happy I am to know that you are my mom. So many people would love to give that little one a home. Breaks my heart. I remember my boyfriend and I sitting in the car one evening and wondering aloud what it would look like- would it have my eyes, or his nose? My supports at the time were my boyfriend, a few very close friends my age, and my 4 younger siblings (3 were under 6 years old at this time). I have seen many of my patients go through something similar and it is never easy. The dad is eh. After decades of keeping her . She gave her baby girl up for adoption, and now that baby is an adult. Im so torn and feel so alone. Stay strong and stay encouraged. He told me to decide between him and the baby and he would leave. I opted for the surgical procedure because I was told it would be the quickest. Two years later in our relationship, he did end up confessing to me that the abortion caused him to resent me. I want this baby, but I know financially we wouldnt be able to afford it. All these fears at once can seem unsurmountable, but when you help her chip away at each, she'll begin to feel more confident. Mark Ruffalo spoke out on reproductive rights this weekend, penning a letter in support of a woman's right to choose. I open it and see two pictures of you. X. Whats crazy is this exact story is mines (not in reality but figuratively) I literally did everything she did, said everything she said. I feel I would regret it everyday for the rest of my life. The worse I got the more my boyfriend managed to show up and take care of me. I will make my decision within the next 2 weeks. Your situation is mine. 5 years after that we accidentally get pregnant and have a beautiful baby girl but even after having her I still retreat my choice and he still blaming me as he should I guess but we live a very sad life am trying to have another baby but he is not making as much trying as I do because he say am with you only for my daughter and am living for her to but she always ask for a sister or brother I dont know what to do .so much happened in our life that I think wouldnt be happening if I just have my baby and get married with him . I hope you are healing well and have found happiness in other areas of life, until you and your unborn baby see each other again. The dad and I had talked about having another child after 3.5 yrs. It resonates and although Im still very sad, makes me feel more peaceful. I fear that if i leave him he will tell my friends and family. I feel manipulated and trapped. Days away from her second abortion, she wrote that getting the abortion is the "right decision for myself, my daughter, and this child." When I told him I was pregnant the first thing he said is lets get a chicken sandwhich. Xx. He just doesnt want another child, but what about me & what I want? I hope everything will be okay. My best friend just found out she is pregnant a few days ago and she is only 19. There arent any protesters out that day and Im grateful. I go into a patient room for questions and Im told your dad can join me later for the mini-counseling session. He promised me we would be ready later and I believed him. She felt because of the drugs it was best to have an abortion. I love him I know I do but I also know he does not feel the same way for me. Yes, he did everything he was supposed to and yes the tests afterwards declared him sterile. Seven months latter she wrote this letter to a priest. I am a teacher and take care of infants to two year olds, Im devastated because in a better situation I would have kept this child. But I begged her not to go, I pleaded at times crying on the phone. It was my first pregnancy, my husband is deployed, and I just happened to be going through this process physically alone (minus a couple friends there for support). I swallow hard several times until the pill burrows into the back of my throat like a rock. I wish I wouldve bought her plan b or made sure she was taking her birth control but those options are completely out of reach now. My apt is tomo And I dont want to go. I just had to message to empathise that this is not an easy decision and I understand the turmoil you are likely going through right now. 2. I always wanted to be a mum I adore children but back then I couldnt keep it . I know it was the right decision but I regret every moment of it even to this day. Anyway. I feel guilty because I strjuglle to show real excitement when I know others want to when they find out and I feel so false trying to bounce off their energy. My advice to you would be to remember that at the end of the day, and your life, you have to be able to live with yourself, so forget about what your partner wants and do what is right for you. 30 years old , Im pregnant now. And the dad is on pills really bad and i didnt find out until it was too late. Im working on it though. We chose 3 yrs ago to decide to be Childfree. And He chose me to teach you about LOVE! Im not mad at you anymore. I am actually praying that it . I cried every day leading up to me making a decision, and I set the appointment for the very next day after I decided so that I would not have much time to change my mind. I hope that there wasnt a little soul in there yet . I'll make you breakfast on Mother's Day Im in exactly the same situation as you and just dont know what to do. This experience has done extraordinary things to me so far i have softened and really felt into my feminine. There are different ways to go about this, like: Would the Republican's bill force that teenager to. I feel alone, abandoned & ashamed that I have to make this decision. Why cant we have our dreams and a baby? And Ill honour them both every minute of every day. Ive imagined names and what he would look like. And then I blurt out, without any grace, and much louder than I intend, Im pregnant. His eyes get wide as frisbees and he says, Wait. Please keep your baby. We have been having the same unprotected sex as we were while still together. Ill be 43 when the child would be born. I have a toddler and Im pregnant again. I have seen God cry when rocking little babies in His big loving arms. I got an abortion 6 days ago. i know my baby will be returned to me, someday. Does anyone else feel similar? I was diagnosed with a form of heart disease two years ago and the first thing I thought about was how it would affect my life and the babys life. I am in the middle of mine as I type this. Always imagine what he or she will look like. Published by Family Friend Poems November 2008 with permission of the author. She told me she was flattered but nothing could stop her from the abortion. You're going to find out about me soon, though, I promise. I personally cant do abortion nor adoption. Congratulations! Davis, a mother of three, is fundraising online to cover the cost of traveling out of state to get an abortion. That is my story which I have never shared. Yes, Im still pregnant. I had a disease that I didnt know about that affected the baby because of my bloodstream. I cant be a single baby mama, with two baby daddies. But its only 5 weeks so its nothing more then a pack of cells still, right? I knew she hurt for me too. Thank you for your sorry. Ive never allowed a man to make me feel like this. She wrote this piece to destigmatize abortion and to offer a story of strength and hope to women and men alike. My boyfriend was completely supportive of me and even now when I talk about the baby he knows that it makes me feel better. This was with the same toxic individual that I got pregnant the first time with . I got an abortion two years ago and while I know it was the right decision it is something I still mourn, that was my first and my only as well and this article HITS HOME. The first question the nurse asks is, What was the first day of your last period?, and I burst into tears. Yes, Im still pregnant. Did you spell check your submission? I was 17 yrs old when I got pregnant, At that age I was not ready, alot of expectations from my parents await me plus the fact that I got pregnant by the person I dont Ive decided to abort it by means of massage. Thank you for sharing. Now I m just waiting for my appointment but I feel so shit , down and gonna cry all the time. I was one l with you. That is my "right." When we want our baby in womb then it is a baby. Published by Family Friend Poems March 2017 with permission of the author. Love to you and your baby girl. I know this choice that I am making will be the hardest but I know in the long run, I will be saving my child from being born into a dysfunction environment I at least owe my child that. Except for some personal references her letter is reproduced in full. Cate, Abortion - Pro Life - Letter From an Unborn Child Letter from an unborn child As falling rain is the tears of God for the blood spilled of the unborn children that covers the hands of the human race. (Sense my sarcasm, little one.) A week before the abortion he changed his mind and got attached to the baby. Marni Fults. i struggle deeply with wanting to try again. And then I blurt out, without any grace, and much louder than I intend, Im pregnant. His eyes get wide as frisbees and he says, Wait. Considered his feelings but ultimately decided I wasnt going to to do it. To be honest, the abortion probably saved my life. I feel she was a girl. She returns and hands me an envelope. Were you touched by this poem? Im sending love your way, dear one. Hi Melanie, just dont do it! I decide abortion at week 6. I really did not want to get rid of my baby and I knew that in my heart, but somehow logic (or what I thought sounded logical) overpowered my emotions. I always imagine what he or she would have looked like and I feel I failed my child. I had a late term surgical abortion, against my will. Then I sobbed when I put the phone down. Im already a mom and I love my daughter more then anything. However, reading this, even though it did make me cry, also made me realize I could look at this moment as something to grow from and not just bury it away as a bad memory. You can always come back. I tell her, I cant. Im honest enough with myself to know that if I leave, I will never will come back. He made it clear that he did not want to have another child and truly no matter how bad I felt I wanted my baby, I did not want to do it by myself. I wish you and your baby love and healthy lives your braver than I was I envy that, I had an abortion in April. He told me that if I abort this baby we can plan a life together later he promises. Iv never felt worse in my whole life. I feel I will never stop crying and never stop being broken hearted at my loss. I found out Im 6 weeks pregnant last week. Im very open about discussing this, but its been difficult. Hi, my story is very quite similar to yours.
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