That experience went from being really cool to terrifying within seconds when I spotted the Tomahawk. Within a few months, I had learned much about PCs, DOS, and of course Windows software. Darwin, CA, 4 miles dues west of Darwin 17. It is also located far north of the other facilities because of the live fire testing. All Rights Reserved. to the north of Taos Pueblo84. (LogOut/ There is only one major motel and a few stores. There is ONE MAN between Timothy Holmseth and President Trump. Wackenhut provides some of the security on the ground.79. What we got was far better. Deep sections of the complex connect into natural cavern systems. Another job came up that was a promotion and it was with a group of folks based out of a trailer in the Michelson Lab complex. Battle Creek, 42 19.3 N 85 10.9 W FEMA, regional center, activity secret (not validated)59. Many will react with fear, terror, and paranoia, but you must snap out of it and wake up from the brainwashing your media pumps into your heads all day long. COLORADO . 760-939-2909. NEW JERSEY74. WHITE HOUSE, 3853.5N 7702.0WThe secret NOD underground installation which is connected to the intelligence groups like NSA and the CIA, as well as many other nefarious groups, lays under the White House with tunnels connecting this NOD installation with the House of the Temple. Evidence is emerging regarding David Lester Straight, and how he, along with factions of the U.S. Government and military, held enslaved children in cages underground in California. Outside the China Lake gate is the city of Ridgecrest. We watched as it came over the horizon with two F-16 chase planes in tow. And these are private corporations that I spoke of that are running these things.[6]. Even abandoned bases are not easy to get on to and someone would have to bring water with so with grease-cash they could have a perfect place to do their dirty work if they were willing to risk everything with that I say no more. Certain casino employees, such as heads of security, may work their jobs as cover assignments while also moonlighting as black-ops employees.[9], The early ones ran on railroads. On CO side of NM border, Dulce area, possible entrance on a private ranch which has been some point of speculation. The map shows an underground base and a tunnel going into it at a place called 29 palms. I got to be there one time when they were executing a test. They house full-running hospitals. Gardner said other damage in the area included interior roof failure at a couple of supermarkets in the area and at a movie theater complex. Upon rolling through the gate and parking inside the complex I got chastised first thing in a humorous way that they were tracking me with the radar as I progressed on my way out and I had broken the posted speed limit several times. It is a government research installation used in bacteriological warfare. As such, I got to see many cool things that were being worked on around the base and its many ranges. Unexpectedly, and in one hour, a hydrogen holocaust will engulf America and this nation will be no more, Prophecies: Russia Will Fight Antichrist in World War III. The creation of a total Global Fascist Police State by the Illuminati will happen if we do not all wake up and see what is happening. (And Ive had insiders like Jacob, from the space program, tell me that there are these air apertures on these underground bases, and they can partially open them or close them and then ventilate air through them, and its like blowing into a trumpet and getting this big, resonant sound. The Australian military recently discovered over 300,000 tortured children in underground Melbourne tunnels and it was estimated that in the next couple of weeks, over a million children would be brought out of a network that circled beneath Australia. This underground complex is to allow the government of the United States to escape a nuclear attack. China Lake Naval Weapons Center ( NWC) and now the China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station (NAWS) is home to the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, which continues to be the major source of employment for Ridgecrest residents. They gather up some old F-4s or something like that and strap it to the stand and then they shoot a missile or other implement of destruction at it, recording all the results on high-speed cameras and sensors. 3, called Mount Pony, IlluminatiFed. There are special badges, special uniforms, tube elevators etc. January 3, 2022. The Law of One. Linda and Thomas are going to do a show together on China Lake shortly. possibly connected via tunnel to Camp David. The radar followed it on its own as it went about its business and the image was crystal clear like you were 50 yards from it. This aircraft was still such a sensitive asset and a national treasure that it necessitated having guards even in a restricted area. They may have to settle for the Great Decoupling instead. The Continuity of Government facility intended since 1962 to house the United States Congress, code-named Casper, is located on the grounds of the prestigious Greenbrier resort. Also:Do You Live Near Any Of These FEMA Camps? The guys in that facility were really cool and when the test was about to begin, they gathered everyone up and took them to the roof of the building to watch. I was instantly drawn to the PC because it wasnt something I had a whole lot of experience with but was highly interested in. Army & ? [6], The subterranean highway in America is like a freeway except its underground. In America alone there are over 120 Deep Underground Military Bases situated under most major cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases and US Army Bases, as well as underneath FEMA Military Training Camps and DHS control centers. This building oversees all testing done in the main China Lake ranges. Another Underground Base and Saucer Craft Area. At least six homes on base were unable to be occupied because of burst water line damage. The economic stability of Ridgecrest as service community for the NAWS has been essential to its successful . Watch the video below: Function: Research of mind related functions, genetic experiments, mind control training, and reprogramming. WEST VIRGINIA103. Nonetheless, some casinos apparently have elevators that will take you down to sub-shuttles for quick trips to Nellis, Area 51 and elsewhere. and mind control. There were a couple of weeks worth of late night data processing for tests related to this event and our results of these tests went directly to the Navy in support of wartime operations. [23]Los Alamos is the hub. Basically, this Underground Base is 8 cities on top of each other! COMM phone number for Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake MWR Child Development Center. IN AMERICA, OVER 800,000 CHILDREN PER YEAR GO MISSING! On Wed. Oct. 16 2019 an unbelievable 2,100 children being held in cages in underground tunnels at the California China Lake Military facility were rescued by Navy Seals and US Marines. This group let me hang out for a bomb test session with an F-14 out of NAS Point Mugu which was a real treat. There are 120 Deep Underground Military Bases in America, under the big cities, US AFBs, US Navy Bases, and U.S. Army Bases. Companies such as Parsons have been involved in constructing undersea facilities. 14. I believe they had a combo of test rockets they attached to the sled to see how well the whole package would perform. 21. Of course, some of them are joint-operated. 290 N 116W. Camp Davidjust north of the camp is an underground facility important to the intelligence agencies.54. reserve, 140,000 sq. This is commonly referred to as "the China Lake way" by insiders and Randy gives us a clearer view of what the place and its motto are really all about. [10]They were later upgraded to egg-shaped shuttles powered by a maglev system, hydraulics system and vacuum system. You may not be Claude Davis, but you can make use of his procedures and techniques toincrease your chances of survival! 35 20 N., 118 40 W. Trona-35 45.5 N., 117 22.6 W.-several miles northwest of Trona, directly under Argus Peak. First, the shorter, lighter news from TRUreporting. Not only do I miss working there, but I also miss being in the area. Chinas October Surprise. Wisdom Teachings. Lower Goose Lake area in the general area of Oakley, ID.Wackenhut of the Illuminati run a model prison for the NWO. The underground area has a chamber for the Senate, a chamber for the House, and a massive hall for joint sessions. Fort Irwin, CA, 3520N 1168W W. saucer base19. That road is no longer in use, but could be reactivated if they decide to do so, with minimal cost. There are over 100 secret exits near and around Dulce. ?, purpose unknown. NAWS China Lake is located in the Western Mojave Desert region of California, approximately 150 miles north of Los Angeles. One eye- witness, went to level 17 (via an elevator) and stated that he believes that deeper levels exist. When the sled reached the shutdown area it travels into several pools that were filled with water. Manzano Mtn, near Albuquerque, known as the Kirtland Munitions Storage Complex, Airforce, 3,000-acre base within the Kirtland AFB/Sandia National Labs complex, guarded by 4 lethal rings of fences, use unknown, suspected UFO base. This is SW Georgia in the area of tunnels. 2022Recurrent Ventures. UTAHIn Utah, the Kennecott Copper Company has been connected to the Illuminati and the KKK. China Lake Naval Weapons Testing Center. Evidence shows the children were trafficked NOT RESCUED and Straight is involved. I miss working at China Lake because to me it had everything I ever liked working with, as well as everyone there seemed like family. As I sat and waited I was informed to look out the bulletproof glass and to the south. And there was a whole lot of scuttlebutt on the Internet about it, and then it kind of died off. Gaia. The formation banked to the north and turned back around south and then did a touch and go on the runway while the F-16s stayed airborne a few feet above it. after Palmdale, one turns off and after taking several streets to 170th street, north on 170th St. to the Rosamond-1 70th intersection, the second and lower and better-maintained dirt road will take you west, and if you take a right going north at the power lines and up to the hilltop you will see the top of an underground NORTHOP facility; Technology for the elites secret projects. . Alamosa, 37 28.1 N 10552.2'W W- reported saucer base 37. The following is a portion of text messages between Timothy Charles Holmseth and David Lester Straight in October of 2019. Its not a resort town and it is not bustling with activity. Mt. The main site for aircraft testing and evaluation for the Air Force on the west coast is located at Edwards Air Force base about an hour and a half away from China Lake. 5. The facility farthest east, about 20 miles inland in the wilderness near Hwy 42, has been shut down. Datil and Pie Town which have two more underground bases. I believe the process went so fast because I pretty much grew up in the area so they didnt have to go far for a background check. The aircraft that were being tested were A-6Es, AV-8Bs, A-7s, AH-1 Cobras, and many others. CHILD I TRIED TO HELP YOU I TRIED SO HARD! Warrington Training Ctr. China Lake, mind control and weapons research 16. There are also many Deep Underground Military Bases under Canada. This is listed as a Communications Antenna Field but is doing much more.33. The machine's software broke the data down from that tape much like the 8715s had done, except it was capable of handling more data and the overall system was way less expensive and cumbersome than the 8715 system. A virtual monopoly exists on construction and real estate in Vegas, which is typically blamed on the mafia and that may be one aspect of it. Being a gearhead growing up I was working at an auto parts store when my fianc saw a job in the paper for a position on base. Blue Diamond, 36 02.8N 11524.3 W -reported saucer base66-68. [2]According to Emery Smith, these are located in New Mexico, Nevada and Colorado. Eventually, they started driving the subterrene for a certain distance; momentarily stop it to melt a thick layer of glass, shaped like a ring, on a regular interval. . Those include the Tunnel Warfare Center in China Lake, California, Yuma Proving Grounds . One is near Whidbey Island. And then the pressure of the ocean creates an even tighter seal from the way its engineered. Hollow Earth vs Honeycomb Earth & Inner Earth Civilizations Corey Goode., Chinese Spy Ship Heading to Australia to Spy on War Games withUSA, Tropical Storm Barry Bearing Down On NewOrleans,,,,,,,,,,,, Ukraine, Russia, NATO and Nord Stream Former UN Weapons Inspector ScottRitter, Woke Evangelical Org Claims Asbury Revival is Moving School Toward AffirmingQueers, Francis Chan, Rick Warren Were Already Planning A Revival Event At Asbury Video Released 7 Days Before It AllStarted, Lawsuit Filed Against EPA as America Awakens to the Horrifying CHEMICAL COVER-UP inOhio, Miami Dolphins Cornerback Byron James says Covid Vaccines Destroyed His Game; DO NOT take., Norfolk Southern Offers Buyout to East PalestineResidents, The Orchestrated Destruction Of America Is Exploding Before Our Eyes Attacks Upon Our Food Supply, Water AndAir. . Kindle Edition. Online you can see videos and photos of U.S. AIRFORCE jets or planes SPRAYING CHEMTRAILS and years ago on one YouTube video RUST COLORED CHEMTRAILS, I found out its claimed that is DESICCATED BLOOD. 2,100 KIDS RESCUED BY U.S. MARINES FROM UNDERGROUND, ALEXANDRIA GODDARDS BEHAVIOR CAUGHT LIVE ON VIDEO, ONE ASSHOLE WHO THOUGHT HE WAS UNTOUCHABLE [MORE TO COME? He has been targeted for a decade. Timothy Charles Holmseth is an award winning news reporter and investigative journalist. George Air Force Base, CA - saucer base. Apparently, the whole system used to reposition test items and missile seekers were controlled by a PC that died. Sudden destruction is coming and few will escape. Along with that, I was also wanting to leave the area for my own reasons. This DUM sits on China Lake's NWC's land, and may have been built in the '60s. The ride can be sickening enough that every seat has a vacuum-powered chute to capture vomit as soon as you lean into it. Richmond Elementary School on the base faced significant damage to its ceiling, walls and floors. However, after Biden stole the 2020 election, mainstream pushed a narrative that blamed the disappearance of the kids on Trump. .. Pete Peterson Ascension Mysteries ..Corey:And they do starlight. We are heading to a canyon full of ancient rock carvings that sits more than 40 miles inside Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake, once known as the Secret City. Some people said it was a hoax, but there is an opening for an underground base system that submarines use off the coast of California that was, I believe, caught on a satellite image. The first part of breaking down the recorded data was to ensure the laser was calibrated correctly. 1982/83. Level 2 garage for trains, shuttles, tunnel-boring machines, and disc maintenance. Austin of the China Lake Naval Ordnance Test Station . Straight said the military relied on intelligence prepared by Marcella Crandall, California, the real estate agent who Straight claimed was Mary Magdalene and carried the Jesus strand DNA. One of my fonder memories was when a group of F-117s came to the base from Edwards. 17. The workforce at China Lake is a mixture of military, civilians and contractors that are employed across multiple tenant commands. Now let's read just a bit from this fascinating site, and you will soon see how deep the rabbit hole goes: I became involved in testing on HARM, Harpoon, cluster munitions, SLAM, and even a little-known project called Tacit Rainbow. I was thankful that the group of my coworkers that were there didnt decide that I was being inappropriate and tell on me. The sound they made from the engines enclosed inside the airframe was quite interesting as well. This is the Unholy 6 base of the Orions. It kept getting closer and closer until I was sure that there was some sort of problem because it appeared to target us in the bunker and I started kissing my ass goodbye. They are being sprayed in the evening and morning sun sometimes. 34 13.4 N 9201.0W to 3430 N 92 30W. Insider Revelations of ET Autopsies, Crash Retrievals, Time Travel., DARK JOURNALIST: SECRET WORLD OF UFOS & UNDERGROUND BASES! This place is an office building and a concrete shielded area with a huge static stand for mounting aircraft to. Then there is the Greenbrier Facility, in White Sulfer Springs, West Virginia under the Greenbriar Resort. If so, then sry. The recent earthquakes in Puerto Rico, around the China Lake underground bases in Nevada and California, in Kumamoto, Japan, etc. This is the "Unholy 6" base. There is another style of transit for freight and for passengers that is for rapid travel. . Not only did locals not want this airport built nor was it needed, but everything was done to make sure it was built despite that. I find it amazing that so many Americans, Scandanavians, and Western Europeans refuse to believe that there are millions of UNISF and UNMNTF Troops in America. VIRGINIA97. Change). Here's why I call bullshit. Many around Archuleta Mesa, others to the south around Dulce Lake, and even as far east as Lindrith. Satellite image of Aug. 18, 2020, appears to show a Chinese submarine using an underground base on Hainan Island on the South China Sea. In true fashion of what is termed the China Lake way where every one civilian and military alike worked together for one common goal. Christians, Gun Owners, Veterans, Tea Partiers, Homeschoolers, etc., Are The Targets In The New World Order, Friedrich Nietzsche Chapter 19: XI The New IdolThe Cruel And Corrupt Essence Of The State. I didnt get to see a test take place but from what Ive read, considerable amounts of destruction could take place. THE NAVAL BASE IN THE DESERT. In total, its two ranges and main site cover . Courtesy Planet Labs Inc. Hong Kong CNN . Armed guards patrol constantly and in addition to weight-sensitive areas there (are) hand print and eye print stations. Many levels have been built t these three complexes, and a 7-mile long runway (which is actually 39 miles) Page 305 has been built over Groom Lake, a dry lake. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. China Lake Naval Air Weapons Station Legal Services/JAG. In 2019 Timothy Charles Holmseth became part of the Pentagon Pedophile Task Force. Deep Springs, CA, 3722 N 117 59.3 W. saucer base18. It is now an old abandoned facility well camouflaged. Depending on where your entry point is and depending on the type of base it is, some of the most common ones, like the one I was stationed at with Kirtland Air Force Base, was basically a fire tower that you would never even think would be the access point.
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