All humanoid statblocks are human unless otherwise specified. His mother, Queen Ravenovia van Roeyen, was fearful of him, and she was unappeased by the castle named Ravenloft that he constructed in her honor. When he made his pact, the dark lords granted him an immortal name, making him an immortal undead, and the company of the ones he loved, by having them reincarnate each time in a person that won't love him." Lord Nikolai is the eldest Wachter child, and a fervent alcoholic, constantly searching for mischievous distractions from his nobility. Obsidian Portal has a lot of really cool features that use JavaScript. He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he . Grunts is a senior guard at Fidatov manor, nicknamed after his taciturnity. Feel free to use any part of this as you please. Strahd feels an extreme guilt towards him, as he just couldn't resist the curse.Strahd's curse: this campaign is called Curse of Strahd, yet we never hear the curse. Mishka is the murderous miscreant of the Belview family, and likes to pull lethal pranks on anyone he can. Chauntea the Earthmother is the goddess of agriculture, growth and care. I had him record his memories in several gems (which made a pretty decent puzzle to recreate his story by arranging the sentences found here and there) that can be found around his tower. A remake/reboot of the original Ravenloft adventure module, Curse of Strahd is an adventure module for the fifth edition of Dungeons & Dragons. Mordenkainen of Greyhawk fame also makes an appearance in Curse of Strahd. Ezmerelda d'Avenir was the protg of Dr. Van Richten, and has become a formidable huntress in her own right, using more aggressive methods. This man isnt undead, either hes just a servant that Strahd keeps chained up in Castle Ravenloft to count his money for him! The key is to remember that Strahd isnt a brawler, hes a leader and his stat block reflects that. When he returned, a hundred years or more passed. A guide to give your rendition of Strahd some real bite. You should check them out. He lurks to this day on Mount Baratok. Martin is the more mild-mannered of the Tomescu twins, and is often led into trouble by his two brothers. Yolanda is the youngest member of the Martikov family at the Wizard of the Wines. Baron Vargas Vallakovich is the burgomaster of Vallaki, and credits his extreme ruling methods as keeping Strahd out of the territory. This is just one of the solutions for you to be successful. Drasha is a senior guard of Vallaki, and is assigned to monitor Azuron, Lael, Rowena and Schnoken when they first make an impact on Vallaki. Victor has packed up a spellbook and a mysterious bejeweled book with a lock on it to take with him. Chief Gallowbottom is the leader of Schnoken's former tribe in the Lunar Woods. The Mad Mage's mind connection to Strahd. You can not kill Strahd in Curse of Strahd You cannot kill the Mad Mage in Dungeon of the Mad Mage You cannot kill the Frostmaiden in Rime of the Frostmaiden You cannot kill the Princes of the Apocalypse in Princes of the Apocalypse. [18], Following the demise of the Circle of Eight at the hands of Vecna during the lich's first failed attempt at obtaining greater deity status, a grieving Mordenkainen was consoled by Elminster, as the wizards reflected on the fragility of their good deeds. Grygori is one of many talented smiths in his ancestry, having still only inherited a fraction of the abilities of the man he believes worked simultaneously with Strahd and Artimus Fidatov. 978-0786965984. Father Donavich is the reclusive priest of Barovia village, who prays night and day for relief from his dark circumstance. Strahd is a curse on the land from centuries ago. Since the dawn of Dungeons and Dragons, dungeon masters have been searching for the answer to a simple question. Mordenkainen's Magnificent Statblock is here! This is why she acts like a cat, and also why there are skeleton cats in his room. very interesting, on the home page the first part got me hooked! First published. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. mad mage; vistani "A mighty wizard came to this land over a year ago. Marzena is the most paranoid of the Belview family, and considered the most at-risk of escaping the Abbey. Burgomaster Ulrich was the last burgomaster of Berez and assistant to Marina's suicide. I did see the warning, but I sincerely hope my PCs don't see this article, and spoil the plot. This isn't feasible right now, as the party has no means to cure the Mad . Bildrath Chekhov has retained the most successful general store in Barovia village through his shrewd and diligent ways. Schnoken is an outcast from the Gallowbottom berserker goblin tribe, hiding amongst three tall-folk to survive. Mordenkainen's spells known in the Realms included: Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Lottie is the co-owner of the Beast's Rose tailor shop, having come up with the name after hearing one of Yonvich's stories. Varvara is the eldest child of the Vaskroffs, and was born without a soul. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. Recharged: Waterdeep Dragon Heist. After slaying them in a remote valley, Strahd was amazed by the regions beauty and dubbed the land Barovia. Strahd is as much a prisoner of Barovia as he is its master. Thunder shook the mountainside, and great rocks tumbled down upon the wizard, yet by his magic he survived. [13], Typically stubborn and one who did not suffer fools gladly, Mordenkainen could be difficult even with his friends. Strahd based purely on his stat block is problematic to say the least. Kelemvor the Deathmaiden, also known as the Raven Queen, is the goddess of death, judgement and time. Khazan was a powerful mage, and we already have all the lore in his chapter that is never given to the players. This is discussed in the Curse of Strahd book on page 24. He thought he could rally the people of Barovia against the devil Strahd. Scylla is a mysterious and powerful sea serpent that sits atop its eponymous cliff on a coastal Kven island. Father Lucien is the philanthropic priest at St. Andral's Church, burdened with the secrets of decades of confessions. Majesto is the imp familiar of Lady Wachter, loaned to her by Strahd. Asmodeus the Hellking is the ruler of the Nine Hells of Baator and is considered on-par with the Greater Deities. Giving way too much info out on the front page, imo. Use the Archmage in your campaign now with stats! Since his original showing in 1983 in the original Ravenloft, Strahd has instilled joy and fear in many dungeon masters and players alike. If you're playing with players with no knowledge of the Forgotten Realms lore, use a more interesting character like Traxigor. Dostron the Hellborn. Adrian is the middle son of Davian Martikov, and the main protector of the Wizard of the Wines. He believes that the Count is un-killable, and the prevailing tactic should be his appeasement. Each kingdom is ruled by a tyrant who committed sins in life and was awarded the title of Darklord by otherworldly forces known only as the Dark Powers. 2023 Wizards. Dr. Van Richten is a legendary huntsman and holy warrior whose vengeful career has spanned over twenty years. When the queen died, Strahds envy turned to hatred, especially when the woman he desired, a native Barovian named Tatyana, fell for Sergei instead of him. Put that eldritch imagination to the test, and remember to tease your players with this iconic line:The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner and you are invited!. Oghma the Allknower is the goddes of knowledge, inspiration and invention. Sporting 16 AC and 144hp, standard vampire resistances, vampire immunities, and his highest saves are +9. Pidlwick was the jester of Duchess Dorfniya who told him to work at Ravenloft in her will. So, reading ahead in the Curse of Strahd manual, I see that the players can learn that the Mad Mage of Mt. Session #13. Patrina was a lover of Strahd, and consoled him after the death of Tatyana and his vampiric transformation. Strahd shows himself multiple times throughout the campaign, standing ominiously and even interacting with the party directly several times. To me, this translates as an ability to endure under harsh conditions for the folks who have souls, at least. In Curse of Strahd. [17][note 1], He was also an acquaintance of Khelben Arunsun. Yevgeni is a man of few words, and the hunting partner of Szoldar Szoldarovich. Klutz was the moniker given by Strahd to one of his disgraced knights that 'fell on his sword'. Imagine a valley surrounded by mist, with the suns rays barely visible beyond layers of murky clouds. Roaming Barovia: This adventure is wide open. He became known by the locals as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok.". The heroes are born and bred Barovians and havereceived a letter in a fine flowing script inviting them up to the castle for dinner.Everyone in Barovia knows what this means - they are going to be Strahd's next blood slaves. Incentus was Lady Tereska's retainer and lover. But never in life you will grasp them Ma mai nella vita potrai averla. Mordenkainen, commonly referred to in local legend as 'the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok', is an ancient legendary wizard from a magical world. " The Philantropist: This card tells of history. Jeremy Crawford, Laura Hickman, Tracy Hickman, Adam Lee, Christopher Perkins, Richard Whitters. Vistani legend tells that he came to this land a year ago and rallied an army to face off against Strahd, eventually being driven into River . Strahd even has an accountant named Lief Lipsiege whos been an intriguing fixture of Ravenloft since the original I6 module. Sir. Volenta is Strahd's youngest active bride, and a former courtesan. Possibly because of his simple outlook, he has a remarkable way with animals. Arik is the soulless bartender of the Blood of the Vine tavern. If you just make these changes, everything in the books still works perfectly well. My players have gathered all the legendary items, completed a majority of the chapters and are currently level 8 (they will be level 9 when they fight Strahd). upgrade now Once prepared, you don't lose it unless you decide to prepare something different. Count Strahd von Zarovich is a vampire and the dark lord of the valley of Barovia. Maybe your players cured Mordenkainen's madness and he is no longer the "Mad mage of the mountain" or maybe you want to use him with the new book Mordenkainen's tome of foes! Marina was a noblewoman in Berez and reincarnation of Tatyana who was pressured into taking her own life by Burgomaster Ulrich. Marjane is a charismatic animal handler who enjoys meeting the few travellers who visit Merryway. Savid is one of the younger dusk elves. The Dreamsnarer is a gnome tinkerer in Merryway who made Arrigal's chiming watch. I like the idea of him being a murderous egocentric, but when you say his story out loud, with him murdering his brother because he couldn't get Tatyana to love himand then being obsessed with the girl that keeps rejecting him My players called him a simp since the first session, and I couldn't really blame them. There are segments of Barovian society that resist Strahds rule. His wartime experiences caused him to grow cruel, however. Madame Eva's tent swirls with smoke as she reveals the cards to the would-be adventurers. He teaches the contents of the books at St. Andral's Church and Orphanage, as well as privately. Duchess Dorfniya was a friend of Sergei and Tatyana, and frequent visitor to Barovia. Keep in mind Strahd is also a 9th-level caster and wont hesitate to befuddle and confuse players with a well-placed fireball through a fog cloud or even magically control them with his charm action. Sune the Firehair is the goddess of beauty, love and passion. Miral is a pianist, trained by Lady Fidatova to use the instrument built by her mother. how much is internet on princess? Pidlwick is an automaton effigy of the original jester of Duchess Dorfniya's court that Sergei and Tatyana liked to see perform. Queen Ravenovia was the wife of King Barov, the mother of Strahd and Sergei, and the namesake of Castle Ravenloft. The Harpy of Horinshire was a monster that hunted in the town of the same name before its capture by Dr. Van Richten. Unfortunately, Strahd thoroughly beat him and threw him over the edge of Tser Falls. If he Casts time stop, he'll be able to do it again after a long rest when his spell . Gender: Male At some point, Strahd became too lonely and returned to the material realm to spend an evening with Tatyana. Mordenkainen secretly survived, but he became overtaken by madness, paranoia, and amnesia. One could easily play Madam Eva as the grand mastermind behind all that happens in Barovia, manipulating both the players and the vampire himself for a benevolent cause. you will have instant access to your previous versions. This will save time for new users. Lancelot is Gertruda's dog and routinely searches for her on the Old Svalich Road and around Barovia village. If you want your product removed from this list, just tell us and it will not be included. Milivoj is the gardener and gravedigger for St. Andral's Church, having grown up in its orphanage. Morgantha is the matriarch of the trio living in Old Bonegrinder, and frequents Barovia village to sell her Dream Pastries. . Adventure - 5etools. Most villagers can't remember a time when she wasn't in business. Burgomaster Kolyan was the beloved burgomaster of Barovia village before his death during the siege of his mansion. How do I make a super cool final boss for my players? Arabelle is the only daughter of Luvash, and granddaughter of Madam Eva. [6], He later changed his hairstyle, favoring a bald head and a trimmed goatee, but lost none of his penetrating stare. Doru is the son of Father Donavich, and a former freedom fighter for the Mad Mage turned tortured spawn of Strahd. Strahd streams every Thursday 8pm BST at - Intro/Recap01:15 - Game B. The book enhances the original Curse of Strahd module, which you will still need. Come on, everyone is gonna love the mad otter mage! He would return in every subsequent edition of D&D. The PC's rallied together to recapture the vestige (in a very ghostbusters way), and returned it to the amber temple.One of the PC's (A wizard) picked up the staff in the temple, and was given the flaw that they desire power above all else.Then she proceeded to take every single dark gift offered to her, without the other players realizing. ontario lease agreement schedule a; who owns the steakhouse in wells maine; houston, texas population; $23 million dollar mansion; A rare moment of rest as the party decide what to do next. Party of 6 level 8's against Strahd and Rahadin, place your bets because it's happening today! You should check them out. Some extra changes:These are not really crucial to the story, but they do improve Curse of Strahd a lot in my opinion.-Victor wasn't just mean to Stella so she got mad. Isabella is Lady Fidatova's gardener and warden of the outskirts of her maze. My players really loved him (and I had lots of fun with a character that never gets the love he deserves). Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage More from this Title's Contributors Customers Who Bought this Title also Purchased . Bianca is the sadistic mate of Kiril, sharing much of his philosophy on what a werewolf should be. Urwin Martikov is the timid eldest child of Davian Martikov, the husband of Danika, and the father of Brom and Bray. He became known by the locals as the Mad Mage of Mount Baratok. Claudiu is the eldest son of Stefania and grandchild of Davian Martikov, and an aspiring swordsman, practicing on scarecrows. My question is: Does his appearance in . The latest of these incarnations is Ireena Kolyana. Stefan was a counsellor to King Barov and was often involved in the Barov's preferred tactic of misleading information for the enemy about the state of the kingdom. Recharged: Tomb of Annihilation. This is also the reason her spirit still lingers around. Heres one of my favorites, and check the links below as well. I will endeavor to not disrespect Barovia's dowager queen in the future.
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