There may be situations where a few idle words or thoughts actually manifest things in your life, for good or ill. If youre drawn to Lyra and/or youre a Lyran starseed, we will share more about Lyran starseed markings, our ancient star origins, associated gods, and how to incorporate these beliefs into your modern spiritual practice. Lyran Starseeds are ambitious, and they dont let anything get in the way of their goals. You deal with people fairly and you would never intentionally screw someone over. Its just as likely to be their problem-solving and goal-pursuing abilities at work. Doing so brings questions to your mind, and makes you curious about the nature of existence. Are You a Lyran Starseed? 12 Signs Your Soul Belongs to The Galaxy'S Throughout your whole life, youve always had a fascination for ancient history, civilizations, and lost lands. Im in the middle of my awakening, I believe, and I could really really use some guidance? Time to dust it off and play. You can see the value of tradition, but dont feel compelled to be bound by it. I felt myself get so excited reading your article. Lyran starseeds are anything but rigid. Lyran Starseed - Are you from Lyra? - Souls Space We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. When it comes to your body, you put a lot of effort into taking care of it. Lyra is a small star constellation viewable in the Summer months in the Northern Hemisphere. From twin flames to psychics to dream interpretation, we cover it all. Listen to this Lyran Starseed Transmission recorded by Steve Ahnael Nobel in London (September 2016). Its associated with sexuality. Lyran starseeds also love novelty and adventure. (I can, but as way of saying :p). Even those who arent into academia generally exhibit very high emotional intelligence. 1. At home now, I have three cats! i need help making sense of my path in life cus currently im also a drug addict. I find this interesting, because according to astronomy, the stars in the Lyra constellation are younger than our Sun. Starseed Types You Should Know About - Spiritual Unite But if theres a part of you that still wants to know more, I recommend speaking to a genuine advisor. With so many amazing qualities, its no surprise that Lyran Starseeds pull others towards them like a magnet. Well, enough left to explore, I am a Lyran with characteristics from other Starseeds as well. Try guided meditations on YouTube. In a proportion of 95%, I might be a Lyron Starseed. And the Lyran gods are calling. I have a deep connection to this group. Embracing spontaneity is a big part of that. Deep down, you have great trust in the flow of the universe, and you know that everything that happened will make sense in the big picture. And you feel as from the same blood type very interesting. They think hard and work hard, so they also like to play hard. Click here to get your own personalized starseed reading, Click here to get your personalized starseed reading, activities that are both physically and mentally stimulating, Click here to get your own professional starseed reading, Dreaming of someone you dont know? The insight is the perfect piece at the perfect time. You might even feel a deep sense of peace, connection, or nostalgia when looking up at the night sky. They look like bird-humanoids, and interestingly the star Vegas name in Arabic means Falling Eagle. Lyran Starseed traits and characteristics include: An older air or appearance. You might even consider chaos to be an essential part of your life experience. Lyran starseeds are adventurous people who often have a rebellious streak starting in childhood. I am dazzled, and my body is vibrating and tingling. I have characteristics of all three. I had connections to the pleiades, arcturians and siriansbut felt not to fit in there. This is one of the main reasons people gravitate toward you. Bastet is a grounding energy. You love to have a good time, whether its out partying with your friends or just relaxing in a bubble bath at home. In this context I find the term Starseed as somewhat of a misnomer in that unlike the waves of souls, referred to by Deloris Cannon, arriving here recently to help free humanity, many so called Lyran Starseeds have been here from the very very beginning and in many ways have created this planet and its civilizations in order to balance ancient Karma manifested from the wars that destroyed our planet. Of course the other traits fit me too. You stay away from junk food, stay active, and work little healthy habits into your daily routine. Lyra is a small constellation bordered by Draco, Hercules and Cygnus and contains the bright star Vega. If this list seems to describe you pretty well, then you might be a Lyran starseed. Youre probably a self-starter, able to have a goal, formulate a plan, and do whatever you need to do to pull it off. The most common Lyran symbols are the Lyre and the harp. You do not understand why some people around you seem to live in a state of constant fear of what tomorrow will bring. Jokes aside, you might be feeling a little overwhelmed about finding your Lyran Starseed mission right now. Below are 15 signs that you are a Lyran starseed incarnated as a human being: Lyrans have an adventurous nature which makes them lack the fear of change. So rather than becoming an expert in one single area, you cultivate talent and skill in various activities and fields. The sacral chakra is right above, just below the navel. If youre a proficient musician, channel your creativity and spirituality into your music and inspire others. Everything has intrinsic links, and so by raising the consciousness of others around you, you help to elevate the consciousness of the planet and galaxy. After everything that Lyrans have been through, it stands to reason that theyd be pretty unshakeable. 34 powerful signs you're a Lyran Starseed (and what it - Nomadrs This can even become a problem at times, especially if they want a different kind of connection than you do. You may find yourself deeply curious about the nature of existence and the creation of the universe. When you watch a movie or listen to music, you feel that there is a deeper value than mere entertainment. This is probably why they have such high confidence, eagerly pursue their dreams, and never back down from a challenge. the ability to go into a relaxed state easily, the ability to go into a deep trance easily, a common Lyran starseed marking: you may have a lot of the fire element in your birth chart. I am not a good fit in this role she wants to give me. Lyran starseeds are known for their healing abilities but must combine this with time alone to reflect and learn from their experiences. I like your explanations and deephnes. Having these answers made my spiritual journey a thousand times easier, and Im confident it will do the same to you. After some remembering I was able to forgive and let go of those emotions from so many life times. Hope you enjoy the journey with me. Historically, they were also believed to be instrumental in altering the course of humanity's development. Lyran Starseeds also make excellent athletes as they enjoy physical activities, pushing their limits, and competing fearlessly. So i wanted to say thank you and please keep up the work you are doing. planet .doesnt have any $$$$ on it. They often enjoy people-watching and hanging out in crowds, but generally arent into being the center of attention. Not just these, but every single site and video that lists them describes me as a person exactly. You have a deep inner wisdom that everything will work out no matter what. Just hope the next 3rd density You might find you excel at various sports, and you dont like to stay seated for hours on end. However, negative RH blood is generally more common among all Starseeds. Lyrans are some of the oldest starseed souls, and this explains why they tend to be some of the most experienced. may have Lyran starseed traits, particularly cat-like or lion-like traits; . They entered reincarnation cycles in these new star systems. As weve already mentioned, Lyrans are one of the oldest starseed races and originate in the Lyra constellation. The Feline star ancestors had a hand in humans origins including in the ancient civilization of Atlantis. You might find yourself straying from your path, trying out different things, and making some costly mistakes before you stumble on the truth. Now I know exactly what my soulmate looks like. im not all witchy but spirituality has been awoken in my life recently. You love to travel, and youre able to adapt to different environments quite easily too. A Lyran Starseed has a wide range of interests, and they have an intense passion for learning. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. As a result, their attention is stretched thin, and they may begin to neglect the people in their lives whether its their partner, friends, or family. Are You a Lyrian Starseed? 12 Signs to Know - What others particularly love about you is that youre able to hear anyone out, even if they have completely opposing views. Its unclear bcus at the end of if i was standing in a best buy telling my parents i want a redo . Mastering the energies of the divine masculine, they understand the power and effectiveness of hard manual labor. Well, Ive just stumbled upon a way to do this a professional psychic artist who can draw a sketch of what your soulmate looks like. After reading this article Im not feeling well with my first name anymore It just missed the L then it could resemble the word Lyran. If anything, theyre here to have a good time and teach humans to loosen up in the process. When your in alighnment with the all of everything, the All of everything is in alighnment with you. That explains why they often share so much in common with these two other starseed types! This is all very fascinating , Hey! You do not understand why some people around you seem to live in a state of constant fear of what tomorrow will bring. I stayed on the screen for about 45 seconds looking at me. Theres a shortcut to all that. A common characteristic of Lyran starseeds is their adaptability. You might even remember astral traveling and lucid dreaming since you . That means that the mission of Lyran starseeds probably isnt to guide the direction of human development anymore. You might even have a career in one of these fields. The Earth is part of one solar system, and Lyra is part of a separate one. This means you can easily excel at work, but also that you are more prone to burn out. We love hearing from our dedicated readers. Theyre just also very good at keeping their passions from getting out of hand. Then Id be most happy. Everything youve written in this article relates to me. Didnt the Lyran seed the Arcturians and the Arcturian seeded the Pleiadians. You trust the flow of life. They taught early man and are said to have made Lemuria and Atlantis the mighty civilizations they once were. With so many varied interests and passions, its easy for a Lyran Starseed to get caught up in everything. Starseeds are said to be alien souls who incarnate as regular human beings. This will give them access to great spiritual abilities to help them achieve their starseed mission. You trust that whatever is meant to be will be. So imagine how difficult it is when youre an advanced spiritual being! The main reason that Lyrans have such a strong sense of purpose is because they have recently reached a higher plane of existence, and are here to show the human of Earth how to do the same. Nobody else than me can know what I want from my carreer, my life, what I like and what is the best for me. I am from Vega. BUT also make healthy choices and care for your emotional and mental bodies, too. This a good article which Im resonating with a lot , so Ill research further . Put simply, Lyrans are a type of starseeds advanced spiritual beings that originate in other planets and realms. Are You A Lyran Starseed? 14 Major Signs, Mission & More (which I usually never do lol) Id like to share my experience of realizing that Im a Lyran Starseed! Thank you, Julia. I have reason to believe there was a great sacrifice involved and wondering if you have any insight on that? Lyran starseeds are often regarded as 'old souls', they live in the present moment and are regarded as the wisest ones among all of the . <3. Do the lyran starseeds know that they are such? I am also always happy, not jealous, when people reach their goals or dreams. They tend to be involved in sports at a young age and stay active into their golden years. You revel in food, drink, physical activity, and culture. Did you know that two planets where lyrans live are now just storage-planets? The Lyran Starseed Transmission: Clearing Ancestral Star Patterns/Preparing for the 5D Shift. The Orion Project - Lyran What often gives them away is their Lyran eyes. As was mentioned previously, all Starseeds carry some markers of their alien origins. Though Lyran Starseeds are generally down-to-earth and collected, there are moments when their temper will flare up. Since Lyran starseeds are offbeat thinkers, its not uncommon for them to express themselves through their hairstyles. Now I see looking forward to deeper meditations and connections to come. You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself. I first learned about the Lyrans a few months ago and was reminded of it today. You might even be a bit of a daredevil and feel drawn to skydiving, climbing and other extreme sports. As one of the most ancient and evolved types of starseeds, Lyrans have evolved a wealth of characteristic traits over the years. Have you any information about what happened to the Lyrans that caused many of these starseeds to take shelter in other systems such as Orion? Reading this made my energy escalate to the point that my Hannes felt like they were on fire. And to my surprise everything in your article resonates with me. This is completely understandable but of course, deep down you want to give your loved ones the time, attention, and care they deserve. And from your studies, do Lyrans have the ability to predict the near future or be able to talk to the lost souls? Although being a Lyran starseed can mean some feelings of loneliness and sadness initially, these introspective traits are likely to evoke an awakening of some sort. Reading about these characteristics gave me shivers all over my body and tears in my eyes and although this should speak for itself Im still doubting and continue to read everything I can find about the different starseed origins and try to figure out which one I am so ridiculous! As such, Lyrans had to flee to other planets and star systems. Lyran Starseed: 12 Signs You Belong To The Ancient Lyran - YouTube Why as i was reading this i started to tear up. Now, I fully understand my mission as a starseed, and I can direct all my energy towards fulfilling it rather than spending years on the wrong path. The symbol in Ancient Egypt, the picture, which is one of the pictures you come across the most, is the head of a bull with the horns . Click here to get your own personalized starseed reading. Unlike other races that feel they are just here to help, true Lyrans do not feel the belong elsewhere, or have a sense of missing our home.. Andromeda is the 19th biggest star constellation in the night sky, occupying an area of 722 square degrees., and is located in the northern sky. Everything else is just an identity Most Lyrans tend to be very confident and self-assured. IT WILL BE POLISHED LATER. But they share many commonalities: If youre a Lyran Starseed, youre probably curious to know more about your ancient roots. This could mean that Lyrans feel alienated from the masses. The truth is, its hard for even a regular person to find their soulmate. Maybe you feel strong emotions when a certain song plays. These Starseeds operate fiercely in the physical dimensions. These Starseeds are highly spontaneous and persistent and always have extremely high . I am a retired International Flight Attendant and recently a retired Registered Nurse, so I feel Ive done my duty, but I know I have more to give . It could be that you have had previous lives on Andromeda or that you are a hybrid of the two, and thats why both feel familiar . I have been drawn to lions my whole life since I can remember. Lyran starseeds are some of the most complex beings out there, and there are many more traits that you can use to identify yourself as one. Youll help others realize their true nature and transcend the limitations of the human experience. This intelligence can manifest in many different ways. The only thing that has been happening is a lot of Mystic ability letting me know along with my numerology chart! It is absolutely fascinating. Even though they generally dont like drawing too much attention to themselves, they dont really have a problem with being viewed as leaders. Wow. I just feel very connected to Lyrans can i have more information. Discover more about Lyra through spiritual journeying and meditation. You are not IN the universe, you ARE the universe, an intrinsic part of it. This often makes them into a bit of a generalist. You love to read and learn all about them, whether its Egypt, Greece, Rome, China, or any others. I remember when I saw the original Star Wars movie as a teenager in 1977, I felt a profound sense of loss and sadness upon seeing the death star blow up planets without knowing why. I have found peace with being alone. And not even rejection, setbacks, or criticism can stop you. 2. I was told I was a lyran starseed and everything it describes is me to a T. I read everything that u had written about it on here n I was really surprised..Im really glad to know this..thank u for this information.. Oh my if I hadnt been more understood.. this was such an interesting read thank you so much for sharing sending so much love and light, Youre welcome! I learned a lot from reading this. Id love to hear your thoughts in the comments! Finding out which starseed you are is a transformative experience. Sending you lots of love and blessings . OMG this video is so spot on I just cant believe it! Lyran Starseed Love and Twinflames Lyran Starseeds often tend to have love and twin flames who are also Lyrans. I was watching TV, we had satellite because it was the early 90s, and as soon as my mom walked out the door, the TV went to the old static no signal screen or the snow screen as Ive heard it referred to, and in the upper corner of the screen a very small head appeared and then it moved 3 dimensionally in a downward arch and got closer which made the head larger too. Am. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. Though some will be the same, as both are from Lyra. Besides being associated with Orpheus in the Greek mythology, the lyre is also connected to entertainment, fun and feasts. Remember to look out for your health and wellbeing, and that resting is also a key part of achieving our goals. Am I truly Lyran? Youre probably comfortable giving orders, and others are drawn to you for advice and direction. I agreed to what you said that we knew we have a purpose I have been taking notes as I receive answers. I also learned recently that Lyrans will have a marking somewhere on their bodies the shape of a lyre and I do! If youre ready to find out what your soulmate looks like, get your own sketch drawn here. spirit animals, which I have covered in this post, Best 21 Starseed Books You MUST Read In 2023, Are You A Blue Ray Starseed? Hi! Ive found fasting, nature time, meditation with light codes have really helped. But of course, you can still open up to people with a warm and loving attitude, and love making people laugh. Consider working with them in your spiritual practice. I just awakened a few months ago, however I do not have any memories yet from these times. Its already difficult for a regular human to figure out their purpose, let alone of the most advanced and evolved ancient spiritual races! i. Lyran starseeds are dyed-in-the-wool ambiverts. The Avians are some of the oldest beings in our Universe and theres speculation they come from another Universe entirely. But unfortunately, this home no longer exists. This connects with their intelligence, love of novelty, and problem-solving abilities. This particular trait is a gift, as it allows Lyrans not to get sucked into the toxic, self-obsessed nature of some societies on Earth today. Sometimes I hear people say that they are from there. But all this variety can mean that you constantly need more of it. Relationships are a key part of anyones life, and its another place we can find signs that youre a Lyran Starseed.
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