to say on the subject:The 17.41 signal was received by Santiago only 4 minutes before The Army unit also discovered that the wheels on the plane were in an upward position, so the crew had not attempted an emergency landing. Back to 'Vanished: The Plane That Disappeared' programme page. [22] Alternatively, the Morse spelling for "STENDEC" is one character off from instead spelling VALP, the call sign for the airport at Valparaiso, 110 kilometers north of Santiago. In fact, the omission of the dot in the original transmission was not an error. Morse transmissions prior to picking up voice communication. That's also how Carole Lombard died. Adding to the mystery, two Avro 691 Lancastrian aircraft had crashed during the previous seventeen months. STENDEC was corrupted into Stendek and became the name of a Spanish The chances of all of these failing are extremely low, so the theory of hypoxia and the anagram has been ruled out by many. The last word in Star Dust's final Morse code transmission to Santiago airport, "STENDEC", was received by the airport control tower four minutes before its planned landing and repeated twice; it has never been satisfactorily explained. In Britain, the news led to a hunt for surviving relatives. By 2002, the bodies of five of the eight British victims had been identified through DNA testing. How police solved the mystery of a VHS tape depicting sexual assault. As it turns out, STENDEC is an anagram of the word descent. One popular theory is that the crew, flying at 24,000 feet in an unpressurized aircraft, suffered from hypoxia. The experienced crew of the "Stardust" apparently realized the plane was off course in a northerly direction (it was found eighty kilometers off its flight path), or they purposely departed from the charted route to avoid bad weather. It wasnt until 1998 that a group of Argentine mountaineers climbing Mount Tupungato, approximately 50 miles east of Santiago, stumbled upon wreckage from the crash. The Chilean operator did mention how Harmers messages came through unusually fast, so there is every chance that some letters were incorrectly spaced and caused confusion to the control tower. [16] If the airliner, which had to cross the Andes mountain range at 24,000 feet (7,300m), had entered the jet-stream zonewhich in this area normally blows from the west and south-west, resulting in the aircraft encountering a headwindthis would have significantly decreased the aircraft's ground speed. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) Her sisters, boyfriend and sons knew nothing of her illness until suddenly, during a family gathering in October 2018 at a diner in Reading The Online Photographer lead me to this article. Ball lightning. Not understanding the word "STENDEC" he queried it Procedures for sending and receiving messages were and are standardised whether you are services or civilian operators.Regarding the 'mystery' surrounding Harmer's last transmission.Firstly, an operator always has in front of them a written copy of the message being sent. After the third time, communications ceased, and the aircraft disappeared, never reaching its final destination. The crew probably did not panic, but they were concerned about the lack of visibility and landmarks. What was experienced radio operator Dennis Harmer trying to say? destroyer escort during the 70's.We were morse code trained. French air safety investigators concluded in a 2012 report that the tragedy likely had been caused by an odd cascade of errors. STENDEC." That was the last communication sent in Morse code on August 2, 1947, by an Avro 691 Lancastrian aircraft flying for British South American Airways from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile. Possibly because he was finishing Very good writeup! [9] This leg of the flight was apparently uneventful until the radio operator (Harmer) sent a routine message in Morse code to the airport in Santiago at 5:41 pm, announcing an expected arrival of 5:45 pm. [10] The Chilean Air Force radio operator at Santiago airport described this transmission as coming in "loud and clear" but very fast; as he did not recognise the last word, he requested clarification and heard "STENDEC" repeated twice in succession before contact with the aircraft was lost. BBC2 9:00pm Thursday 2nd November 2000, Although science has solved The trekkers had abandoned their pack mules lower down, and ascended with what they could carry. The letter was not C. Nor were the first two letters of this strange message ST: / . Imagine your last communication with someone being the equivalent of covfefe and it turning into a mystery that people puzzle over for decades, I still have no clue what covfefe means and suspect people will puzzle over it for decades, British South American Airways (BSAA), the operator of the doomed aircraft, was a particularly unfortunate air carrier. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Harris Joel is a founding member and the resident keyboard wizard for Umphreys McGee AND a long-time Phish fan! Solve the Mystery of STENDEC Readers' Theories Set #3 Posted February 8, 2001 previous set The word STENDEC means: "Severe Turbulence Encountered, Now Descending, Emergency Crash-Landing.". . Whilst a reasonable theory on the surface, its unfortunately also quite reasonable to discredit. Then four years ago, several Argentinians climbing Mount Tupungato stumbled across part of a Rolls Royce engine, fragments of fuselage and strips of bleached clothing. Before this message a series of entirely routine messages had been On August 2, 1947, the Stardust, a Lancastrian III passenger plane with eleven people on board, was almost four hours into its flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile. The operator understood that Star Dust intended to land in four minutes, but the final word, STENDEC, confused him. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, Harris Joel is a founding member and the resident keyboard wizard for Umphreys McGee AND a long-time Phish fan! The most likely reality is that sending STENDEC was a mistake of some sort by Star Dusts radio operator. Background code. a new clue the truth is we will never know for sure what that final A person suffering hypoxia may possibly make the same mistake consistently three times in succession but is very unlikely to create an anagram of the intended word. . Sometimes These Enigmas Never Decipher. The investigators concluded that the aircraft had not stalled. All these variations seem implausible to a greater or lesser extent. Banksters, Peasants, and Kim Jong Un's Grandpa: A Parable for Our Times. The last two possible mistranslations both involve an input mistake of some sort, but there is another phrase which uses the exact same morse code sequence as STENDEC but with different spacing. It makes me want to write out the Morse code and play with the spacing. The first letter has to be V, and the rest just fall into place-ALP-a perfect match in Morse. between the letters). The weather on the day consisted of snowstorms in the Andes Mountains with moderate to intense turbulence, whilst visual contact with the ground would have been extremely low and unfit for flying. As the compressed snow turned to ice, the wreckage would have been incorporated into the body of the glacier, with fragments emerging many years later and much further down the mountain. SAR They hadn't passed Curico. - /. From this time Blast From the Past: The North Texas Skeptic, May 1999, Republican Senator Claims 'The Left' Will Start a Civil War Unless Federal Highway System Abolished, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including a Pot Farm, a Bank and an Airline, Popular Instagram Photographer Revealed as AI Fraud, Cutting IRS Funding Is a Gift to Americas Wealthiest Tax Evaders, Record 6,542 Guns Intercepted at US Airport Security in 22, Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm, US: Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine, Joel Cummins Umphreys McGee Keyboard Rig - January 2023 [VIDEO], Oklahoma Judge Transfers Lesbian Moms Parental Rights to Her Sons Sperm Donor. You can post your own LGF Pages simply by registering a free account with us. This theory is an easy one to break apart. The flight was conducted in zero-visibility conditions, so its unlikely the crew had any idea their plane was about to impact a mountainside. STENDEC. It would be the last anyone ever heard from Star Dust. This is a personal family mystery that got solved a few years ago, so nothing exciting that would have gotten media attention, haha. / - /. - we are unable to respond to further suggestions about the meaning Anagram Theory of the above, please follow the link to Martin Colwell's website here - People all over the world had reported hundreds of flying saucer sightings during the last two weeks of June 1947. It consisted of the single word "STENDEC". "Systems to the end navigation depends entirely on circle" (although The Chilean radio operator at Santiago states that the of an anagram in an otherwise routine message included a dyxlexic But there are no old, bold pilots. / / -.-. Pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place in 1998, when mountain climbers in the Andes found the planes Rolls-Royce engine. 1 Dec. 2010, Volume 24, Number 12: 1-5. In morse code, there are various short-hand acronyms and abbreviations which help convey much longer messages quickly. SCTI is the international airline code for Los Cerrillos Airport, and AR is a commonly used prosign for the word OUT, or End Of Transmission. Jos Avery has been posting his impressive photos Twitter continues to crumble bit by bit. One was a British diplomatic courier, a King's Messenger. Their curse was too much sky. Whilst many accepted that the fate of Stardust and its crew had been settled, the absence of a wreckage, along with the mysterious circumstances surrounding its final message, lead to widespread speculation, with theories spanning from sabotage to extraterrestrial in nature. the disappearance of the plane - coupled with its final strange In 2000 the Argentine Army detachment found the debris scattered over one square kilometer, a relatively small area, so the bomb theory was discarded. I thought this had been solved in a documentary I watched. clear that STENDEC is not what the message was meant to say. It was also, as OP says, unpressurized, so that passengers as well as crew had to breathe supplemental oxygen through masks while above 15,000 feet. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) By Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie Weird December 2010 Views: 31,881 Tweet The "STENDEC mystery," referring to the cryptic message sent by a Lancastrian airliner before it vanished in the Andes, is a staple of the UFO culture. Subscribe now for ad-free access!Register and sign in to a free LGF account before subscribing, and your ad-free access will be automatically enabled. The Army unit also discovered that the wheels on the plane were in an upward position, so the crew had not attempted an emergency landing. Another expose from ProPublica Bonnie Martin kept the bleeding secret for as long as she could. Dear NOVA, I am a radio amateur who actively uses the Morse Code. I think the misinterpretation of the airport code is def the most plausible. one mystery still remains. - / . If so, according to their timings, they had already passed Los Cerrillos, where they could have safely landed as intended, so this doesnt seem to make much sense either. They were so far off course they were trapped in the mountains struggling to survive for 72 days before they were rescued, and then only because of an incredible hike out of the mountains by two of the severely weakened survivors with no climbing gear or experience or any idea where they really were. Each letter in morse code consists of a number of unique dots and dashes, so to scramble a word like descent in such a way is highly unlikely, especially three times in succession. Furthermore, whilst it is relatively easy This page has been archived and is no longer updated. Solve the Mystery of STENDEC STENDEC Theories On August 2, 1947, Stardust 's radio operator sent a final message in Morse code to the Chilean radio operator then on duty in Santiago. STENDEC - Solved?! Although the larger mystery was finally solved, many still wonder how experienced pilots (there were three on board) lost control of the aircraft in a seemingly manageable situation. /- (ST) More Mysterious Disappearances That Were Later Solved Relatives of the crew and passengers aboard a British plane which plunged into an Argentinian glacier 55 years ago have been told this week their DNA samples match human remains recovered from a crash site 15,000ft up in the Andes. . ATLANTA (AP) The woman flying out of Philadelphias airport last year remembered to pack snacks, prescription medicine and a cellphone in her handbag. The word STENDEC was corrupted into Stendek and became. While the fate of Star Dust had finally been solved, remaining in its wake was still the mystery of the crews final messageSTENDEC. _. The captain, Reginald Cook, was an experienced former Royal Air Force pilot with combat experience during the Second World War, as were his first officer, Norman Hilton Cook, and second officer, Donald Checklin. In fact, this conspiracy ran for so long that even a Spanish magazine published in the 1970s, which was dedicated to UFOs and the paranormal, named itself after the now infamous morse code. It seems [19][20] This word has not been definitively explained and has given rise to much speculation. Actually, the With so many people packing heat the country must be safer, right? attention it is common to use the dots and dash for V as a calling When he asked for clarification, the crew repeated it two more times, STENDEC. -, Press J to jump to the feed. Ok, so that covers the theory of the mysterious phrase, but it doesnt answer the mystery of what happened to the plane. The searchers discovered one propeller, its tips scarred and bent backward, indicating that the prop had been revolving when the Lancastrian plowed into the Tupungato glacier. Was there a connection? State Sen. Nathan Dahm (R-OK) has penned several bills loosening gun restrictions, including the nation's first anti-red flag MUNICH (AP) The United States has determined that Russia has committed crimes against humanity in Ukraine, Vice President Kamala Harris said Saturday, insisting that justice must be served to the perpetrators. Something like "We're completely screwed.". / -.-. Are you an aviation enthusiast or pilot? Pages Sign In Register Forgot password? By Plane and Pilot Updated December 12, 2019 Save Article. This would have explained the suddenness of its disappearance, and the fact that large pieces of wreckage had not been spotted during a wide air and land search. The Lancastrian was an unpressurized aircraft, meaning that the crew and passengers could have been subject to hypoxia had their oxygen system failed, and so some suggest that this may have led to Harmer sending parts of his final message in a confused state. Listener Feedback: Provisos, Addenda, and Quid Pro Quos - Skeptoid Four letter ICAO codes for airports had Mistakenly believing they had already cleared the mountain tops, they started their descent when they were in fact still behind cloud-covered peaks. / - / . But the budgetary toll of persistent underfunding is unmistakable. enigmatic radio message was meant to mean. The searchers discovered one propeller, its tips scarred and bent backward, indicating that the prop had been revolving when the Lancastrian plowed into the Tupungato glacier. The Foreign Office yesterday confirmed that after initially unsuccessful attempts, Argentinian scientists have found close family matches. The Star Dust Mystery Damn Interesting DNA samples from relatives of the victims subsequently identified four passengers and crew. On Saturday 2nd August 1947, at around 1:45pm, an Avro Lancastrian Mk.III passenger plane known as Stardust departed from Buenos Aires, Argentina to make a roughly 3 hour 45 minute trip to Santiago, Chile. People all over the world had reported hundreds of flying saucer sightings during the last two weeks of June 1947. Conspiracy Theory Watch: Don't Drink the Kool Aid. STENDEC and STAR DUST are coded similarly in both English and Morse code, causing some to theorize that Harmer sent one when he actually meant the other. Since the programme transmitted we have received literally hundreds by aliens. case G-AGWH) rather than the romantic names airlines gave them. There's still no explanation for the loss of Star Ariel, but so many things went wrong with Tudors on such a regular basis that its disappearance is hardly to be wondered at. losing the first two dots) yields ETA LATE - apparently a common This would have explained the suddenness of its disappearance, and the fact that large pieces of wreckage had not been spotted during a wide air and land search. In January 2000, a 100-man search party from the Argentine Army clambered 5,000 meters (16,400 feet) up Tupungato Mountain, a 6,552-meter (21,490-foot) volcano, where it located parts of the plane, as well as human bones, at the base of a glacier. on initials. DNA clues reveal 55-year-old secrets behind crash of the Star Dust 2023 Little Green Footballs Its not even common practice for a plane to transmit its name at the end of a routine message, so this theory also unfortunately falls flat. The theory is the pilot mistakenly plotted their course as if they were leaving from a different airport, and it led to them crashing into a mountain. Something like "We're completely screwed.". Both men were last spotted being arrested by deputy Steve Calkins for driving without a license. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) But in the absence of This button leads to the main index of LGF Pages, our user-submitted articles. / - / . In either case, they attempted to contact what they thought was the nearest airport, Valparaiso, not Santiago. I remember him in his RAF uniform during the war. Really neat, I hadn't heard of this before. The official 1947 report into Stardusts disappearance highlighted a number of possibilities as to what likely happened to the ill-fated flight, with multiple factors potentially playing a role in its demise. Grand Duchess Anastasia (with her arm around her brother) is shown with the rest of the Russian royal family in 1913. STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) By Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie. They were in a remarkable state of preservation; freeze-dried by icy winds, the remains had not suffered bacteriological decay. I couldnt find a source for this, but according to theorists online, this was a known phrase for allied fighter pilots in WWII for if their plane was about to crash land. Blast From the Past: The North Texas Skeptic, May 1999, Republican Senator Claims 'The Left' Will Start a Civil War Unless Federal Highway System Abolished, A Christian Health Nonprofit Saddled Thousands With Debt as It Built a Family Empire Including a Pot Farm, a Bank and an Airline, Popular Instagram Photographer Revealed as AI Fraud, Cutting IRS Funding Is a Gift to Americas Wealthiest Tax Evaders, Record 6,542 Guns Intercepted at US Airport Security in 22, Interview With Oklahoma State Sen. Nathan Dahm, US: Russia Has Committed Crimes Against Humanity in Ukraine, Joel Cummins Umphreys McGee Keyboard Rig - January 2023 [VIDEO], Oklahoma Judge Transfers Lesbian Moms Parental Rights to Her Sons Sperm Donor. Discussion It's reported as looking luminous and spherical, and can vary in diameter - from pea-sized to several metres long. Replies analysing and speculating over the mystery and possible explanations are encouraged. "Why do so many earthquakes occur at a depth of 10km?" STENDEC - The World's Most Mysterious Morse Code | When a plane goes missing over the Andes Mountains in 1947, it's unusual last message leaves the world with a 70 year old mystery still waiting to be solved. Operating as Flight CS-59, aka Star Dust, the four-engine aircraft was en route from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile, with 11 people on board. [3][pageneeded], Star Dust carried six passengers and a crew of five on its final flight. Technology Inc. recognized signoff or 'end of message' signal was 'AR' (with no space The actual Morse code which the Chilean Operator believed she received was: S T E N D E C No distress transmission was received; the last broadcast from the aircraft was a routine position check, about two hours before it should have reached its destination. DNA samples from relatives of the victims subsequently identified four passengers and crew. radio operator and/or receiver in Santiago, and playfulness on behalf A quality comment reply on reddit my mind truly is blown. Various people came up with intriguing, imaginative and sometimes Their discovery revived. In 1997, an ultra-low frequency, weird but loud noise . Discussion Its designer, Roy Chadwick, died in one when a prototype crashed during a test flight in 1947. in other words 'EC' without the space. On 2 August 1947, Star Dust, a British South American Airways (BSAA) Avro Lancastrian airliner on a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile, crashed into Mount Tupungato in the Argentine Andes. A few days after Christmas in 2015, a woman in Sydney's south-west was contacted by police with shocking news. It was concluded that, being his first Trans-Andean flight in command, and in view of the weather conditions, Cook should not have crossed via the direct route, and despite the absence of a wreckage, the plane likely perished somewhere along the snowy peaks of the Andes Mountains. this method of communication. Several people have pointed out that They had been . STENDEC Solved (Mystery message from 1947 Andes plane crash) By Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie Weird December 2010 Views: 31,837 The "STENDEC mystery," referring to the cryptic message sent by a Lancastrian airliner before it vanished in the Andes, is a staple of the UFO culture. The radio operator meant to say Stardust. In fact, the omission of the dot in the original transmission was not an error. Yet one mystery remains:. When you try to send too quickly that rythm disappears. As might be inferred from that lineage, it was uncomfortable, noisy, and cramped. Miracle in the Andes is an excellent book by the way. / -. / - (Descent) reception of the signal was loud and clear but that it was given For regular taxpayers, the consequence is slow customer service and processing delays. On August 2, 1947, the Stardust, a Lancastrian III passenger plane with eleven people on board, was almost four hours into its flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile. Recent Pages by Shiplord Kirel (Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie): This is the LGF Pages posting bookmarklet. Plane and Pilot builds on more than 50 years of serving pilots and owners of aircraft with the goal of empowering our readers to improve their knowledge and enthusiasm for aviation. [10], The staff of the BBC television series Horizonwhich presented an episode in 2000 on the Star Dust disappearancereceived hundreds of messages from viewers proposing explanations of "STENDEC". These included suggestions that the radio operator, possibly suffering from hypoxia, had scrambled the word "DESCENT" (of which "STENDEC" is an anagram); that "STENDEC" may have been the initials of some obscure phrase or that the airport radio operator had misheard the Morse code transmission despite it reportedly having been repeated multiple times.
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