They are articulate, witty and love to charm others with their sharp minds. A Gemini by nature is inquisitive. However, while they may discuss everything under the sun and share funny anecdotes about their life, Geminis may hide their true self from people. So, they may leave many quests incomplete in search of something more interesting. Their minds tend to change every 15 minutes, albeit that would be a bit of exaggeration. Because of your boastful nature, you don't know how to take criticism well. When theyre surrounded in a tough situation that they hardly handle, they will become stressful and isolate themselves to the surroundings. Outgoing People Persons. Negative traits of Gemini moon are that these people are easily anxious, feel inadequate, and are often indecisive when it comes to big decisions. Geminis have a dual personality. As per astrology experts, a few personality traits of Librans can bring hassles in their life. A woman with a Capricorn Sun Gemini Moon is powerful, moral, and intelligent. The Gemini Moon woman is a master at multi-tasking. I think you can enlighten me about your traits you would like to change. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Gemini Moon man traits will be seen immediately in his behavior. Those born under this moon sign are quick thinking individuals who need to have social interaction in order to feel complete. In general, this social butterfly loves to stir up their relationships for pleasure and enjoyment. He wants to be loved and pampered but doesnt want to return love and affection The Full Moon in Gemini often makes . Its no wonder they always end up at the center of attention in any room! She is inquisitive about human relationships and likes to study people and how 15 Negative Traits Of Gemini Man Or Woman, Infographic: Negative Character Traits Of Individuals Of The Gemini Sign. Gemini Sun, Cancer Moon Personality Traits. Gemini moon's need for mental stimulation can make them restless as they struggle to remain in the present. People with Mithun Rashi are excellent observers. That explains why they prefer to be alone and enjoy the life to the fullest instead of seeking any commitment. You find difficulty in handling emotions. What you should know about Gemini: Personality Traits and Character, Love and Mysteries, Relationships and Compatibility with other astrological signs! Its such an incredible experience for anyone to be in love with Gemini. Individuals born under Gemini will eventually settle down only if they find the right partner. Thanks now I understand better. People who have Gemini moon sign are naturally street smart. So next time when you think you have fooled a person having Gemini as their moon sign, think again! However, they get bored before gaining in-depth knowledge and often move on after getting familiar with some surface facts. When Gemini Moons are overwrought, they show different faces . These men like to know that they are loved and desired. Once you can break the hard mask a Gemini is wearing, you will then have a trustworthy, persistent partner. Because of many differences in characteristics, these people find it hard to get along well with individuals born under earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, and Taurus) and water signs (Cancer, Pisces, and Scorpio). In this article, were going to discuss Gemini negative traits to understand a Gemini better. Though they give each other the right space but their unreliability makes them impossible as a trustable partner. Mess Is Your Second Name; Moon and Mars square Neptune in Pisces. They are highly intelligent and enjoy intellectual conversations, but may struggle with commitment due to their need for variety. Some people think they are being pulled in too many . Like everything in the world, if there are positive traits associated with the Gemini moon sign, so are negative ones. Articles and advice on relationships, love, dating, and marriage. This is an exceptionally social placement and very good at picking up on new trends that people are talking about. 1. When it comes to love, Gemini, similar to Aquarius, will be hesitant to commit. But the battle between the two personalities for dominance can make them indecisive. Honestly, Gemini and Taurus astrologically are not compatible because there are many differences between them. Family Relationship: Why Is It Important And How To Build It? The Moon also shows your parents and you as a parent in the natal chart. All zodiac signs have a favorable and challenging quality or characteristics. Gemini moon sign natives love to work with their logical abilities. Gemini Moon Traits (Negative) We should not neglect another aspect of the picture while being in the hangover of all the positive Gemini moon sign traits. They quickly start feeling lonely and sad. This makes these women very intelligent, with a fast, rational mind and a great capacity to absorb a lot of knowledge. Or bad for havin such fear of being controlled and because of that Well, they are not really patient; thats why they dont like to listen to others. If a Scorpio has been hurt before, they struggle mightily to trust again. With that, if you have a Gemini moon, then perhaps it is one of the reasons why you can be inconsistent at times. Gemini can be good teachers and they are good at reading body language so they can pick up on peoples moods due to their keen observational skills. He is excellent at expressing himself and always seeks to learn more about his own complex personality. When two Gemini get close to each other, they are one of the most active couple of all the Zodiac Signs. The Traits Associated With the 12 Moon Signs. This may sometimes lead them into confrontations when others only want advice, not an involved discussion. Gemini is an air sign, and people with a Gemini moon tend to be very communicative and social. They are rational females and find great happiness in reading and experiencing something new. They also lack the ability to make important decisions and often feel anxious as well as nervous at certain events they come across. Gemini females are not going to like this because they are insecure, clingy and need consolation always after every silly crises, trivialities and imaginary fears. Geminis are the wittiest of the Air sign gang. Her main fields of interests are past lives, karmic bonds, and a souls purpose every person has. It involves two people and it has to be like this . He thinks he shows love by doing physical things for me or offering financial support . Engaging in intellectual conversations makes them feel animated. No one can exactly tell where their indecisiveness has rooted from, but this is true for most Gemini. She is distant and moody at one point and gentle and caring at the next. This can be exciting, but it can also lead to some of Gemini's negative traits. It brings us back to earth, it imposes us to be lucid, not to lie, to be aware of our satisfactions, of our lacks, of our desires, of our emotions . People who have Gemini as their Moon sign tend to cling to things that don't deserve attention. The Moon Sign is said to reflect who a person truly is deep down inside them and to reveal their romantic nature. They can spin the truth a little and tell tall tales to keep their audience enthralled. We should not neglect another aspect of the picture while being in the hangover of all the positive Gemini moon sign traits. Their curious minds force them to push their intellectual boundaries. They tend to be flighty or scatterbrained. People with Mithun Rashi are the ones who can make you feel at home when you are in their proximity. Although a Gemini has enough experience to account for the reasons behind everything people from the same age group will ever come up with, the fact that they can not stick to anything, in particular, is a matter of great concern. by Ryan Hart | Updated on April 6, 2021 | Post may contain affiliate links. Gemini loves flirting, attention and extraordinary things. They make a great team, but in every way, they are difficult to pin . 2. In Vedic astrology, Gemini is known by the Sanskrit name mithuna, or "the twins.". You literally "shoot" words into the air. Very broad-minded and adventurous, your mate has a huge love for travel, and you will surely attract them if you also share this interest. Its like babysitting a little emotional toddler. A person with the Gemini zodiac sign often makes it a point to carry out the conversation no matter how boring it may seem for him. The constant need for communication and activity can seem a bit incessant at times, but this represents a desire to be with others. Read for more information. Everyone loves to be pampered, so does Gemini. They are witty and sometimes, even cunning. Gemini women are very open to new experiences, traveling to new places, and meeting new people. They give importance to IQ over emotions. Geminis are happy-go-lucky people. According to Navamsa Chart, the majority of early fortune tellers believed that the 12th house represented your secret foes and, in general, anything negative or horrible in your life. 5 Key Takeaways. Ryan Hart is a relationship science and technology writer. Gemini is restless and always on the go. There are people in the world who remain detached and are still complete in many ways because their needs are limited and so do not want to carry any emotional baggage, but you do not fall in this category so reconsider and then move on. Specialty: Karmic And Relationship Astrology, Alice Alta is an author and practicing astrologer with seven years of experience. The restless nature of a Gemini causes difficulty for them to stay rooted in a place for a long time. With her nature and characteristics, of course she wants to fit in; however, she has no idea how to do that. One thing is sure: They look at things from the perspective that best . The traits Gemini combined with the Moon help create a woman who is adaptable and loves to keep busy, while always having room in her heart for others. What is a Gemini moon woman personality like? These qualities make them excellent plus ones for social events as they can hold their own in social settings. These traits can be used positively and negatively, depending on how they choose to use them. Born under the sign of the Twins, Gemini has a duel nature that easily fluctuates from lively and charming to dark and mysterious. You will find these people actively engaged in social networking platforms, updating status, leaving comments, etc. They do not like waiting; therefore, grab every chance you have to take action. Gemini Moon Personality Traits. Gemini Moon Sign: Fears. BAM, chances are high you crash into a Gemini at happy hours club, dinner parties, and dance floors. Gemini moon sign natives can be obsessed with their possessions and may get highly offensive when someone tries to take them away from them. It's not wrong to be nervous sometimes. Negative Traits of the Moon in Gemini. They enjoy being the center of attention wherever they go. In an astrological chart, it indicates areas where you are expressive and experimental in your efforts. They are quick-witted and can readily change an opinion if confronted with a more valid one. You may have all the wealth in the world but if your partner is emotionally blank then take a u turn and think seriously about whether it is really worthwhile to pursue it. Geminis are social butterflies with a wide circle of friends and acquaintances. Rekindle your love. The typical Gemini cant stay in one place for a long time because of his restless nature. All the unique traits make them like a special person. She is the head of content for Futurio: Horoscope & Astrologyapp. They are very organized and detail-oriented, focusing on the big picture while keeping their eyes on the present. Their personality traits include being a good communicator, social butterfly, flirtatious, intelligent, witty and fun to be around. They thrive on communication verbal and written learning as they go along. Thats why its hard to get a Gemini man to come back in love! You must get used to the fact they are natural-born flirts. Perhaps the most interesting quality of the Gemini lies in their being good at persuading people. Let's see what they are. If you are at home with nothing to do, you need to find something to occupy yourself. The Gemini rising is chatty, and always looking at life from new angles. Your right My name is Wasil I am also Gemini, and my wife to be is Taurus, and I love her, she is intelligent, patients and calm. While they reserve the talent of manipulation for entertainment purposes, sometimes, they may use it to turn the situation in their favor. They can offer it, but the way they answer you will surely irritate you. They both prove to be encouraging to the other partner to grow, learn and succeed. They cant focus on one thing for too long but do not commit to one thing and see it through. With some effort, Geminis can work on these traits to become the best version of themselves. This air sign is very good at making friends and establishing relationships with others, and has a higher than average appreciation for the opposite sex. We are 5 years into our marriage and I feel oppressed and neglected Geminis enjoy taking up new challenges and often try multitasking. The seemingly positive Gemini traits tend to backfire to the person. They are known as the jack of all trades as they try various things and have many enriching experiences. The fickle nature makes it difficult for them to focus on one thing and see it through. If you were born between June 21 and July 22 (like me! When dealing with a Gemini-born individual, keep in mind they want a partner who loves traveling, has good education, and has talents. Now lets see the other aspect of this. With their mischievous streak and quick wit, Gemini moon men might be the most complex signs of them all. Its probably because of their dry humor! Gemini and Taurus will get along if Taurus is open to learning from Gemini, the reason Gemini is a ahead of Taurus in the zodiac, the sign which is ahead of you in the zodiac you have lessons to learn from that sign, and Gemini must be tolerant towards Taurus short comings. Geminis have a curious spirit and an innovative attitude. Most of their life is the result of the decisions taken by their rational self, rather than the emotional ones taken in an impulse. They like to go around and make friends with different people. Plus, they dont carry baggage from the past; this could make others think that they are really insensitive. 21 Unique Gemini Woman Traits And Characteristics, Gemini And Gemini Compatibility In Love, Sex, And Friendship, Zodiac Signs That Are Best Match For Gemini Man, 125 Best And Funny Wedding Captions For Instagram. Just one second and she can switch from a people person to a homebody. She loves to learn and is highly communicative with bountiful amounts of energy. This rule explains the personality of Leo moon. I like that you want to change those traits Im in love with a Gemini man and he is like night and day at times- it gets frustrating, but I love him, but dont want to be clingy- I wonder if somehow you could private message me? Gemini-Scorpio individuals can be intensely passionate . This is why most people fall for them even if they do not intend to please everyone. Have a look at type of woman Gemini is interested in! There are almost negligible chances of damage because of miscommunication when a person with a Gemini moon sign is involved in the loop. Gemini Moon woman has many things she wants to accomplish. They are the type instantly jumping in a situation without considering consequences at all. She can be seen in many places at once, and balances her skills in teamwork and the arts. What Is A Serial Dater And How To Spot One? Can I believe him? Talking about Gemini negative traits in love, they are pretty fickle. You feel more restless and keep yourself busy with multiple interests at the same time. Air signs are smart, quick and swift; they think more than they do or feel. Gemini moon natives possess commendable communication skills. Gemini moon sign creates the connection that comes while sharing their ideas with others. It is no surprising if they are in two romantic relationships at the same time. They both are restless and there is shallowness in their feelings as a result no one is able to complete and satisfy the other. This becomes relevant when we talk about companionship as one of the most prominent traits of Mithun rasi. The period of the sign lasts from May 22 to June 22. Thus, taking a break when required can help them deal with their anxiety. However, this flexible nature could make them impulsive. Being the consummate entertainers, Geminis want to do everything to keep people around them interested. They may tend to unnecessarily interfere in other peoples business and create more adversaries. They are often fascinated in having a variety of relationships in their lives as well as holding many different career positions. She is a bundle of energy who enjoys interacting with others. For Gemini Moon signs, they'll never find it hard to come up with sharp quibbles and dual entendre. 2. . Gemini - Negative Traits. Overall, people born under the Gemini zodiac sign have a bad quality of not expressing themselves emotionally, and this makes others isolate them. Apart from that, you also know the lucky aspects of their life, their love compatibility, the best career options for them, the recommended Mithun Rashi names and characteristics, and the Mithun rasi symbol. Unfortunately, the same can't be said about Gemini men - they are so inconsistent, but you may not notice this straight away. Whatever they do, theyve never prepared additional plans; thus, dont ask a Gemini about the plan B if things dont work out as they wanted. 1. Though they are seemingly confident, Gemini indeed can feel anxious easily most of the time. The worse he behaves, the more you are rewarded for putting up with it. Become careful with being committed The majority of Gemini are incredibly superficial in nature, which could end up causing huge misunderstanding for them. Gemini. Geminis tend to enjoy being in relationships, but find it difficult to commit to just one person for long periods of time. As a result, sometimes selecting one thing can be challenging for them. Totally romantic, a typical Gemini would love to be showered with surprises, gifts and loving gestures; however, they wont be amazed with ordinary things. Let's have a look at some negative traits of the zodiac Gemini. These are some of the positive Mithun Rashi characteristics. Hes never hit a woman before. The Gemini zodiac sign has a very go-with-the-flow personality and they're always searching for the next adventure. 1. Gemini is naturally charismatic, too. However, this leaves . Her critical and sarcastic traits usually annoy people. While sharp intellect is their strength, it may cause them to overthink, adding to their decision-making woes. This is because Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication. I dunno about you girls, but to me, consistency is everything in a relationship This is probably why I ended up with a stable and reliable Taurus man! Geminis are always on the lookout for new adventures. Using their ability to communicate efficiently, they can easily get what they wanted from a person. Good Traits. 1. They are fun-loving, charming, and sociable. On a windy day, they are like a kite they love to let their thoughts fly, spin and . Capricorn in sun Gemini in moon women are experts in business and love. Gemini is a high-energy sign. Gemini women are considered the epitome of curiosity. You get into mischief when your need to know runs wild and turns into negative gossip. Gemini moon men are romantic and are very flirty. They are chatty, energetic, and have a great sense of humor. Gemini are genuinely interested in other folk and what is going on in their lives and their heads. They will never leave you guessing about how they feel. Their intellectual natures mean they hate being emotional and yet the more they try to suppress their feelings, the more these will come oozing out. Live Support (9:30 AM - 6:00 PM IST) +91-11-24654365 . These traits need not necessarily be seen in all Librans as each person is different and unique. Gemini moon sign personalities enjoy synergistic .